2. Girl talk

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(Acura's pov)

My head was resting in my hand as I watched the small rain drops dribble down from the fogged up window beside me. The store was as dead as the brown stained grass of Nevada. Not one customer in sight, and all my side work for the day was done. It was boring as hell, yet another rainy day in this lonesome state.

"Honey, look what I found!" Grandma Nolte called from the other room. I jumped off of the stool and followed her voice, finding her in one of the back rooms of her shop, seeing her on her hands and knees picking up little envelopes off of the ground.

"Oh god, Grandma!" I yelled, going by her side to lift her back up before she swatted me and dismissed my thoughts of her possibly suffering a fall.

"I'm fine, i'm fine. I purposely am like this dear. I didn't mean to drop these packets though."

I bowed and started to help pick them up, putting them all in the small bowl beside her.

"They're marigold seeds, perfectly grown in the summer. Help me plant them?"

I nodded my head and helped her up, dusting us both off from the lint on the ground. For an 85 year old woman Grandma surely got around, and fast, too.

"I got these a long time ago, I hope they're still good." She said as she led me out to the previous room I just was in, the main room.  This housed every type of flower you can imagine in all the prettiest shades. Petals and leaves surrounded our vision.

Grandma placed the bucket on the checkout counter, grabbing  some small flower pots she found on clearance the week prior, already telling me the same story three times now of her luck upon spotting them on the back of the forgotten rack. I sat and smiled, being patient with the older woman. If I needed to hear the same story over and over again for her I'd gladly sit there and smile every time. She also grabbed water, along with some flower tags.

Once she completed the story her older, shaky hands separated the flower pots as I helped her dump the soil into each little container, filling them half-way like she taught.

"We might need to bring these beauties back to health once they bloom. I don't know how long those seeds were sitting inside my desk." She said, walking over and grabbing a small handful of plant medicine.

I looked out the window to see the rain finally start to clear up, but the roads were empty, and I'm pretty sure no one is stopping by to grab some flowers any time soon. Our morning rush was long gone.

"Heh, one day you're going to have a man come and bring you flowers like these" Grandma said, holding up the newest addition to our plant family, assorted hibiscus flowers. "That's one way to steal a woman's heart." She continued.

"You always bring this up, Grandma. I'm not even ready for something that serious until a long time from now."

"You always say that, lovey. I want great-grandkids before I kick the bucket, is that a lot to ask for?"

"Yes." I say, laughing with her. "I don't even know what I'm going to have for dinner tonight and you're worried about something deep into my future, hopefully."

Grandma stopped and put her older hand on mine.

"Love is such a beautiful emotion, what you need is to stop running and let everything work out. That ex of yours wasn't love, that was an itch to quench being so lonely, that prick. He's getting what's coming to him, that's for sure."

I smiled at her, knowing she's right.

"Elliot was a mistake, God I can't believe that lasted two years." I say out loud. "Sad thing is, I've wasted those years to learn that the guy I thought I loved treated me like more of his shadow than a person, so I say that's a decent enough excuse to not want to browse around in the love department. A heart needs time to heal, Grandma."

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