16)"He Is Cool"

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Sehun and aayeol was suggested to move to Canada for better future reference.

"Canada! just after the school, ugh how am I supposed to live without my parents", aayeol scratched her head roughly.

Hearing the word "parents" sehun remember the days when he doesn't have to care about anything cause he had his parents, his brother on his side. Now sehun is living a hard life. High schoolers do part time jobs but some out of curiosity and some for little expenses but sehun was doing part time jobs to survive.

"hey, let's go home", aayeol snapped her fingers.

"ow", sehun replied waking up from a snap.

"why am I going to the same direction as aay?" sehun was asking himself.

"we are home" aayeol opened the door and shouted.

"we??, am I supposed to be here?" sehun asked himself.

"hey aay, I guess I came here by mistake. I'm leaving" sehun turned to leave but aayeol grabbed his bag and dragged him in and said "You are supposed to live here now, this is your home too".

"What does that supposed to mean? Why would I?"

"so you wanna go there back where you don't have anyone to look after you. I saw you sleeping comfortably with oppa. You are not that big to live on your own so just shut your mouth and help me to clean the room"

"aay, I can't -" sehun was denying ad aayeol strangled him up again and said "you better help me to clean the room, oppa already bought your things from there"

Now sehun has a room of his own beside chanyeol's. Aayeol assured him that if he needs anything he can ask chanyeol who is next door to him.

[At the dinner]
"oppa, we are suggested more like advised to move Canada for better future reference. What you think about this?", aayeol asked.

"both of you?" asked chanyeol

"ah! I wish I can leave this kid with you but they said both of us should think about this", aayeol said.

"I'm not a kid", sehun corrected aayeol.

"aww really you are the shortest kid in our class"

"I'll grow up, you watch me aay" sehun said pouting.

"ah! To be honest I don't wanna go there. I- I like it better in my country" sehun said with a serious face.

"you are such a bad liar. Aren't you the same person jumping out when they suggested you to move to Canada?!", said aayeol eating her last bite.

Sehun looked worried. He don't have money to even think of going to busan and he was suggested to move Canada? A joke?. He is already living on park's but for how long and why would he? He had 4 part time jobs with he managed his football practice and his art career.

"I'll pay for you", chanyeol spoke up.

"NO!... I mean you are already doing this much for me I can't take your money.. I.." sehun struggling in speaking.

"heyyy, don't worry give that money to me", said aayeol with her eyebrows raised.

"I'm not giving my money to you. I'm just lending it to you and you have to pay me back when you get any proper job", chanyeol said while looking down at his plate, he was still eating.

"What if I can't make it? I don't have anything as collateral to give you right now"

"you will make it for sure, I believe you", chanyeol said with a smile.

Sehun was touched by his words.

"After years someone said that to me. He believe me, me! Really chanyeol hyung is the best" sehun thought to himself and smiled ear to ear.


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