the top of the north mountain

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as you walked between the dangerous ice spikes, a frown couldn't help but make its way onto your face. kristoff rested a hand on you shoulder seeing your troubled ste. "hey you okay there, y/n? you seem a bit troubled, something on your mind?" you sighed as you gently moved your gloved fingers along an ice spike. (you have gloves on not mittens like anna and kristoff, sorry forgot to mention it) "elson must've been so distressed, for this to happen. seeing this makes me so worried for him. i just hope that he's okay..."kristoff pulled you into a soft hug as he lightly pet your head. "hey, it's going to be okay, he's going to be okay! i just know it. and you wont be able to help him if you yourself are not okay." you chuckled at the blonde, pulling away from the hug. "when the hell did you become so philosophical, and shit?" you responded, a light chuckle leaving your body. 

kristoff smiled a bit. on this long journey the two of you had become much closer than the first time you met. you saw each other as siblings. it felt nice to have someone to have a sibling relationship with, for the both of you. you because you were an only child, and kristoff because he not only was an only child but an orphan as well. "yeah, i guess you're right blondie. ugh, that feels weird coming out of my mouth." kristoff chuckled as the two of you continued walking. "why is that?" you looked up at him and rolled your eyes. "it feels weird to say that someone is right, and i'm in the wrong. like now, i was in the wrong for trying to console elson while i  myself was a bit, 'off' persa. and you were in the right because of what you said. but anyway lets change the subject to something else." kristoff gave a light chuckle as he looked down at your form that began to walk ahead of the group.

"so how exactly are you two planning on stopping this weather?" kristoff said, glancing at your form up ahead then, looking back at anna. you turned around, and began walking backwards looking at kristoff, while still somehow managing to avoid the deadly spikes around you. "were going to talk to my brother!" anna said. kristoff looked at you and you nodded, a small smile on your lips. "that's your plan? my ice business is riding on you two talking to the king?" "ice spike, blondie." you spoke slightly smirking at him when you glared at for not warning him earlier, before moving away from it. "yep! from what i've seen from elson over the many years that ive known him, magic is driven off of emotions. so if you are distressed or in fear, this will happen." you said motioning around you, before looking down at olaf. "but when your calm or happy, you have much better control, and can accomplish marvelous things." the others looked at where you were looking at and saw you were looking at olaf. 

"wow! no wonder you love elson! you know how to help him with his powers and you seem to care a lot about him, more than yourself, y/n too. you are very selfless." olafa said a smile on him snowy face as he looked up at you. a dark red blush dusted your s/c face. furrowing your brows you turned around away from the others. "n-no! i-i d-do- i- just- you, ugh! and how do you even know if i love elson or not." you turned around and looked down at olaf, who only grinned in return. "well whenever one of us would mention elson you seem to get happier or your eyes get brighter!" you grumbled under your breath. "your much too observant for your own good sometimes olaf..." anna perked up as she ran over to you. "you didn't deny it!" you turned away from her, as your blush slightly darkened. anan gasped as she ran in front of you, a grin on her lips. "you do love elson!" a small smile formed on your lips as you thought about it before shaking your head. "l-look we don't need to worry about that right now. at this rate we wont get to elson until nightfall, and i don't know about you but i don't like to be climbing mountains when i'm as tired as a bear going into hibernation." you crossed your arms as you turned to the others. "nice simale y/n" you smiled at the snowman. "thanks olaf, now lets keep on moving. we are losing daylight people!" "you still never denied it." anna mumbled as she followed behind you and olaf.

so you continued walking. "so, you two aren't at all afraid of the king?" you shook your head as you kept walking. "nope! and i know he wouldn't hurt me or y/n!" anna proclaimed. you gave a faint smile as you thought about seeing elson again, but soon stopped when you felt a blush forming on your cheeks, shaking your head you decided to push these feelings down, fro now at least. "i bet he's the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever." olaf said as he walked into an ice spike. olaf looked down at his now impaled some and chuckled. "oh would you look at that, i've been impaled." 

it was now nightfall by the time you guys had finally made it up the mountain. you slightly blamed kristoff since he had to go pee and he couldn't wait any longer. anna looked up to the starry night then at you. "what do we do now, y/n?" you sighed as you took the sleeping bag from sven and gave it to anna. (were just gonna pretend that he had a spare and it was attached to sven. okay okay!) anna looked down at you as magma came over to you and flopped down of the soft snow. "we camp here until morning. once we all wake up and are ready we will leave." anna and kristoff nodded at you. "and that sleeping bag is big enough for both of you so you both share and ill sleep with magma." kristoff and anna blushed at the thought of sharing a sleeping bag together. "w-wait! n-no as a gentleman i insist-" pulling out your sword you pointed the end at kristoff's throat. "and as the woman with the sword pointed at your throat i say you two sleep in the god damn mother fuckin bag." kristoff gulped as you sheath your sword again. "besides i was pretty much raised in the cold, i've slept in places much colder than this with just shorts and a t-shirt. i think im fine to sleep without the fuckin bag." kristoff sighed as the two got into the sleeping bag.

unsurprisingly the two were out like a light. even sven. you sighed as you looked at the sky. you remembered how you and elson would sometimes stay up extra late just to look at the stars at night, naming every constellation you could see. a small smile pulled at your lips as you remembered the good times. you sighed. before everything else happened. magma suddenly stood up quickly and started sniffing around, his tail moving a million miles a minute. he turned to you nudgung you as he started hopping around. you were confused at what was wrong with the wolf but you decided to follow it. looking back you saw your friends sleeping peacefully then turned. when you saw magam run through a hole in the mountain you immediately followed after. what you saw on the other side, left you in shock and amazement. 

it was elson's castle. and it was magnificent. 

1302 words. thats all

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