♔𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿: 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝♔

18 1 2

« 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚞 »

A nervous grin decorated Hanyu's face, as he carefully combed his hair. No matter how many times you told him not to worry about it, he couldn't help it, however, he was admittedly looking amazing. "Ya better not cheat on me!" you joked and rushed into the bathroom to brush your hair, as well.

"I'd never," he smiled dazzlingly, happily playing along. "Good, you wouldn't wanna make me cry," you grinned, snatching the comb away from him. "I've already had to do enough of that," you claimed dramatically. "Nooo! Does it still hurt? Need me to make it better?" He got dangerously close to you, his playful smile never leaving his face, as he grabbed your hands. "Let me soothe your pain," He whispered breathily and softly kissed them.

"Holy shit," you murmured, blushing furiously which made him laugh warmly. He built a distance between you again, as his face had perhaps gotten even redder than yours. The light mood got interrupted by exaggerated gagging noises coming from the door frame. "God, you're gross," Zeyu joked earning him a glare from Hanyu.

"Oh shut up, you're just jealous," you stuck out your tongue and continued brushing your hair until you were satisfied with the way it looked. Afterward you, at last, made your way to school, your mother had already driven off to work so you were walking which went as peaceful as it could with six crackheads around.

"I swear to god, I'm gonna get bullied if I'm seen with you," you spat between muffled laughter which made Zihao roll his eyes. "Oh c'mon you love us, so will everyone else," He smiled cockily and put his hands on his hips. "Love that mindset," Hanyu muttered nervously and let his gaze drift to the huge building that was your school. "That's it...isn't it," you nodded softly and led them inside.

"So, uh what are we going to do if the teacher kicks us out?" Hanyu asked. "You're gonna go to the library and wait for me there," you decided and pushed open the door to your classroom. "I see...you brought guests," the teacher's eyebrows rose, as she got up from her seat and stepped towards your small group, luckily the rest of the class didn't seem to care, as they just kept chatting away.

"Yeah, so these guys...are interested in the wizard that was here last week! And well if anyone knows how to contact them it's probably you," amazing (Y/N) nailed it. Hanyu smiled at your nervous behavior and put a hand on your shoulder which made you relax a little. "Surely? He doesn't really live here...you have to summon him," you tilted your head with a questioning gaze.

"You can ask the librarian they can probably provide you with a book or something," well that was just too perfect, Hanyu thought. He smiled politely and thanked the teacher and before you could stop him, he and the others were gone, leaving you to wonder how they intended to find the room.

"I hope nothing happens," you whispered and took your seat next to (Y/BFF/N). "So, uhm...mind explaining why they were here? And where you were the past three days?", they sounded a little more tense than usual.

You felt bad for worrying them, but you completely forgot about texting them from all the stress you had been going through. "I'm so sorry, I'll tell you after class," you promised and quieted down after your teacher announced the beginning of the lesson.

« 𝚈/𝙽 »

"Alright, spit it out," your best friend turned to you expectingly, you knew they wouldn't be letting you go until you spilled. "Long story short there's a crazy girl after the boys who's simultaneously Zihao's soulmate and we're trying to break his key so she can't keep terrorizing them," the other looked confused for a second. "...I'm sorry, what?" You laughed helplessly. "It's just as insane as it sounds, we already know how, but we don't know where to get the tools from that's why we plan to confront the wizard from last week about it,"

Your friend nodded processing what they'd just heard. "Alright, makes sense...I think?" They stared at you for a bit trying to think of something to say. "So, is this person violent or something? Or why are you so eager to destroy that thing..." before you could answer the door flung open. A young lady that you didn't recognize was standing there, your heartbeat immediately quickened.

She had a gorgeous smile, with perfectly white and straight teeth, on her face. "(Y/N), am I right?" She took a few steps towards you which made you back away. "Who wants to know that?" Your friend had also gotten up and seemed ready to fight. "I think they're well aware of my identity," her sweet, toothy smile twisted into a disgusting rage-blinded expression, as she effortlessly scooped up your friend and send her flying against the wall.

You screamed out of fear and attempted to run to (Y/BFF/N), but the girl lunged at you and pressed you onto the floor. "You're the oh-so-kind mooncalf that's been helping out those assholes, aren't you?" She chirped in a sweet, innocent tone. You didn't answer, as you were silently struggling to get out of her grip.

"Now, what should I do with you? I could cut your limbs off or I could just decapitate you! What'd be more fun?" Instead of answering you spat her right in the face. "Your voice doesn't match your rotten personality," you insulted between gritted teeth. Now that you look back on it you're not sure if that was a good decision. "Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" She started screaming like the crazy person that she was and began hitting you with each bitter 'shut up' she yelled.

Her punches were otherworldly painful, despite not being half of her strength and you were already whispering your good-byes when suddenly a crunching noise interrupted your beating. Unbeknownst to you, the boys had decided to check on you again and caught her red-handed. Luckily, the strength this creature had was not backed with good defense, as she immediately crumbled and crawled away from Hanyu who was coldly staring down at her.

He was clutching the chair, he had used to hit her with once and was slowly stepping after her shrinking frame, obviously threatening to do it again, but she quickly shifted into another form. A ladybug to be exact and was flying away from the ever-approaching boy making him let out a relieved sigh. There was no trace of the determined and honestly horrifying expression he had been wearing, instead, concern filled his eyes, as he quickly kneeled down to check on you.

The rest of the boys also ran into the room, some of them rushing to (Y/BFF/N) and some of them joining Hanyu. "I'm so sorry, I let this happen," he whispered, gently brushing a hair from your bruised face. Your eyes were teary and your throat dry from the screaming, but you smiled weakly to reassure Hanyu that you were okay.

Even though your vision was blurry, you thought you noticed Hanyu tearing up, as well, before he embraced you tenderly. He couldn't really explain it, but he had gotten attached to you over the course of the week, more than he'd like to admit and now you had gotten hurt, perhaps you might have even gotten killed if he came any later.

« 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿: 𝙴𝚗𝚍 »
--❥𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟷𝟸𝟾𝟷

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