22. Trouble, trouble, trouble

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"In the flash, m'lady." Elliot said, standing there all perfect in his extremely expensive skeleton costume. "Now can you let me in? It's cold out here."

I wasn't sure if he recognized me or not but I don't really give a crap. I stumbled my way to the door, wanting to smack said door in his face but I humbly obliged, opening the screen door for him and thanking the masquerade mask on my face for added acknowledgement.

"Oh my god, is that you under there, Arcura?"

I froze.

The two of us broke up two years ago after a two year relationship, and yet he seemed like a stranger to me. Nothing more, nothing less. A simple stranger that once knew everything about me. We didn't leave on terrible terms, but he was just an asshole and I got fed up of his bull. But one look into his hazel eyes and all the memories came back.

"My god girl, you look great." He said as he smiled, breaking me of my freeze. Wait, he's actually being nice?

"Thank you Elliot, now, if you'll excuse me."

"Hey wait wait wait, I just got here. Would you like to catch up, maybe grab some punch?"

"Mmm tempting..." I lied. "But I'll pass. I've been here for a few hours already, I'm getting ready to leave."

"Are you sure? I mean, we can make it a quick little chat?"

"Nono, It's fine. Go, go party and whatnot." I say awkwardly, stumbling back to where the forgotten candy bowl sat.

He half-way frowned, leaning on the doorway's arch before he sighed.

"You look beautiful tonight, I just thought I'd let you know. Take care, Cookie."

Hearing his nickname again made me turn white as a ghost as I brushed off the sour feeling, rolling my eyes as I watched him enter the living room from the corner of my eyes.

"I'm leaving, code red." I texted Dani, putting my phone away as I gathered my stuff and stood outside in the chilly air. I sat on the porch step, huddling my knees together until I heard the screen door swing open, a slightly drunken Dani walking out with a male. They exchanged some words as he let her be once he seen me getting up, sighing as I seen her slightly swollen and bloated cheeks.

"Are you serious? We've been here for no less than 45 minutes and you're already off the high end of tipsy. What did we agree on?"

"Meh, I'll be fine girl. Let's get outta here, code reds are a serious matter. Was it your ex?"

"Yeah, Elliot." I tell her, watching her from the corner of my eyes to make sure she doesn't trip on a pebble and fall on her face or something.

"Ewww" she laughed, opening the passenger door and buckling up. "He's still relevant?"

"It's been two years since we've talked, and in those two years I've been myself without him. I did it on my own and I would really appreciate it if he left things like that." I say frustrated, turning the car on and peeling out of there.

"I'm sure Knolan would punch the shit outta him for you. The guy's packing."

"Yeah he would, if he was here and all. Fucking ghosted." I sighed as the night lights lit up the car on and off. "I can never be happy in my love life, can I?"

"Hey hey, I thought you told me Knolan was just a friend."

"He is. Well, I mean I like him, there's no hiding it really. We kissed Dani, that has to mean something. We agreed it just wasn't the right time."

"Wonder what he's up to."

"Who knows Dani, who knows."

(Knockout's pov)

"Come help me with this thing." I say, holding the bolt in place as Breakdown walked up to me with the correct tool to tighten it.

"The things not even gonna work."

"Yes it will, never doubt your partner, ay?"

"Knockout, there's no way you're gonna have success in intergalactic communication. We're on cybertron bud, 4 lightyears away from Earth."

"It'll work, I'll make it work."

Breakdown sighed, grabbing the other tools. "Let's do it, then."

"And no one has to know about this device, hm? Starscream would kill us both."


It's almost been two full months being here on this dead planet I once called home. This is no home, at least not to me.

"Breakdown." I say low, carefully dropping the piece of scrap down on the dusty ground. "Do you ever think about why we're having to do this?"

"Starscream wanted us to find any Autobot technology remains. I don't know, there must be a cause."

"Exactly. I'm thinking it has to do with this planet. We're here for a reason."

"Hey, stop having an identity crisis over there and help me lift these pillars, would ya?" Breakdown looked at me dead-panning as my faceplates dropped with un-amusement.

"I Don't want to come back here is all I'm saying. I don't care if it was once my home, Earth is my home now. Ugh, this stupid device! I'm never gonna achieve this, am I?"

"Knockout why are you letting the weight of the universe overwhelm you right now? It'll be okay, we don't even know what's gonna happen in the future."

I sighed, continuing to work on my device. "That's precisely what I'm worried about."


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