Hey sis!
You do know I love you and really care about you, I believe in finding yourself while your man finds you. I'm in support of your dreams and I would do everything in my power to support you. Remember our last conversation about a YouTube channel? Yeah! This is your starter pack! Sorry I couldn't come in person, I had to rush to work. Have a blissful thirty-second birthday. I love you Scarra!

I couldn't control the outflow of tears that came afterwards. Osas is one of the best persons that happened to me in my life time, he was always there and consistent. I pray for him that when it is time for him to settle down, he would meet someone who deserves the love he has to give out. I picked up my phone and quickly dialled his number.

"Hey sis." Osas called immediately he answered the phone.

''Thank you" was all I could say. My voice sounded croaky because I had been crying.

"You're welcome. I'll see you when I close from work. I'm driving, take care." Then he ended the call immediately. He understood from the sound of my voice that I was short of words to appreciate him.

I never knew he was paying close attention to the last conversation we had in his house, how he was able to pull this off in a short while was what surprised me the more.

**One week ago**

"Osas." I called quietly. I had just finished cooking for him, I was waiting for the pot of soup and stew to cool off before dishing them in the freezer.

"Yeah?" He answered absent mindedly. He was chatting on his phone.

"You're in your thirties, you're financially stable, and you're matured enough to be someone's husband already. Why haven't you choose to settle down?" I asked him. My question seemed to have caught him off guard because he pressed the power button of his phone to put off the light and tilted his head to face me.

"Where is this coming from?" Surprise evident in his voice.

"We are of the same age group, but because I'm a woman, everyone is already pressuring me to get married as if I'm the one who would propose to any man I see, but for you, they assume that you're not yet ready to settle down because you're a man. Frankly speaking Osas, there's nothing left. Why have you not started planning to settle down?" I explained.

"The thought is on my mind Nosa. I've been thinking about it lately. I need to get married and start a family of my own. But right now, I don't even have a girlfriend talkless of a fiancee."

"No one in mind? You are not admiring or thinking of anyone as it is?" I asked him.

"There's this girl in my office I like. I haven't told her about how I feel yet but she's very smart and beautiful. I've held conversations with her a few times and I think she's my kind of girl." He said with a smile.

"You better act fast before someone would steal her from you. I cannot keep cooking for you forever. Get a wife!" I eyed him and hissed.

"I see..." He scratched the back of his head. "So that's what this conversation is about abi? You act as if you won't miss my patronage, I pay handsomely o."

"I'm not scared, I can always oppress you to give me money. I'm only advising you. So you would stop fornicating." I laughed.

"Seriously? You know you're not innocent of this accusation. We both know each other's story." He said with a smirk.

"Osas!" I called his name smiling. "I've been celibate for almost four years now. We're not in the same category."

"Hmm, you have a point sha. Well, enough about me, what about you?"

"What about me? When I'm getting married?" I asked him. "Na me wan find the man? Abi na the man go find me?" I laughed lightly.

"I mean, what are your plans? You're not going to sit around idle waiting for your husband to come right? You have to work on yourself and your career. Find yourself while the man finds you. So that when he comes, he knows that he's hopping on a moving train. Any man who feels threatened or intimidated because you're beautiful and successful is not worth you. With that being said, what are your plans?" He had gone from laughing and smirking Osas to a serious person. I'm not always ready for these kind of conversations.

"Well, I've been thinking about a YouTube channel." I answered him honestly. I didn't know what his view about it would be because the last I know wouldn't stop here, he would continue to ask m questions until I have nothing to answer.

"What's it going to be about?" He asked.


"There are lots of food blogs, YouTube channels and even shows out there. What would make yours standout?" He questioned.

As expected!

"It's not going to be all about Sharing recipes and teaching people how to cook. We would talk about the nutritional value of each meals, the origin, what they start for, proper preparation and talking about the right use of kitchen equipments, the best product to use and lots more. It would be everything kitchen and dining."

"You have really thought about this."


"It's a good idea." He remarked. "So how far have you gone in preparation?"

"Well, I've put out notice that I'm in search of a food scientist and a nutritionist, They would help in carrying out the necessary research. Then I would have my camera and marketing team." I answered him feeling proud of myself.

"I like that. You know what you're doing. So what do you need to get started?"

"Nothing much, just a camera, ring light, and a wireless microphone kit. I also need a new laptop."

"What happened to the old one?"

"I'm glad you said old one. That one is two gig ram na. It's slow and it hangs. I need something better to edit pictures, upload my videos and access my channel."

"Okay. That's nice. You know, I was thinking you were going to say restaurant..."

"...I have that in mind, but it's a long term plan." I cut in.

"Good." After a moment of silence, he said "You have your own apartment, your car, and your business. Any man you'd choose to spend the rest of your life with should be someone with intellects. Someone who would guide you in taking the right decisions to help you grow. I dey tell those my sisters say make dem no carry any how boy come o. Their brother no yeye, I no wan see yeye person." We both burst into laughter.

Phew!!! I know we all agree that Nosa has been through so much already. She deserves to relax and be taken care of.

What do you think about this chapter?

Osas is taking the award for the best cousin of the year yeah?

Find yourself while the man finds you. 💪🏾

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