Chapter 149

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"Okay, that's you pretty much set," Adam said as he slightly adjusted Jay's tie for him.

It was just the two of them in Jay's room at the beachside hotel in Barbados that had been booked for the wedding. The kids were with Erin. Or, more accurately, with Kayla, who would be doing most of the parenting on wedding day. Hank, Kim and Zelina were also over in Erin's room.

A knock came on Jay's door. "That's Will's knock," he said to Adam, who was promptly on the way to the door.

Sure enough, Will Halstead was standing there when Adam opened the door, along with Raquel Gonzalez.

"Hasn't run away, has he?" Will asked cheerfully.

"He wouldn't dare," Raquel said. "He knows I'd go after him."

"I can hear you, you know," Jay said, coming around the corner with a smile on his face.

"There he is," Will said, walking in. "All set?"

"I think so," Jay said confidently.

"Nervous?" Raquel asked as she joined them.

"Actually, no," he said, choosing not to tease her about how anxious she had been at her own wedding. He knew that coming from him, she might take it to heart. He had learned as their friendship had grown that she took his opinions and advice seriously, and that meant something to him.

"You're right not to be," Adam said. "Nothing is going to go wrong today, and the vows aren't as nerve-wracking as you think once you're standing there saying them."

"We've gone for the 'repeat after me' option, so even I can get through that without making it a train wreck."

Everyone laughed at Jay's self-depreciating humour.

"We should get down there," Adam said, glancing at his watch. As best man, it was his job to keep everything on track.

The group made their way down to the hotel's lobby, then through to the rear exit, which was almost directly onto the beach. As part of their wedding service packages, the hotel cordoned off 'their' part of the beach for happy couples. For Jay and Erin's wedding, there were only a handful of chairs there, as not many guests were attending. They had decided to go for a minimalist approach to the service, and to the guest list. In any case, asking people to pay for flights and accommodation in Barbados was a lot for a wedding, in their view.

"Jay, look at it. Literally perfect," Raquel breathed.

Jay felt in awe as he took in the scene. The beach's sand was almost white, and the sea and sky were both the purest blue he had ever seen. There could be no better backdrop for a wedding ceremony. As yet, only the photographer and the vicar were there for the service. The other guests would be arriving with Erin, soon.

"Hot day to be wearing a suit," Jay said, mainly just to have something to say as he led his group up the little aisle past the empty chairs.

"Won't have to wear it for long," Raquel said, looking forward to the beach party that was lined up after the service. The hotel was providing a private portion of the beach and laying on food and drinks, all as a part of the wedding package.

"Let's get him hitched first. We can party afterwards," Will said.

"I think that's exactly what she meant," Adam said, and everyone laughed but Will.

"Good morning," the vicar said when the group reached where he was standing. He shook Jay's hand.

"Morning. All set and ready to go," Jay reported.

Will and Raquel sat down on the front row of the two on Jay's side of the aisle. Even those seats wouldn't all be used. In truth, he was delighted to have a small, intimate celebration. Having loads of guests would have made the day a lot more stressful, and he simply wanted to enjoy it.

Keeping It in the Family (Linstead)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن