Chapter 137

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Elsewhere that night, Zelina Vega and Raquel Gonzalez were cuddled up on their couch after dinner. Raquel had waited for this moment to voice something that had been on her mind for a while.


"Yeah?" Zelina said, in a relaxed tone, her head resting on her fiancée's chest. They had their arms around each other.

"I've been thinking about speaking to Erin and asking her to put me forward for promotion to sergeant."

Zelina sat up and looked at her. "Seriously?"

"You don't think I should?" Raquel said, immediately doubtful.

"What? I absolutely think you should. I'm just surprised you're thinking about it. You told me not long after we started dating that you'd never be interested in a leadership role."

"Yes, well, never was a stupid word to use. And I've changed a lot since I've been with you, and with Intelligence."

"Changed? Grown. That's the word. You make me so proud, mami. And I definitely think you could make sergeant. You have the experience, you have the knowledge, and you're the most legit chingona in the world." Chingona meant badass woman in Spanish.

"In the world? I'm not so sure about that. But chingona? You know it," Raquel smiled. "What I'm unsure about is leading people. I've never led a team before really."

"You're a natural leader, mami. You don't even notice how people follow you at work, but I do. Erin should give you a chance to show what you can do. I think you should start by asking her for that."

"There's also Ruzek to consider. He's already second-in-command, and he's got his eye on the boss's office if Erin moves up the ladder."

"When, not if," Zelina opined. "They're already making her lieutenant. She might think she's staying in Intelligence for good, but the higher-ups have other ideas."

"I think you're right. Sergeant Gonzalez for the next boss does sound good, doesn't it?"

Zelina kissed her. "It sounds wonderful, mami."


On the way back from their visit to Jason Jordan's wrestling school, Jay and Erin had agreed to keep the visit and its outcome secret from Clementine until the coming Saturday, when they were going to take her out to buy some wrestling attire. They would keep the destination and the reason for the trip secret until they got there, wanting to make the surprise even better for her.

Then a problem had dawned on Jay. "You know what we should have asked him?" he had said.

"Where to actually buy wrestling attire," Erin had realised as soon as he had said it.

Thankfully, a call to Michael Acevedo had paid dividends. He had passed on a name and location for a sports store in Chicago where he had been able to buy some attire for his daughter Ruth.

But first there was Friday's shift to work. They were in early, which made it a bit of a surprise when they discovered that Gonzalez and Vega were already in. Gonzalez was at her desk, and they could see Vega through the glass wall of her office.

"Raquel," Lindsay said in greeting.

"Sarge, can I speak to you in your office?"

"That's formal for this time of the morning," Lindsay noted. "Sure, you can talk to me. Fix me a coffee first, huh?"

"Sure," Gonzalez said, standing up. It was an unwritten rule that Lindsay didn't make her own coffee if someone else was in.

Halstead watched his partner head for the canteen with two cups in hand, wondering if everything was okay with her. He figured that if it concerned him in any way it wouldn't be long before he found out.

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