And the moment his eyes met the petite figure sitting with their head low, he felt like breaking down.

Nahhh just playing, that's not it😗✌️

The silence broke, just like Hongjoong. They were standing in front of his car, still on the parking lot of the police station. But he couldn't hold himself anymore. The rain drenched their clothes, but he could care less. Hongjoong pulled Hyerin into his arms and hugged her tight and firm, as if he was fearing that she was just an imagination. He cried, sobbed into her hair. "Don't ever think of something like this again!" he cried out "You-You stupid kid! Don't you ever-" he sobbed and pulled away to watch her face. He cupped her cheeks and wiped away the tears she was shedding. "I thought- I thought I lost you-" he bit down of his lip to suppress another loud sob. Lovingly he took in every bit of her small face, her little nose and cat like eyes, the scare and pain pooled in the two dark orbs. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I failed to be the brother you deserve, Rin. I am sorry we all failed you... Please, give me another chance, give me a second chance to protect you, let me show you how loved you are... I can't say goodbye to you, not you... Please"

Now it was Hyerin sobbing loud, clenching her hands on Hongjoong's back to pull him in for another deep hug. She let out whatever she had left, in the safety of her brothers arm, for once she felt the tingling feeling of comfort.

Heeeyyy how yall doing..?😃

Ah, okay fine, let it out, i know, I know that hurt... Yeah... Yeh... It's fine... Yeah, there will be a lot of fluff afterwards...

So yeah... Uhm, my boring ass got tagged again?💀 By @Makeupsex So uhm, let's add this here so we can ignore my sad ass making angsty chaps in family au fuff

 Uhm, my boring ass got tagged again?💀 By @Makeupsex So uhm, let's add this here so we can ignore my sad ass making angsty chaps in family au fuff

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what's your real age?
I'm 885

-what's your biggest nightmare?
Honestly, dying before doing something big. Like, I want my grandchildren to know, their grandmother did THAT.

-What's your most significant wish?
Mhm... Completing my to-do list before dying

-what's the most hurtful word you have said to anyone?
May you die lonely and left in despair

-ever had a crush?

-does your crush like you back?
... 😃👍

-who's your ideal type?
>5'10, aries, slight similarity to an animated character, meme, angelic voice
>6'2, libra, some big tiddies, 'Mingyu from seventeen had a nice pair', king, MEME
... I'm staying single for life ain't I?

-what hurts you the most?
Myself, bruh. Either I am too dumb to survive or I let that toxic bitch in my life again

-who was your first follower?

-who is the closest to you among your followers?
Oh wow that's gonna be embarrassing... I hate answering something like that cause I am actually really shy and can't hold a good conversation cause I feel like I'm so damn annoying but mhm.... It's beachymin and hwas_diamond_nails...? (hereby I tag you two😗)

-who makes you feel like you're worth it?
My instant noodles

-who was the last one to appreciate your writing?
Uh...  Everyone that reads my stories? Or else like no-one, i also write other stuff privately and like my parents tell me to quit that bullshit and my friends don't like it so-😗✌️

-what did your last pm say?
'math is a whole other beast I swear' bababahjf lol I love it💀😭

-what's your phones background?
Still the same one with the butterfly thing. I don't change my locks often

I don't know 15 people close enough to tag them so...
Uhmm... So... Sorry to disturb you🙃 you can just ignore ittt

So much happend yall. So our baby Mingi is taking a rest. I'm honest, I cried. But why, listen. It made me so happy that the company acknowledged his need for rest and let's him rest. It just touched me.
I hope deeply that he will feel better and that he takes all the time he needs, we will patiently wait until he feels well enough❤️

Uff, this his half as long as the actual chapter lol

Please stay healthy and safe


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