-Chapter 29-Professor Trelawney

Start from the beginning

"Did you see anything?"- He asked me.

"I saw us sitting on a bench."- I said.

"Wait really? I did too."- He said kind of shocked. "What were we doing?"

"I don't know. Probably talking."- I said as Draco started laughing.

I hit him with a book and he said.

"Ok professor Snape I will stop laughing."

"What did u see?"- I asked Louis.

"Same thing as you."- He said. "This is close future so it makes sense."

He had a point.

Class ended and we walked out of classroom.

We were walking around and saw a big group of people behind professor Trelawney and Umbridge.

"What's happening?"- I asked Cho while Louis was standing next to me.

"It's professor Teelawney."- She said.

We saw her standing on her stuff and Umbridge walking towards her.

"16 years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my hone. You can't do this."- She said on edge of her tears.

"She was my favorite professor."- Louis said.

"Shush."- I said as he smiled.

"Actually, I can."- Umbridge said as professor started sobbing.

Professor Mcgonagall ran to her and hugged her.

"Something you'd like to say, dear?"- Umbridge asked professor Mcgonagall.

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say."- She said.

Second later doors opened and we all looked towards it. It was Dumbledore.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?"- He said as they thanked him.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23..."- She continued as I got distracted by Louis talking.

"Who does she think she is?"- He asked.

"We can always step on her."- I said laughing a little.

"Bet."- He said.

"You have right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster."- He said.

"For now."- She said.

"I want to avada kedavra her."- Louis said.

"Louis!"- I turned around to him. "If someone heard you now you would be expelled."

"Worth it."- He said smiling and looking at me.

"Don't you all have studying to do?!"-Dumbledore yelled.

"Yep we have."- I pulled Louis away from crowd. "We're going to library."

"I don't have a choice."- He said as I was pulling him.

"Poor you."- I said.

We entered the library and sat down.

"If someone heard what you said about that spell you would be expelled at the moment."- I said looking at him dead serious.

"I was just being honest."- He said smiling.

"I can't with you sometimes."- I said smiling.

I opened my homework.

"When did we learn this?"- I asked.

"Your asking me?"- He said.

"Right."- I said.

I finished my homework and went to close the book.

"Wait what's the answer to the last question?"- Louis said.

"Love potion."- I said reading the answer.

"That potion haunts us I swear."- He said.

We laughed it off.

"Let's go to Snape's cabinet."- He said seriously.

"Snape's what?"- I said looking at him confused.

"You heard me."- He said pulling me up.

"Louis we are gonna get in trouble again."- I said as he was pulling me.

"We won't."- He said as we were in front of his cabinet.

"Why do you find it so interesting?"- I asked.

"We can play with potions."- He said as we opened the door.

"What happens if I drink this?"- He said picking up grey potion.

"You will get paralyzed."- I said turning around to him drinking it. "Louis!"

"Oops."- He said falling on me.

"Great."- I said he was laying on my leg.

We heard someone coming closer and closer.

"I will brutally murder you."- I said as I hid him behind the blanket we hid in 4th year. "Move."- I said trying to fit too.

"Im totally capable of that right now."- He said.

"Omg."- I said rolling my eyes.

"This is nice."- Louis said while his head was rested on top of mine.

"Shut up."- I said.

Snape entered his locker and looked around. I don't know how he never checks his blanket. He left the room.

"I have a feeling he will come again."- Louis said. "Go to the other corner."

"He won't."- I said.

"Trust me with this."- He said.

I listened to him and moved to the other corner. Now my head was resting on his shoulder how close we were to each other. Snape entered the cabinet.

"Got you."- He said opening the blanket. "Oh."

I was holding my arm on Louis's mouth so he doesn't laugh. Snape left the cabinet and I leaned Louis on doors.

"Here."- I said handing him yellow potion. "Drink this."

"How do you think I will do that."- He said.

"Right."- I said coming closer to him and pouring yellow potion in his mouth. "I feel like your mom."- I said.

His fingers started moving and soon later he could move.

"Thank me later."- I said.

"Thanks and now we better leave from here."-He said as we walked out of cabinet.

"This was last time we were here."- I said.

"Fair enough."

We entered the common room and saw Draco.

"Where were you two?"- He asked.

"Long story."- I said going to my dorm.

I have so much ideas going on I can't decide anything.

Love you all <33.

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