For the first time in forever (reprise)❄❤

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Anna woke up and tried to get up, but a weight held her down. Turning to look behind her kristoff's arm was wrapped around her waist, she blushed before shaking her head. No, she couldn't fall for another man, she was already engaged to Hans. Anna poked the man's cheek. "Kristoff, kristoff, kristoff wake up!" Kristoff stirred awake, moving his arm and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He let out a yawn as he got out of the sleeping bag. Anna soon followed after, the two stretching as they were still waking up.

Kristoff rubbed the back of his neck. "Ok y/n let's go, we don't have much time to waste." He looked over to the spot where you would be sleeping and saw just snow. He started to internally panic. "Anna! Y/n's missing!" Anna gasped as she shook her head pacing back and forth. "No no no no no! I should've guessed something was wrong! She is always up before dawn or waking me me up! Oh my god, where could she be! Wait! Wait wait wait wait! She probably find a way for her and magma to take!" Kristoff nodded. The two looked up at the steep mountain. "Welp, our only way is up. So let's just hope that when we get there we find y/n there as well as your brother." Anna nodded as she put her hands on her hips. "Okay, I have one rope and you don't know how to climb a mountain." Kristoff said as he got the supplies out.

"Says who?" Sven hit Kristoff on his head with his antler, making kristoff look up at the girl. Kristoff slightly tilted his head. "What are you doing?" "I am," she grunts as she pauses for a second. "Going to see my best friend and brother!" Kristoff crosses his arms. "You're going to get yourself killed!" He called up to her. "I wouldn't step there." Anna stepped there almost slipping. "Or there." Again she almost slipped. "You know what I'm just going to block you out. You're distracting me." Anna said as her hand slipped. "How do you even know elson wants to see you?" Kristoff questioned. "Of course he does!" Anna says before grunting as she tried climbing again. "You know most people who disappear into the mountains want to be alone." He continues. "No one wants to be alone, well maybe you." Kristoff rolled his eyes a bit. "I'm not alone, I have friends, remember?"

You mean the love experts? Anna replied sarcastically. Not looking back at kristoff. Yes the love experts. Anna places a foot up panting. Please tell me I'm almost there. Does the air seem a bit thinner up here to you?" She huffed.   Kristoff chuckled. "Hang on." "Hey Sven! Not sure if this is gonna solve the problem but I found tracks that lead to a staircase that leads exactly to where you wanted to go!" Olaf called, gaining the others attention. Anna grinned. "Haha! Thank goodness! Catch!" She said falling back. Kristoff quickly caught her in his arms princess style. Anna pat his chest before hopping out of his grasp. "Thanks! That was like a crazy trust exercise." As kristoff walked through the tunnel he noticed Olaf smiling up at him. "Why are you looking at me like that little snowman?" Olaf just chuckled skipping away, leaving a dumbfounded kristoff behind him.

the three looked up at the ice castle in awe.


i woke up before elson obviously, as i walked out of the room and down the hall. i went to the area with the bonister and sighed, as i waited to watch the sun rise. (this is like before the start of the chapter forgot to mention that sorry. FUCK THE TACOS!) I turned around, since i felt someone approaching.magma slowly walked over to me, pushing his head into my stomach. i gave a light chuckle as i pet the spoiled wolf. (the tacos are fine, for now.) magma came and sat beside me, as i leaned over the railing. i heard footsteps and smirked a bit. "good morning princess.~" i heard a chuckle as a hand rested on my shoulder. i looked over and saw elson with his messy bed head. i giggled a bit as i ruffled his hair a bit. "you look cute with bed head." elson blushed as he lightly swatted my hand away. i chuckled as i looked back out into the horizon. 

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