The King's Castle

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before we start this shit i just wanted to thank  @canadiangirl927 for pointing out a lot of the errors in my chapters! even though i'm usually a very sarcastic person, i'm not being sarcastic about this. ugh i really didn't like the last chapter... And after the story is over i'll go back and edit the whole story, maybe add some and take some away. but anyway! let's start this chapter you bastards!

hands (yes we are referring to him from now on as hands instead of his actual name.) and the other men all arrived at elson's castle. hands urged his horse so that he moved in front of the guards. "we are here to find princess anna and captain y/n! be on guard, but remember, no harm is to come to the king!" he hopped off of his horse, holding him still by the reins, looking at all of the men. "is that understood?!" the men all nodded, all responding in their own way or another, except for two. the duke's men, they looked at each other before nodding. hands began to pull his horse toward the castle. (suga's abs....thank you rain!) suddenly marshmallow turned around from (restraint of a saint my ass suga...) being camouflaged as a pile of snow. he roared at the man. (you can call me sugar all you want~) hands drew his sword as marshmallow roared once again. the men attacked the snowman, but that only made him angrier. (fuck! don't call me sugar no more, my flustered ass cant handle it!) he knocked the duke's men against a rock making them fall. as they lay on the ground, they looked up to the castle doors and (damn suga clam down! my insides feel all tingly and shit!) saw elson closing the door. (oh well damn! the clapping! the fuckin clapping! it's getting faster it's getting fuckin faster!) "the king!" one of them said before they both quickly got up. (fuck fuck fuck! the moans the damn moans!) the snowman kept fighting the other guards. hands rolled out of the way as the snowman, swiped at the men with it's clawed hand. 

the duke's men began to run up the stairs, elson hearing them began to flee up the stairs. (instead of making an exit with his magic...oop! time to start kuroo!) the men saw elson running and quickly began to follow after him. elson ran into a room, the men running in not long after. they aimed their crossbows as elson tried to get them to leave him alone. (i am not intimidated kuroo and i am barely over 5 fuckin feet so anyone can fuckin pick me up if they want to, you sexy bitch.) "no! please!" he put his hands up in defense, backing away slowly. one of the men, shot an arrow at him. elson held his arms up waiting for the arrow to hit. (kuroo and hawks are more similar than i thought before...) not feeling the arrow he opened his eyes and saw that he had created a shield with his magic. but he didn't have long to think about (how the fuck this bitch go from, go go vampires to, why don't you take a bite~ in fuckin seconds!)the ice shield as the men began to get ready to attack once more. (kuroo: your small but your not pipsqueak sized. bitch i am shorter than both hinata AND nishinoya! i think that's fuckin pipsquek level dontcha think?!) "stay away!" elson shouted, shooting at the men as they dodged her attack. the men tried to shoot at him again but everytime elson would shoot ice at them making them dodge.

marshmallow hit hands making him fall before trying to stomp him. hands quickly moved out of the (obsessed? no. horny? absolutely.) way before getting up and slicing one of marshmallow's legs off. hands began to run up the stairs but marshmallow hit him making him nearly fall from the stairs as he fell down the cliff. the men quickly came up, helping him on the stairs. elson glared at the men as they circled him with readied weapons. one of the men rose his weapon, but elson was too quick for him. (ngl if a guy i liked, if that ever happens, just came up behind me and whispered, be mine chibi-chan~ in my ear in a deep voice, god damn! i might just faint, i might even blush so hard you may actually see it on my face.) elson quickly pinned the man up against a wall with his spikes, one slowly threatening to stab his neck. the man whimpered a bit as he looked down at at the spike approaching his neck. elson saw from the corner of his eyes the other man getting ready to fire, quickly he used his magic and knocked the weapon from his hands. the man tried to run, but elson blocked his path. he tried to run the other way, but once again blocked by ice. the man turned once again but elson glared harder at the man as he forms a block of ice, pushing it toward the man. (it's past 30 mins and i still ain't hear no clapping!) the man tried to hold the ice back, but elson gritted his teeth, pushing harder, making the ice  push the man through the ice doors, they broke due to the action. the man tried his hardest as he neared the edge of the balcony. (pt 2 bitch!)

 hands quickly ran into the room, noticing the situation and seeing one of the men about to shoot elson. "king elson! don't be the monster they fear you are (im sorry im laughing too hard right now! who the fuck just, when they meet their spouses parents are like. "hi! im your future son-in-law! i've stolen the heart of your child!" i'll tell you who! kuroo. that's who.) elson turned and looked at hands, stopping his magic and turning his attention away. the man raised his crossbow, aiming it at alson. hands quickly sprinted forward and aimed the crossbow up at the chandelier. elson looked up and gasped, seeing the chandelier begin to fall. he quickly tried to run away, but tripped, falling unconscious. 

1042 words. *wipes tear* were so close guys! were so close! *wipes more tears*  only thirty minutes. *sniff* only thirty more minutes.

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