True love's end

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Elson struggled as he tried to push through the raging blizzard, panting as he looked around unable to see much of anything but the raging storm that he created. He shook his head before pushing forward. 'I wish you were here with me y/n...'

The window to the castle shook before breaking open, Anna swirling when you almost fell out, quickly grabbing you, and pulling you back, you have a slight chuckle as you looked back at Anna before looking down at the ground. You smirked a bit, before looking back at Anna. "Okay, Anna, you first."

Anna took your hand as you led her up to the edge. She looked down at you, with a worried glance. "Are you sure this is safe?" She took a look down before looking back at you. You thought for a second before looking up at Anna. "Probably not." Then you pushed her without hesitation. Anna shrieked as she slid down the snow along with Olaf who jumped out not long after. You looked back at magma and nodded to him as you jumped out the window and screaming with delight. (Reminds me of that dream I had last night, I think the karusuno boys were there along with my fam....) magma jumped out not long after, sliding down with ease on all fours.

Anna landed, quickly getting up, Olaf soon came not long after. "We made it!" He spoke even though it was a bit of a struggle due to the massive snowball that had consumed his body on the way down. You came down not long after and quickly caught up with Anna, magma coming down and glancing at Olaf anger began to shake off the snow before catching up with you. "Olaf shook the snow off quickly, resonating go, before following you all as well.

Sven quickly made it down the hill and leaped onto the surface of the frozen fjord. They quickly raced onward, entering the blizzard. Kristoff groaned a bit at the force of the wind that came from the storm, but continued on, urging his dear friend. (Waiting for the thing to load.... nishinoya and tsukki were in my dream for sure. Kinda wish bokuto or kuroo or kenma was there too tho. Even all of them.)

"Kristoff!" Anna called out. You and magma trudged begins her. "Kristoff!" You called, cupping your hands over your mouth. Olaf struggles to keep up with you all and against the storm. Suddenly he began to blow away. "Keep going!" He called. You glanced back, but Magne pushed you forward. Anna looked around. "Kristoff!"

Far across the fjord, Kristiff and Sven races in their direction. The massive boats began to Riley, and move, breaking the ice that covered the fjord. Sven leaped over a piece of ice that had lifted up, and kept running. Anna struggles to walk through the wind and ice. The boat near her began to move making her instinctively shield herself, whimpering a bit. The boat stopped and she continued on.

The wind was picking up, and it began to be almost impossible to see. You gasped as you looked down at your hands, seeing your fingers tips begin to freeze over. Once you looked up, you froze. Anna was gone. You frantically looked around, "Anna, Anna!" You began to panic. Magma nudged your hand. Seeing it becoming ice, made him scared for your life, you smiled and pet the wolf. Before climbing onto the wolf with much struggle. (God I can't wait to listen to the tendo audio. I couldn't when it came out because my headphones were dead and I had no charger, but now they are charged and I am hyped to listen to tendo, I wonder what his nickname for us will be...) once you got on, you gritted you're teeth and pat magma on the side. "Can ya smell 'er bud?" He sniffed the air a bit, but shook his head. He turned to you sadly, you just smiled at him and let his fluffy head. "It's okay bud, now, we need to find Elson, Anna is more that capable of taking care of herself and finding kristoff. Now come on let's end this winter." Magma nodded and quickly began to run.

Kristof and Sven Quickly continue to write across the frozen fjord. As they were running by a boat, the boat began to collapse, shattering the ice around them. Sven rushed quickly avoid the boat as it fell. the boat crashed making all the ice in front of the crack and crumble. Sven leaped onto the ice as it flooded and the water, bucking off Kristoff so he could make it to the other side landing in the water. Kristoff quickly turned screaming out the name of his dear friend. "Sven!" The water moved around for a bit, before Sven emerged, panting as he climbed onto a floating pice of ice. Kristoff let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, a small smile creeping onto his face. "Good boy." And with that he quickly rushed off into the storm.

True love will thaw a frozen heart a Male! Elsa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now