7. Past truths and Pancakes

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"What makes you so sure I'm just willing to get into your car just like that?" I said, equally leaning on his car, running my fingertips along the smooth red paint job. He shivered.

"I can almost fully guarantee you didn't just drive here without a purpose. So why'd you show?" Putting emphasis on "you." He smirked while walking over to open his passenger side door, before walking around to the drivers seat and getting in, unlocking his vehicle.

I slowly walked to the passenger side door, looking inside. I made my decision, and sat next to him, slamming the door shut.

"Good choice." The man said, shifting gear and taking off. I struggled with the seatbelt, forcefully plugging it around me while we increased speed.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'm an excellent driver." Knolan said, looking at me through the mirror.

"You said you've never raced before?" Knolan asked, driving a little faster.

"Never. Hell, I've never been in a car as nice as this." I said, looking around. The interior was as magnificent as the exterior. The dashboard held a digital touchpad and screen, there was little red bio lights inside matching his paint job, and the seats were cozy and warm, nevertheless everything technical at most.

"Well, now you have. I try to keep my appearance as pristine as possible." Knolan said, and as the words left his lips, the side mirrors looked as if they moved on their own.

"Appearance?" I questioned.

"My vehicle, of course. He's a hot ride." Knolan patted the dashboard, then going back to grip his steering wheel.

"He?" I questioned him again. He looked over to me, taking his complete vision off of the road.

"He." Was all he said, as if offended.

"Look to the road!" I yelled, and climbed over him to grab his steering wheel.

"Woah, woah, woah, I didn't lie when I said I'm a great driver." Knolan said, grabbing the wheel. He gently grabbed my hands and placed them back down on my lap.

"Trust me." He said, looking back to me through the mirror. I nodded. Seeing me calm now, he smiled and let his hands fly off of the wheel.

"He's so good he can drive himself." Knolan said, still smiling.

"Oh my god!" I yelled, going to grab the wheel again, but he stopped me.

"Trust me." He repeated.

The wheel moved by itself, swerving perfectly. At first I freaked out again, but he re-insured me his car was specially costumed for self driving.

"Wha- how is that possible?" I said, looking at him amazed.

"New technology I assume. Anyways..." Was all he said before he changed the subject.

His car skidded to the side and stopped, allowing me to catch my breath after such a scare.

"Our official race can wait. That was just a little test drive to make sure you're comfortable with my pattern." Knolan said, turning his car off and turning to me.

"Do you purposefully give people heart attacks?" I said, still trying my best to catch the air that left my lungs a long time ago.

He laughed in his dark, masculine laugh. "Darling, that's what racing does to you. I was only getting you prepared so you won't pass out later on. Sorry If I scared you though with the whole self-driving thing, but you gotta admit, that was funny, now that you know it's safe."

I looked over to his laughing form in the seat next to me. He was gripping his steering wheel as he laughed his ass off. I smiled now that I think back to it, hitting his side for him to stop.

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