11. In for a treat

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Left alone in the desolate parking lot, the sky started to gently pour down on me. My optics watched Breakdown leave onto the road, my mood running with him. I only looked away when I couldn't see his headlights anymore as I sighed into the night.

I switched my holoform back on, letting Earth's rain drench my hair and clothing to the point I had to push it out of my face and blow it off my lips and nose. Thoughts all rambled together, but the one I couldn't shake stayed first and foremost.

Was this a mistake?

No, It can't be a mistake. All I've ever wanted was to be someone I wasn't, to live a life without fighting, war, or even commands. To be my own person. Of course this isn't a mistake, It's a fantasy.

Cybertronians don't get a happy ever after.

With my mind as bad as it was I debated even walking into the hotel room to just sit there in regret, but then my thoughts went to her. I can't hurt her, and honestly, I don't want to hurt myself either when rejection hits.

Surely she'd run in fear when she finds out, Dammit Knockout, what did you get yourself into?

Do I run, or do I face reality? Time will tell, but Acura deserves more than what I could ever offer.

(Acura's pov)

The sound of a TV woke me back up as my eyes fluttered open, growing confused when I felt the stereotypical cotton pillow under me. I was taken back when I seen the morning light crack my vision from the long curtains. I shifted awake, Noting the little trinkets on the end table belonging to Knolan, like his watch and whatnot. The TV was on the comedy channel as I followed my eyes to the hallway, seeing the light on and bathroom door open.

Out walked Knolan, hair wet still from what I decided was a morning shower. His jacket was on the other messy bed, leaving him in his old red T-shirt and denim dark jeans.

"Mornin'" He nodded to me, throwing me a butter cookie package. "They're really good, I ate like, five of them last night."

I chuckled, opening the package. "A hotel?"

"Figured I'd save you the stiff neck in the morning." He snickered, sitting on the opposite bed while throwing his shoes back on. "You're heavier than you look."

I threw the cookie packet at his chest before he scoffed. "You carried me?"

"Mhm." He smiled. "But I was joking, It wasn't too bad, just awkward, ya know? I didn't know where you lived so I just decided a hotel worked out for the both of us. And I read something about free breakfast, we can get more pancakes." He said eagerly.

So we're both children, great. I secretly smiled, getting up to stretch my legs as I agreed with him. "Continental breakfast is a must."

"Yeah, but before we go down to the cafeteria, I need to talk to you about something." He grabbed my hand, pulling me back to sit on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"Us" He declared. "What even are we? What happened last night..."

I stiffened, and to be honest, I had no clue. "Knolan?"

"I mean yes we kissed, but that's all that happened. Don't you think this is moving a little too fast?"

I choked on my words, because yes, he had a point. "Okay, let's think this through."

He waited for me to start up, as I threw my thoughts all together. "Listen Knolan, I like you, I like you a lot."

"As do I" He bud in, stopping to let me finish. "But you made a good point, this is moving fast, and I don't want to ruin it."

He smiled, asking for my hand as he pulled us both up to stand. "I think what we're both trying to say is becoming friends first is a better alternative than forcing a relation, no?"

"Exactly" I say, letting my arm ghost back down. "That's not to say that I don't like you, but let's see where life takes us one step at a time, ay?"

"Perfect wording." He sad, the glimmer in his eyes scolded mine. "Let's see where life takes us first." He repeated my words. The thing is, this wasn't weird or awkward like I imagined, which made it feel real. It felt right. Nice and slow for our liking.

"I can already smell the pancakes from here." He said, getting all happy before he grabbed the room card and his things, before jogging over to the door.

"What the hell happened in here?" I laughed shockingly, seeing the small kitchenette torn up. Pots and pans everywhere, cookie wrappers in the garbage, and everything else neatly piled high in every which way.

"Heh, I got bored in the night. Come along." He said, gesturing me out of the room before he locked it. I kept my laugh to myself as we walked down to the open kitchen part of the lobby.

(Knockout's pov)

It hurt to shut her down like that, but it's for our own good. Some say I'm afraid of the thought of her leaving, and some would say Breakdown got in my head, but the point still remained.

She's more safe if she wasn't as close to me, but Primus damn it if they take our friendship away, too. That's what I have to work with for now, so it stays. She's truly one of a kind to me, and no one knows more than myself how bad I want to kiss her again or how bad my rant of "letting nature take it's course" hurt, but for now, we all got secrets to hide.

"Ever try real maple syrup?" She asked, which broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hm, no, I don't think so." No, I know so.

"It's amazing, not like this cheap shit they can get away with serving. I mean yeah everyone likes syrup and if it's there on the table I put it on my pancakes, but once you had the real deal it's hard going back."

I smiled, Acura rounding the corner with me as we ran into the cafeteria, the warm smell blocking our senses. I quickly handed the key in as the two of us jumped in line. grabbing a tray as instructed. Acura grabbed a lot of different stuff, but I stuck with what I knew, like the pancakes and eggs. A little "blueberry muffin" intrigued me, so I grabbed my one new item and found us a little spot.

Acura came back, holding what she said was "yogurt with berries." It looked good so I tried it, getting half a blueberry in my spoonful. The yogurt was good, but I cringed at the blueberry and it's bitterness, looking to my muffin and thinking about life choices.

"Yeah, they're not in season. Hotels love to add em' anyways, though." She joked, digging into the 3-stack pancakes. I did the same, pouring the cheap syrup on the mound.

We finished up and hit the road afterwards to go get her car, once again.


A/N- Happy one year to this book! I decided to re-vamp this book on it's anniversary, and from here on out expect frequent updates :3

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