Sienna Brooks | Jercy (M)

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything besides the OC's! The rest belongs to Rick Riordan
Thanks for the request @TheDamSnackBar13
Word Count: 538

I sighed as I slid out of my warm, cozy covers. Stretching, I grabbed my phone to turn off my alarm. It read 5:45 AM. I hate school. The only thing that makes it slightly tolerable is my tiny friend group consisting of my cousins, Bella and Damon, along with myself and our friend Percy. I may have a small crush on Percy but I wont act on it unless he's single. I have rep to keep up you know.

My name is Sienna Brooks. Your typical high school skater-girl, family-disappointment, outcast. The reasons why my family hate me are simple. 1. I'm not counted as a "proper lady" to them.  2. I'm bisexual and I have a family of homophobes. Anyways, I took a five minute shower and brushed my hair. Then, I threw on a pair of ripped, black, baggy jeans, an oversized Rolling Stones T-Shirt, black high-top Converse , and finally my signature gray beanie. I grabbed a baggy flannel and tossed it on quickly. I strung my backpack over one shoulder and snatched my skateboard. Then, I locked the door to my apartment behind me and started the short ride to school.

I walked in like usual and found my friends waiting at my locker. Bella had on her favorite floral blouse and a pair of light wash skinny jeans, Damon had on a pair of normal blue jeans and his basketball team jacket and Percy had on blue sweat pants and a blue hoodie that looked a size or two bigger than his. It said "Grace" on the back too. Strange. Whatever. I went over to them and they moved a bit so I could open the locker. I stashed my board and grabbed the text book for first class after home room. The four of us chatted until we entered the door to homeroom, Mr. Blofis aka Paul aka Percy's Stepdad. Everyone took their seats as he began announcements for the day.

"Good morning and happy Thursday students! We have a new student joining our school today and he will be shadowing Percy," Mr. Blofis said. Percy perked up at the mention of a new student, as if he knew who it was.

"If you'd please come in here," Mr. Blofis shouted out the door. A boy about 6'1 with blonde, military cropped hair, electrifying blue eyes and an extremely well-toned body walked in.

"Hey everyone. I'm Jason Grace and I'll be starting school here," he said. His voice was deep too. Wait. Grace? That was on Percy's hoodie.

"JASE!" Percy yelled. He sprung out of his chair and into Jason's open arms. Jason chuckled at the childish antics of Percy's but accepted him gratefully. When the Percy pulled away from the hug he grabbed Jason's face and pulled it down to kiss him. Everyone's eyes bugged out of their heads, I'm pretty sure. Percy Jackson had a boyfriend. Although I'm a bit saddened, I'm glad to know that he doesn't fully swing toward women.

and that's how I met Jercy.

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