18. Save the date, September 8th

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(Still Acura's pov)

"What?" I said amazed. "You're serious? And you're only telling me this now after all this time?"

"Her name was Acura. Nothing more, nothing less. She happened to be my dearest friend. With a name so unique, I just knew one day the first girl in my life was going to be named after her. And of course my only child was your father so things quite didn't work out, until I found out years and years later my first grandchild was a girl, hence my reason of naming you. Your parents liked it anyways, so it all worked out in the end."

"Where is she? I mean, can we like, track her down? Create a little get together?"

Grandma continued to kneed the kitting needles, a soft peaceful smile on her face. "Oh, I wish. She would've loved you."

I understood what she meant with that, her face dropping in the process. "It's been over 60 years since she passed. 60 years, and I hardly talk about her. I'm a great friend, aren't I?"

"Don't beat yourself up, It's a sore topic."

"She was a huge part of my life, and I can't believe she truly died out with me. There was a time where I-"

"-Lillian, long time no see how ya been?"

Grandma cut herself off and turned her head to see the chiming door as a customer walked in, taking off his gloves and hat. It was starting to get colder in Nevada, but the gloves were pushing it a little.

"Look at what the cat dragged in. Matthew, how are you sweetie?" Grandmas said to the short younger male, brushing the cold away as the door closed behind him.

"Eh, nothing much. I wanted to surprise the Mrs. tonight with a little arrangement. Whatcha thinking? Daisies? Daffodils?"

"Chrysanthemums." I chimed in from behind the counter, the two of them turning to acknowledge me. "They're a pretty flower for this time of year. I think so, anyways."

The man nodded his head and stepped back. "Then lead me to the Chrysanth- oh whatever they are."

I chuckled, saying the flower's name again as I lead him over to the display in the back.

(Knockout's pov)

Slamming my car door shut with one glance up and a sun-stained squint, the white building stood peaking with the clouds. That's gotta be, what? 12 stories?

The soft pitter patter of my legs made contact with the cobblestone parking lot adjacent to the hospital. I looked in awe. The people in this here same parking lot wasn't looking at me funny or even at all. I was truly a human, It's hard to even remember that most days in society. And I loved that feeling.

My eyes traveled to the tears falling to the ground of one family getting ready to load up in their car. I was too distant to hear what the squatting mother was saying to her kids and I'm pretty sure I didn't want to know. Her face said it all, and it truly pained me. Us Cybertronians aren't all that different to this life, for we share similar traits. We laugh, we have families and friends, jobs, and we all even grieve sometimes. It baffled me. If only everyone back home could see things how I seen it.

I didn't want to mope around so I scooted myself along the pathway, throwing my keys in my pocket as I pulled the door back for myself to be blasted with extremely clean air. My nose shriveled at the sterile smell.

With a small cough and a seeking in the huge room, I walked in with the thud of my dress heels clicking on the marble surface. Everything was stained white, and the only sound in the lobby bsides the constant buzzing of the phones, typing, and pens clicking was the back splash waterfall behind the main desk.

"May I help you?" A woman, roughly looking in her late fifties said up to me as I approached the desk, the flipping of the papers on her clipboard making my eye twitch. She wore traditional blue scrubs and long fake eyelashes on top of her heavy makeup, her fake fingernails painted in the season's festive colors pushed the clipboard over to me with the stationary pan beside it. "Fill out your name first."

I hesitated to pick the pen up as the woman gave me a glare, her glasses falling to her nose. I gulped, picking the pen up with my left hand. I usually opporate in this hand, maybe it's not so different.

No, it was very different. I could barely scribble out my pen name but it's not like my right hand would do any better, it just took some getting used to. Practice, practice, practice.

My name looked like a sparkling wrote it but it was good enough as I half smiled. "I'm a doctor, they have...bad..writing." My words faded with her un-amusement as I awkwardy coughed, handing the board back to her.

"Are you hiring by chance?"

"Some positions. Hey Meryl, what's our hiring postitions?" The lady yelled from the front desk to the hallway nearby, as another older lady moved her chair to scoot out and peak in through the hallway.

"Always need more doctors, Janice quit on us a month ago so we need an accountant, maybe a few janitors, techs, practitioners, hell, we could use anything."

The lady at the desk looked back up to me, eyeing me up and down. "What are ya, kid?"

"Mmm...doc...tor?" I said, cheeks rising as scrunched my face, my red thermal practically choking me.

"Listen." She spoke harsh. "You need proof of medical degree, license transcripts, the whole yard. I'll transfer you over to someone else once you show us your registry."

"I.." I choked. I honestly didn't remember if Cybertron even had a medical certificate of authenticity. Either you grew up to be a medic, mechanic, librarian, energon stockholder, or gladiator.

My phone buzzed in my right pocket, hands struggling to find the small item as I seen the comm number appear at the top. Starscream.

"Excuse me ladies." I say, feverishly marching my way outside of the echoing empty but beautiful lobby.

"Seriously? I can't even get a hold of you any more for Primus sake." The angry seeker's voice was on the other line as I hesitated to even talk. "Knockout!?"

"What is it, Starscream. I'm busy."

"Busy? That's no way to speak to your commanding officer do you hear me!?"

I rolled my eyes, leaning on my car as I fiddled with the collar of my thermal. "Oh please Starscream, we're behind the formality. What do you need from me?"

"You and your partner have a mission, so I suggest you get your sorry tailpipe back here and start packing because you're going back to Cybertron."

My eyes widened as I almost dropped the phone from my hand. "I, I beg your pardon? Me?? Why me out of all bots to choose?"

He growled, and I could hear only what I imagine to be was his helm hitting the phone with a deep sigh. "Ugh, just get back here and I'll explain better!" The call ended.

I sighed, slamming my door open as my head rested on my steering wheel, starting the car as I pressed the "speak" button.

"Call Acura" I spoke to the interior mainframe, her number being dialed immediately after. I sighed, for I sincerely didn't want to do this mission, or any mission for that matter no more.

Was I truly a Decepticon? Because I'm pretty sure I don't want to help harm society. It was September 8th, only a few months of being on Earth and now I'm going back "home."


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