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You and anna trekked through the snowy forest. "ELSON! ELSON!" You and magma slightly winced as anna called her brother's name. decided to ignore her for the time being, you bent down to magma's side as he sniffed the snowy ground. "got anything bud?" magma shook his head, sneezing, before looking back at you. You sigh, before giving a soft smile to magma. "its okay  bud, we'll find him. hopefully sooner than later. i don't know how long arendelle can last." looking over to anna she had stopped screaming and was looking down sadly at her lap. smiling slightly you steered magma over to anna, since you were not only ahead of her but a good distance too.

Putting your hand on her shoulder you gave her a smile. "hey its going to be okay, i promise. "  anna gave you a smile in return before smirking at you. tilting your head slightly you looked at her, confused as to why she was smirking. "i can see why my brother loves your smile." rolling your eyes, you scoffed before turning away from the princess, trying to hide your blush. "f-fuck off.." you slightly mumbled. clearing your throat you looked at anna. "i don't trust hands or whatever his damned name was. me and magma just get bad vibes from him, and you know animeals and can tell if a person is good or not. aint that right magma baby." anna was about to say something until you made your voice deeper, impersonating magma. "agreed, that man was bad news! he doesn't deserve someone like you!" looking back up to anna she glared at you.

"he is not bad news, y/n! hes charming and nice, and just-" you rolled your eyes, laying down on magma's back. "let me guess perfect?" anna looked dreamily up at the sky, probably day dreaming about hans and her after they married or what the wedding would be like. "exactly.~" as anna was daydreaming she wasn't watching where she was going. seeing her about to walk into a tree you reached out, trying to grab the horse's reins, but you were too late. a pile of snow fell from the tree, startling ann's horse, making anna get bucked off. anna landed under a tree as you and her watched her horse run off. anna attempted to pull herself up using the tree but that act was futile. the tree flung up, making a pile of snow land on anna. groaning under all of the snow that piled up on her.

chuckling you hopped off of magma and walked over to anna. squatting down beside her snow covered body you smirked. "so uh, still wish you came with me?"anna waved her hands around violently, getting aggravated by you. chuckling you stood back up, stretching as you popped a few bones. reaching into the heap of snow you easily pulled anna uot, setting her on the snow so that she could stand. anna dusted off her dress as she walked over to magam, where you now stood. patting magma's side, he laid down on the snow looking at anna. slightly bowing you motioned to magma. "my princess." anna lightly shoved you in a playful was before mounting magma. standing up straight you walked over to magma, mounting him. once you sat down magma stood up waiting for your command.

you pat the side of his neck as you smirked, getting lower on magma. "lets go bud." magma barked before racing off into the forest. anna yelped and clung to your body for dear life. you laughed happily, feeling more at place in the forest than in a big ol' castle. you grinned as you watched he forest quickly past by you.

time skip

it was now night, you had offered to just camp outside under the stars, but then you remembered that anna wasn't as used to the cold as you were. so here you were now climbing up a hill as anna laid on magma, you walking beside him. "snow, i-it had to be snow! h-he couldn't have had tropical magic, that covered the fjord in white sand and warm.." "fire" you ended her sentence as you looked out into the distance to see smoke. anna chuckled lightly as she hopped off of magma, falling face first into the snow but quickly recovering. walking to the edge she tried to take a step down but ended up sliding down into a small stream. quickly and easily you slide down the side of the hill, magma right beside you. stopping you looked down at anna, you put out your hand and pulled her up. "cold cold cold cold cold cold." anna repeated as he struggled to walk in her now frozen dress. you simply hopped over the stream, magma just walked through it like it was nothing.

True love will thaw a frozen heart a Male! Elsa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now