Chapter 24

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(A/N) I’m so so so so sorry for not updating in like a month and a half. I was on vacation, but now I’m back to updating every week, so to make it up to you I’m making the chapter a bit longer (: Hope you like it

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Chapter 24

Lily's POV

I told Harry everything in detail. He didn't interrupt me; he just sat across from me listening to every word I said.

When I was finished, he sighed and simply said, "Lily, you need to forgive her." His tone was nice and calm.

"I don't have a reason to," I simply replied, not looking up from my plate.

"She's your mother, that should be good enough of a reason," he reasoned.

I sighed, looking up to meet his worried gaze, "Harry, I told you this so you can support me and take my side, not my mum's."

"I’m not taking her side. I'm just saying that you should forgive her because she was wrong. She came all the way here alone and apologized to you. Shouldn't that change your mind about her at least a bit?"

"Yeah but I don't need her anymore. I finally got used to not have her around and then she randomly shows up," I explained before taking another forkful of food and washing it down with some water.

"Lily, you're being selfish. You need to think about her situation and how you're all she's got," he said flatly.

I would have gotten offended if it wasn't true. But sadly it is. I didn't think about how she might need me. Most of our family lives in northern England and I don't think she has enough money to get there.

I stayed silently, knowing he was right.

"Just think about it for a while okay?" Harry gave me a half smile before getting up with our dishes and dumping them in the sink. He came towards me and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"You're washing the dishes tonight," he whispered as he pulled away from me and leaving the dining room.

"The rule was if I cook, you wash the dishes," I retorted, making him turn around to face me.

"Every rule has an exception," he replied in a ‘duh’ tone.

I rolled my eyes and giggled. "I swear, if I wasn't in a good mood..."

"I love you too." He gave me a cheeky smile before running up the stairs.

Did he really mean that? Or did he just say it just because? The last time I heard those words were from Nick and I'm pretty damn sure he didn't mean them. I wanted to ask Harry but what if he was just joking? What if he didn't love me and I'd feel stupid.

I sighed and pushed myself off of the chair. I swear this kid is getting heavier by the day. And I still have three months to go. I'm soon going to have trouble doing my everyday chores.

After washing the dishes, I went up the stairs and got ready for bed before going into Haary's bedroom where he lay on his back while srolling though his phone. He was wearing nothing but boxers and his toned abs were in full view and I was about to drool over them if he didn't look up at me. He smiled cheekily and patted the spot next to him.

I grinned and didn't think twice before walking over to him and laid beside him. Our legs subconciously tangled and he wrapped his arm around my wast as I laid my head on his chest. His heartbeat was beating a bit rapidly and I wondered why. It can't be because of me can it?

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