Chapter 81

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"Do you, Kimberly Marina Burgess, take Adam Patrick Ruzek to be your husband?"

"I do," Kim said, looking lovingly into her husband's eyes.

They were standing on a beach in the Bahamas, with only the minister and a few select friends a family on their section of the beach. It had been hired out for their use. Even though it was January, the weather was warm in that part of the world, and they had been blessed with a beautiful day for their wedding.

The minister turned to Adam. "Do you, Adam Patrick Ruzek, take Kimberly Marina Burgess to be your wife?"

"I do," Adam said with a big smile on his face. It made Kim giggle.

Watching on from just behind and beside Adam, his position for the service as best man, Jay couldn't have been more delighted to see his two close friends so happy.

"You may kiss the bride," the minister took pleasure in saying.

Adam leaned in and kissed Kim softly on the lips, and the small crowd broke into applause. After four months of engagement, they were now married.

"I pronounce you husband and wife," the minister said, smiling.

Jay looked across the 'aisle', such as it was on the beach, at Erin. She looked truly gorgeous in the pale green dress she was wearing as maid of honour. Her hair was now well below shoulder length, and had returned to its natural brown. He really liked her current look a lot.

Beside her stood twelve year old Clementine, holding a little bouquet of flowers. She looked adorable in a dress the same colour as Erin's. For once, her natural wavy hair wasn't in pig tails, and there was certainly no sign of a baseball cap. She seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the short Bahamas trip, and the wedding ceremony itself. Just seeing his favourite two girls, his whole world, so happy made him feel warm inside.

"Is this where I throw my bouquet?" Kim called to the women on her side of the aisle.

"Throw it whenever you like, just don't throw it to me," Erin said. It was a joke, drawing laughter from pretty much everyone, but Jay took it a bit to heart. He had the idea of proposing in the back of his mind. Now he wondered if it was the right thing to do. The last thing he wanted was to pop the question and get no for an answer. He knew that would mess his head up if it happened.

Kim had turned around so that her back was to the crowd. She threw her bouquet over her shoulder. Jay watched it sail high out of Erin's reach, before someone plucked it from the air. It was Raquel Gonzalez. Next to her was her partner, Zelina Vega. Everyone started cheering.

"What do you think of that, Z?" Jay called.

"I hear wedding bells already," Ruzek cried in between the laugher and cheering.

Jay couldn't tell who looked more embarrassed, Raquel or Zelina. He had never seen Raquel embarrassed before, which made the moment even funnier.

"That wasn't fair. She had a height advantage," Deonna Purrazzo complained with good humour.

"Ohh wait until I tell Sylvie how keen you are to get married," Kim said, drawing more laughter.

Unfortunately, although Sylvie Brett had been invited, she hadn't been able to make it to the wedding due to her supervisors being inflexible and refusing to grant her leave. It was a real shame, but it was the only thing that hadn't worked out in regard to the wedding planning.

With that, it was time to move on to the formal wedding photographs. The photographer took charge of proceedings. First up, he asked the women to all come forward so that he could take pictures of them in various combinations. Clementine was included in the group.

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