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As the stranger waltzed in, you could see it was a fluffy spider demon. Their hair was quite long, with bits of pink on random places. They also wore a white and pink striped tux, with kinky looking boots. Their eyes were mismatched, with one being mostly black and the other being white. Both had pink irises.

"What the fuck, Charlie? You should've given me an excuse to leave my porno job. I'd do anything to flirt with...him~" The demon's tone changed, as he pointed towards Husker.

"Well, I was introducing our new volunteer to the hotel staff, because she needs to know our names. And, I didn't know you were still doing that job. Y'know, I already said to stop and try to find something else," Charlie explained, crossing her arms while wearing a disappointed frown.

"Yeah, yeah...Money is money, tootz. But I wouldn't expect you to understand, since I don't expect a princess to have to worry about somethin' so stupid," The demon replied, brushing his gloved hands through his fluffy hair.

Vaggie marched away to the nearest wall, grabbing a spear that was leaning against it, then threw it at the guy. He narrowly dodged the weapon, yelling out a string of cuss words.

"What the FUCK!?"

"You better do what we tell you to, you piece of shit, or else we WILL kick you out," Vaggie yelled, clenching her fists.

"Hey..let's go, okay?" Charlie muttered, tugging your arm. You nodded.

She lead you both to a door that had a metal plate, engraved with the words "Charlie's office". She opened to door, leading you inside, then shut it. You both took a seat opposite each other.

"Soooo...While that commotion is going on, we'll go ahead and decide what type of plan we'll do for you," Charlie said, wearing a nervous smile.

Of course, you nodded in understanding. "Oh, okay. Where do we start?"

"Well.." She looked down at her hands. "Let's talk about your life. That's a good start, I think."

You bit your bottom lip, looking down at your feet. Your life was a difficult one. There were no sweet memories that it gave you; just bitter ones. When you arrived in hell, you viewed it as a fresh start. You didn't want to talk, or even think, about that life you had. However, you knew it was necessary for Charlie to know, so you pushed yourself to spit it out.

"Well, I had a difficult one...I was a single child, with two poor parents who made poor choices-" And from there, you explained in detail about everything.

Charlie asked you other questions, like what sin you committed-that was a difficult one to talk about. You didn't get into detail about how you killed them. She also asked about past problems with alcohol, drugs, or anger issues. After you guys finished, the poor girl looked confused.

"I just. I don't know what do to for you-" This made your expression fall.

"I'm not gonna give up, though. It probably sounds ironic, but I think my dad blessed me with you. If I can't help you out, then I'm not worthy of running this place," Charlie stated, wearing a determined expression.

And then came the silence. It wasn't very awkward, because both of you seemed to be too focused on intently listening outside, curious about the fight between the mysterious guy and Vaggie. Actually...

"Um, Charlie?"

"Mhmm?" She looked over at you.

"Who was that guy-well, I think it's a guy... Who is he?"

"Oh! That'-"

It's Angel Dust, babe,"

Both of you face the door, you being face to face with the person from earlier. He grinned at you, showing off his gold tooth, which shined in the light. He was uncomfortably close, since he was bending down toward you. Of course, you didn't mention it, but instead paid attention to his presence.

{INCOMPLETE} You're My Favorite Drug [Angel Dust X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now