10. Hotel rendezvous

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"Come on Knockout, Pick up for Primus' sake." Breakdown said, slamming his fists on the wheel. His holoform fizzled away as he sighed, turning on his tracker. it's been two hours since he gave up and waited for him to return on his own, but still crickets.

"There you are." He said to himself, making the tires screech behind him as he raced through the hot ridged night of Jasper, Nevada.


Knockout has his eyes fixated on the small tv in front of him, thumbs fumbling with the sheet wrapped around him. The clock peaked 4AM, and Acura was still sound asleep and snoring in the bed next to him, only separated by a mere end-table.

Once the medic got bored of the cop show playing, he pushed the sheets back and climbed out of bed, going to explore the little hotel room once more to get himself familiar with human life.

He tip-toed over to the connecting room, which was the little kitchenette and living room. The hotel he picked wasn't extremely pricey, but it did come with a nice little bundle.

Knockout went over and surveyed the fridge and cabinets, finding a little box of cookies on the counter, courtesy of the hotel staff, along with a ice bucket, fresh towels and handcloths.

"Can I even have this?" Knockout questioned in his mind. I mean sure, pancakes were fine, so this should be too, right? He peeled the cookie opening back, growing impatient to eat the foreign food. He picked one up and studied the butter cookie, seeing the corner crumble onto the table.

"Of course you can have a cookie if you wanted a cookie" talking to himself and being tempted by the buttery smell, the male took a bite, flinching and waiting for the consequences to come, but none did. His holoform was fine, and he favored the taste. So then he deemed it okay to eat human food, another thing that made him smile. Just one step closer to a life he craves. As he stole another cookie from the package, a knock came from the back sliding glass door, forcing the cookie out of his hands and onto the tile, exploding into a million pieces.

The tv created enough light to see the bulky shadow from the other side of the tinted glass door, through the shear curtains. He knew it was Breakdown, and panicked as another knock came from the opposite side of the door.

"Knockout! I know you're in there!" Breakdown's deep voice bellowed out. Acura started to stir in her sleep, alerting Knockout's widened eyes. as to not disturb her, he forced his holoform to disappear.

His car roared from the parking lot beside their door, alerting Breakdown who was still banging on the glass. He turned to look at Knockout's headlights and vanished, standing up now in his normal form. Knockout stood now too, walking a good distance away from the window, just in case.

"I don't want to hear it." Knockout spat, waving his arm behind him as he felt the ground shake a little from Breakdown's furious steps.

"Well you're going to hear it, buddy. What in Unicron's name are you doing here, with, with her?!"

"I told you already, I don't want to hear it!" Knockout fired back, before being yanked rather harshly in his tracks to face the enraged mech.

"For frag's sake! You can't be doing slag like this, Knockout! She's a human, a human! And look at you, growing so disgustingly soft." He said as steam found it's way from the vents on his faceplates.

"I'm NOT growing soft, ok? She means a LOT to me, and if you truly knew me, you'd know I was different!" Knockout fired back, clenching the metal in his faceplates.


"So I'm wrong if I care? Huh? I care about you!" The sports car yelled back.

"You're a fragging liar, you only care about yourself, or used to at least. You've left me alone for hours and hours, How am I supposed to run a slagging medical unit with no medic Knockout?! Please tell me?!"

The two looked at each other with hate and hurt as steam began to start a cloud above them. as the pair took a break from the screaming, they looked right at each other and starting right back up.

"You're playing with fire here!" Breakdown yelled to the smaller red Aston Martin."She's a human, you're a Cybertronian! This can't work out, both of your lives are at fault here! You're going to get burned, scorched even! You lit the flame, and-"

"-and I'm not going to extinguish it." Knockout said in a calmer voice, cutting him off. He looked at his friend with sad optics.

"Listen Knockout, I'm just trying to save you in the long run here...You know the side effects to these holoforms better than anyone else. The longer you stay in them, the more human you become. Is that what you really want!? Knockout I can already see the changes...now will you come back with me, please?" Breakdown said in a lower tone. He was already waiting for rejection to kick back up in his face.

"I can't just leave her, Breakdown. I truly do like her, and I don't want to leave her, nor do I with you. I'll just, I'll work something out, okay?" Knockout said as he looked up to his friend for support, or any positive feedback, any sign of what he was saying was okay.

"Does...does she even know who you truly are?" The blue mech asked.

"I haven't told her yet, and I'm not sure if I want to. I don't want to lose her, I-" Knockout said up to the bigger mech, not finding the inspiration to continue his wording. His body shifted and tensed, still hoping that he'll loosen up soon, like he always did. Breakdown wasn't the type of mech to hold a grudge, especially with knockout. In the past they've had many arguments, and yet the softer one, aka Breakdown over there, always caved in first.

"You tell her the truth, and if she accepts I'll accept. We'll find a way to juggle things around.
If not, then we move on together, and that means no more mingling with the humans to avoid this again then tough luck. Got it?" Breakdown said as he looked into the black and red optics looking back to him.

"Got it. I'll tell her soon."


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