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Your mind slowly started to gain control of your body, and soon you found yourself lying in your comfortable bed at the hotel. Outside of your door, you could hear faint yelling coming from Angel Dust and Vaggie.

Curious, you reluctantly got out of the warm bed and tiptoed to the door, pressing your ear on the wooden surface.

"NO, you douchebag! This place is supposed to DISCOURAGE sin! We aren't gonna let you take her to your shitty sus job, where she'll most likely get...RAPED..!" Vaggie screamed.

"Calm down, Vaggie. Y/N is resting right there. Just...let's go work on her plan, okay?"

Vaggie let out a low growl before stomping off somewhere. Without Vaggie, the corridors were completely silent. You were going to open the door, since you assumed everyone who was there had parted ways.

Your fingers had barely brushed the knob when Charlie's voice had interrupted the silence.

"Angel, you weren't really thinking of bringing Y/N to that job, right?" Charlie questioned.

You could hear Angel growl. "I didn't even SAY I was gonna fucking take that girl with me to my damn job. YOUR SHITTY girlfriend just made a stupid assumption 'cause she hates me...BECAUSE I'm a GUY..! I was gonna tell you I just needed to go over there for some business!!" Angel exclaimed angrily.

Charlie quickly apologized before running away, probably due to the surprising outburst from the usually sassy demon. You couldn't blame her, when you yourself was still recovering from the shock of the surprising amount of anger.

You didn't realize Angel had opened the door until you felt something hit your face. Letting out a gasp in surprise, you fell onto your butt and scrambled away.

Angel Dust still seemed to be a bit frustrated, though he wasn't focused on calming down, but instead aimed a questioning expression towards you.

"We're ya..eavesdropping?" The demon mumbled.

You nervously waved your hands around, blushing with shame. "I-I didn't mean to. I was just concerned because I heard yelling! So..." You bit your bottom lip, averting your gaze.

Angel rolled his eyes, turning his back towards your form. You tilted your head upwards, staring at the back of his fluff as he went to shut your door. Without effort, the demon grabbed you by the back of your top and carried you over to the bed, setting you down gently before falling suit. Quickly, you adjusted your position so that you were now sitting cross legged beside Angel Dust.

Your friend seemed to have zoned off, his face contorting in pained expressions from time to time. You slowly felt concern flooding your body, as the realization started to set in. He hadn't been acting himself when he was yelling just moments ago, so something must've happened.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

Angel blinked rapidly, his eyes setting onto your significantly smaller form. After blinking a couple more times, he responded to your question with a shrug and turned to continue his staring, which only bothered you more. Your mouth opened, ready to express just how worried you were, only to see Angel getting ready to respond.

"Listen. I'm goin' to my job for a while. I know how stubborn you can be, so just don't bother following me. And don't piss off Al, the bitch, or the pussy cat. Al is sketchy as fuck, that latino bitch is probably on her goddamn period, and I don't want you bothering my Husker baby."

Your eyebrow raised in a questioning expression. "You sound as if you're gonna leave and never return, just like those cliche movies. Y'know what I'm talking about."

Angel lightly chuckled in response, messing with your already untidy, H/C hair. You felt the tension in the air leave, and a smile made its way onto your face. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be back in, like, a couple hours at least. I hope you can deal with this hotel without me!" On cue, he struck a dramatic pose to add emphasis to his statement. Silently laughing, you rolled your eyes and shoved him off the bed.

{INCOMPLETE} You're My Favorite Drug [Angel Dust X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now