"Just hold on. We're almost there." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

I felt quite uncomfortable having girls randomly talk to Harry as we were walking. Not to mention the girl taking pictures of us that would probably end up on twitter. I don't see how Harry is used to it. Even though he always says it's something that you don't get used to, I know that he doesn't remember the last time he was able to walk down the street peacefully.

Harry pulled me into a store that I didn't have a chance to look at the name. Louis was inside just looking at the clothes inside. He turned to us and smiled as he headed into our direction.

My eyes went wide open when I saw all the stuff inside the store. The countless baby clothes with every colour in existence stacked neatly one over another. The cribs, strollers, night stands, night lights, toys, food, diapers, the list was endless. This store had anything a baby might possibly need.

I turned to Harry, "Harry, wha─"

"Go crazy. Pick out anything you'd like." Harry gave me a large grin as he pointed towards the never-ending shelves filled with neatly piled baby clothes

"And I'll help you," Louis announced, already having a stack of baby clothes on a cart.

I grabbed one shirt and looked at the tag before I turned to Harry with wide-eyes, "But it's so expensive," I pointed out.

"Don't worry about the price, Lily." Something on his face told me that he was being honest, that the price doesn't matter. That getting what the baby needs is what really matters. But I still couldn't let him spoil me like that. I don't want people thinking that I only love Harry because of his money, because I don't.


"Stop being stubborn and just get anything you want," he said in an annoyed tone. "Just consider it as a Christmas gift." I had forgotten that Christmas was almost here, which means I have to get him a gift as well. I have never been very good with presents. Maybe I should ask Louis what I should get Harry for Christmas.

"Alright," I said as I gave in.

I grabbed the cart and gathered all the stuff that the baby might need. I got a few shirts, sweaters, pants, and pajamas. But Louis and Harry put twice as much stuff inside the cart than I put. I told them endless times that we didn't need much because the baby grows fast, but that just made them get even more stuff in different sizes. I think that they were enjoying this more than I was. We bought a pink stroller , a crib, furniture, and decorations. We bought so much stuff that I don't think it could all fit in the car. All the furniture will be shipped to us later.

A few annoying girls were able to enter the store before the security guard denied the rest of the girl's entrance. It was really disturbing because they were following us all over the store taking pictures of us. Did they think we were stupid or something? We could obviously see them. Harry told me not to get all worked up and just let them be.

I don't know how long we took to get everything. But by the time we left the store, it was already dinner time. We decided to out for dinner tonight so Louis called Eleanor, so she could join us.

When we got there after picking Eleanor up, we entered the restaurant and sat on our tables waiting for our drink orders to come.

"So what did you buy?" Eleanor asked after Louis told her where we had been. She sat across from me with Louis by her side and Harry sat next to me.

"Ask Louis and Harry, they got most of the stuff," I half giggled. She turned to Louis.

"A mountain full of baby stuff," Louis answered looking up at the middle aged waitress who put our drinks carefully in front of us.

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