Raven eyes drifted down to his finger and took it between her lips, slowly licking the icing off. When she looked up at him he was speechless. She smiled teasingly when his eyes finally connected with her. "Positive."

Tiana shook her head with a laugh looking at her friend. She was Drake's problem tonight; he had no idea what he was in for. When she turned around her face almost collided with something. She jerked back only to see a finger that belonged to Chubbs with cake icing on it. "If you don't get that finger out my face I will break it." Tiana warned.

Chubbs shrugged his shoulder and retracted his finger licking off the icing himself. "Can't blame me for trying."

"Oh you tried it alright." Tiana replied sarcastically while sipping her cranberry juice. She wasn't much of a drinker so she cut herself off some time ago.

Chubbs scooted closer to her throwing his arm around the back of the sofa. "So you should let me take out sometime."

Tiana gave him a good once over. She had to admit he was cute, but she wasn't sure if he was her type. "You seem like a cool guy, but I don't go out with strangers."

"I won't be a stranger if you got to know me." Chubbs retorted. "Raven tell her I'm a good guy."

"He's a good guy." Raven dully responded. In all honesty she wasn't paying attention to a word they were saying. She and Drake were busy in their own little world.

"See, there you go." Chubbs replied eagerly making Tiana laugh.

Meanwhile Drake had Raven on his lap rubbing his hand up her thigh while she rested her head on his shoulder enjoying the feeling. "Let's get out of here." He said only loud enough for her to hear.

Raven lifted her head up. The look on his face was undeniable lust and she could feel it growing beneath her. She glanced over at her friends who were still enjoying their night. It wouldn't be right to make them pack up and leave just so they could rush to the nearest bed. "I can't just leave my girls Aubrey." She replied regretfully.

"They're fine, watch this." Drake leaned over butting into the chit chatter. "Ladies, would it be cool if Ryan and Chubbs gave you a ride back to Raven's?" he asked with pleading eyes, hoping he wouldn't be blocked.

Tiana thought about it for a second, she didn't know these guys from Adam. Her eyes shifted from Drake to Danielle who was in thought as well. Danielle shrugged her shoulders giving the go ahead. Tiana turned back to Drake and did the same. "Yeah it's cool, but only because it's your birthday." She replied. He was grinning from ear to ear as he said his thanks.

Raven could feel his excitement; he was ready to go as soon as he got the okay, and so was Raven, but she had to be certain. "Are you guys sure? I don't want to just leave you." Raven liked the guys and she'd like to think that she trusted them, but these were her close friends and she didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Yes, go. We can handle these two." Danielle assured her as she put her hands out shooing her on.

Raven smiled. She got up from his lap giving them both a hug and kiss. "Thanks babes, take my house keys and I'll see you guys in the morning." She reached in her clutch and pulled out a rabbit's foot key ring and gave it to Tiana.

Drake all but dragged her out of the club and through the paparazzi flashes.They took her car and Drake got behind the wheel since Raven was tipsy. She climbed in beside him and felt the vibration as the car started under her. The look in his eyes was purely sensual as he cruised down the boulevard. Raven just stared at him from the passenger seat, her eyes never leaving his face. "You're beautiful." She stated honestly.

His mouth split into a grin when he glanced over at her for a second. "You're drunk." He teased and took off from the red light.

Raven watched him drive for a while and felt the need to touch him. She reached down and cupped him in her hand pulling a hiss from his lips. Encouraged she slid her hand under the waist band of his jeans and felt him twitch against her fingers. She popped the button and eased the zipper down letting him spring out of the slit in his boxer briefs. She wrapped her hands around his dick feeling it jerk at first touch. In long, smooth strokes, Raven motioned her hand every which way around his shaft causing him to gasp.

"Fuck," He growled and she felt the car jerk left before he quickly recovered. "What are you doing?" He asked hoarsely, but she said nothing, there was only a hidden twinkle in her eyes. Before he knew it, he felt Raven's tongue gliding across the tip of his swollen head. Drake gripped the stirring wheel so tight that his knuckles were turning white. He tried desperately to keep his eyes open. "Fuck, Raven you're gonna kill us." Drake cried out feeling her tongue tease him.

All of sudden she stopped. "You're right." Raven told him. She kissed him deeply and settled back into her seat.

Drake was stuck. He looked at Raven, then down at the raging hard on she created, and then back up at Raven. "I know you're not serious right now?"

Raven looked at him with a smirk. "You should pay attention to the road." She said as she pointed to the traffic light that was now green.

A few cars beeped their horns at them. Drake fixed his jeans to cover himself the best he could and mashed his foot on the gas. They were ten minutes from his house but with the way he was driving they made it in about five. He jumped out of the car almost before it was completely stopped and made his way over to her side. Drake pulled her out before she had a chance to open her door herself. He was ready to finish what they started.

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