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Angel's POV:

"You know that bitch??!"

Y/N gritted her teeth, making it evident that the whore definitely had some beef with my friend.

"Unfortunately...She..She's my mom."

"Your WHAT?!" I screamed, leaping to my feet and grabbing her shoulders. She's joking, right?

"I'm not happy about that either, y'know?! I was only focused on trying to adapt to my new environment, that I never once considered that my parents would be here!" She expressed, clearly distressed.

I realized my tight grasp on her shoulders, and decided to pace around my room instead. The new prostitute was that bitch who abused Y/N. The two looked nothin' alike, so I could never even come up with something to fuckin'....Insane!!


I turn to Y/N.

Y/N began to mess with her hands (or whatever nervous habit you have). "Has she ever...mentioned me? Or her death? Or...". Her eyes were downcast.

I huffed, crossing my arms. "What the hell do you think?"

Y/N only frowned in reply, her eyebrows furrowing in what I assume to be concern.

"Actually, she still doesn't know you killed her." I interrupted the silence with what I hoped to be relieving information. She perked up significantly.

"I- Seriously??" She questioned, her eyes wide in hope and shock.

I nodded to her question, watching as her face contorted from relief, to confusion, to awe. While she sat there, pondering over that new information, I turned to face the clock. Unfortunately, it was almost time for me to go back to Val's. As much as I wanted to stay and converse with my new friend, I needed money. ESPECIALLY after that one eyed bitch forced me to start payin' rent.

Damn it.

"Hey, listen, I gotta go. I'm startin' a new movie tonight, and it pays well. That's actually one of the reasons why you're mom- Ugh, that feels shitty to say- called me."

Y/N hesitantly nodded, moving to leave my room, stopping just as her hand met the knob. The demon turned, her E/C eyes meeting mine.

"I know you may not want to talk about just how bad things are at work, but...just know...that I'm here...for you?" She looked unsure of herself as she attempted to leave behind her comforting words.

I couldn't see it, but I knew I was smiling.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't go bein' all mushy n' shit. I need ta go work, ya know?" I chuckled, whilst secretly petting a certain pig, who hid under my blanket. "C'mon. Why don'tcha walk with me to the car?"

She smiled, hooking her arm with one of mine. "Let's go, then~!"

The two of us grinned as we walked down the hallway. We passed by Al, who adjusted his monocle as his eyes were glued to our linked arms. I winked, and Y/N stared at our arms, her cheeks painted with a pink hue. My smile only grew wider at her embarrassment. I slung another arm around her shoulder. Her blush deepened, and a chuckle escaped past my lips.

Outside, the roads in front of the hotel were deserted. There was no demon in sight, and the surrounding buildings also seemed empty.

"Where the hell is everyone?" I asked aloud.

"I...I don't know..." Y/N mumbled.

I strutted over and kicked a nearby trashcan. "And where the hell is my ride?! Damn it, Val!" 

"Calm down, Angel. That's trashcan abuse." Y/N pulled me back to the front of the hotel, pushing me to sit on a bench. "Let's just sit here and wait, okay?"

She didn't wait for a response, and fell back onto the seat next to me. My sharp nails dug into my shoulder as I felt the agitation bubbling in my stomach. I gotta endure Val, that whore, and pretty much the entirety of hell, and he won't do me the small favor of getting my ride here on time?? Can things get ANY fucking worse?!

I shouldn't have asked.

Just then, an annoyingly familiar shrill voice broke the silence. Y/N tensed up as the demon strutted toward the bench, revealing herself. She sent me a flirty grin, whilst sending Y/N a glare.

"Heeeey, Angel, baby. Is this another one of your.." She chuckled, pointing to Y/N. "...Clients? You poor thing! I can't believe you had sex with such an ugly thing. Come! I'm here to take you to your shoot, where you and I can have..." She bit her lip in a stupid attempt to seduce me. "Some fun~."

Enraged, I stood up and shoved her away. "Woman!! Can you just leave me the fuck alone?! Even if I was offered trillions of money, I wouldn't EVER fuck you! No kisses, or hugs, or even flirty smiles!!. You're just a hunk of wasted flesh. A disgusting, slutty, good for nothing fleshbag!!" M/N feigned a hurt expression, placing a hand on where her non-existent heart would be. "My, my, my.. That stung quite a bit, darling. What has gotten you so aggressive? Don't worry....You can do whatever you want to me..." She squeezed her breasts, earning a whimper of discomfort from Y/N.

"Whore," I seethed. I grabbed Y/N by the wrist and pulled her back inside the hotel, away from her bitch of a mother. Charlie stood by the entrance, coming to greet us, until she saw my face. The princess turned and walked away.

I set Y/N down on one of the couches by the entrance. "Listen. I'm going to work. I hate your mom, but I need money. You stay here. If you wanna go out, take someone like Al or Husker with ya. Here.." I pulled out one of my business cards from one of my pockets and handed it to her. "If you need me, there's my number-"

"Angel..." Y/N interrupted. "You're acting like a really protective dad." 

"Then I guess you can call me Daddy~". I blew her a kiss. "Bye, sugar tits."

She rolled her eyes, her face lit with a slight blush. I smile with satisfaction and went back outside the hotel. When I heard the door shut, I frowned and trudged down the sidewalks, searching for a taxi.

"Damn it".


"Bye, sugar tits."

I knew all the nicknames he gave me..He gave others the same ones. I knew that. Even so, whenever he called me "babe" or "sugar tits"..I felt special. Maybe I was just happy to be called something other than "trash" or "piece of shit" or "slut". Maybe I was happy I had a friend who gave me nicknames, like they did in television. 

Or..Was it something else entirely?

I went back to my room, caught up in my thoughts. As I opened the door, I was greeted with the scent of cinnamon and apple. It seemed my room was tidied up, as my bed was neatly set up again, and there was a fresh bouquet of red daffodils in my flower vase. If there were any other changes, I hadn't noticed, as I went straight to my love seat and plopped onto the cushion.

I had only been in hell for a very short period of time. Yet, I managed to find a place that I could call...home? The people in this hotel were all pleasant. Charlie was a very determined girl, and she was someone I admired. Vaggie was aggressive, though it was only because that was her way of defending the people she cared about. Alastor, though I heard of his reputation as the "Radio Demon", was actually a very charming individual. I like his smile.

Husker and Nifty, although I haven't talked to them much, seemed like people I could trust. Husker seems wise, and Nifty is very handy with crafts and cleaning. 

Then..There was Angel Dust.

He was a dirty minded demon, who had no problem getting his hands dirty if that meant he received something in return. From what Vaggie told me, he was selfish, crude, and rude. He loved drugs, and alcohol. He loved to annoy certain individuals. He was a handful. And...

He's...very sweet. 

He and I got along well. He was a supportive person, which I think was because of his own life. His troublesome past. His experiences.

Whenever he walks into the room, I feel myself brighten up. He brought excitement, teasing, and laughter. He made me feel alive. He made my loneliness disappear. When he smiles at me, or calls me by a nickname, I feel my stomach flutter and flip. 

Without realizing, my heart started to beat fast, and my face slowly grew pink. 

Angel Dust, what have you done to me?

{INCOMPLETE} You're My Favorite Drug [Angel Dust X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now