Do you wanna build a snowman

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Y/n woke early, so early the sun hadn't even risen. But thankfully it was for a good reason, today was the beginning of her guard training. She walked out to the training room, magma following close behind. Opening the door a wooden sword was tossed to her which the girl barely caught. Grabbing the sword she looked up only to see a man with s/c skin and e/c charge at her with his own sword.

Quickly y/n blocked it the best she could until her sword was knocked out of her hand, making her fall to the ground. A wooden sword now pointed at her throat. Y/n glared up at the man who had a smirk on his face. "You have to be prepared for anything and everything my young one." F/n, her father spoke, resting the wooden sword on his shoulder. Y/n rolled her eyes before getting up with the help of her father. A woman walked into the room with s/c and long h/c hair. She gave a smirk at the two before closing the door.

She walked up to the two, giving the man a small peck on the lips before kissing y/n's forehead. "I can't believe you already started. I told you to wait until I came. *sigh* sometimes it feels like I'm raising two kids with you two." "Hey!" The other two yelled before giving a small laugh to each other.
"Okay okay. Now I want you two to spar again, and while you are sparing I will critic you." Y/n gave a curt nod with a determined grin to her mother before going over to the wooden sword. She picked it up and copied the position her father was in.

The two looked at each other with smirks. M/n rose her hand before swinging it down in a chopping motion. "Begin!" The two went at each other their wooden swords clashing.

(Time skip since I'm much too lazy to write what happened)

It had been hours now but neither was giving up, both still had plenty of stamina left in them. Sweat dropped from y/n's brow as she huffed. Magma sat with m/n as she sat with the wolves. The two adult wolves sat majestically as they watched the two spar. Magma sat in between them as he watched, trying to mimic his parents.

Y/n gripped tightly onto her sword before charging at her father with a mighty war cry. Right before she could try and land a hit the two saw a hand go up. The two stopped and turned to m/n as they waited for her to speak. "That was very good y/n! Even better than your father when he was your age. Anyway the sun has now risen so you may do as you wish but meet us back here before you sleep. This will be your new training schedule. You will train before you sleep and after you wake. As time passes you will get stronger and your training will get harder. Are you prepared to begin your training?"

Y/n grinned up at her mother. "Of course mum! I'm ready for anything you throw at me!" A fire was in her eyes that made her two parents look at her daughter fondly as magma ran up to the girl. "Ok. Tonight we will start your training with magma, he is your wolf and you two will be together until you die. So you must learn to work together and fight together as one." Y/n gave a nod to her mother. "Ok you may leave now." Her mother said shooing her away. The two parents watched as their kid ran out the door.

The young girl stretched before shaking, she was a bit tired but still full of energy. Turning her head she saw the snowy landscape and smiled to herself before getting tackled to the ground. Looking up she saw Anna with a bright grin on her face. "Do you wanna build a snowman!?" Y/n grinned and nodded before getting up.

The two girls ran down the hall giggling to themselves. (Oh forgot to say you wearing a white shirt and deep brown leather pants. Along with black boots) Anna ran up to Elson's door. "Elson?" She knocks rhythmically on the door before taking a breath.

Anna singing
You singing

Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on let's go and play!
We never see you anymore come out the door.
It's like you've gone away!
We used to be best buddies but now we're not
I wish you you would tell me why!
Do you wanna build a snowman?
It doesn't have to be a snowman.

True love will thaw a frozen heart a Male! Elsa x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant