♔𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻: 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚣𝚎♔

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« 𝚈/𝙽 »

Two days had passed over your little meeting and you were enjoying the warm feeling that stirred up in your stomach whenever you thought about your soulmate. You had texted him multiple hours ago, but he still hadn't replied. At first, you assumed that he was busy, but it wasn't like him to leave you waiting for so long, at least you thought it wasn't, as he'd answer within ten minutes of your messages.

Of course, you didn't want to be clingy so you decided to wait more, but the odd gut feeling you had did not help in easing your worries. And after your key also started glowing in a dark cyan shade your worries went through the roof. This wasn't normal, was it? It couldn't be. In a panic, you decided to visit Hanyu.

You entered a strange assortment of tiny houses, in the middle of all was your soulmate with his group of friends. He was on his knees and was looking up at his home, face drenched in tears. The once cozy home was being eaten up by thousands of flames, coating the other houses in warm light.

Your body moved on its own when you lunged forward and tenderly wrapped your arms around Hanyu. "I'm so sorry," you whispered, but the other barely seemed to notice you. "Is...is everyone present?" He asked with a strangely calm voice. Only after Hanyu asked that question did they notice that they were just five. Shuyang looked like he was about to faint, so did the rest of the group.

"Shit," your soulmate's face paled, as he jumped up and ran back into the house. "What are you doing?!" You let out a face-whitening scream and ran after him. In retrospect that was probably that most stupid action you could have taken in that situation, but you weren't really thinking about the consequences this might bring.

Hanyu, at first, did not even notice that you had run in, as well. He just kept on yelling for Zihao who never gave an answer. In a desperate guess of where he might be Hanyu ran up the stairs and with a little more force than needed into his room. There he was, passed out on the floor, as adrenaline was pumping through Hanyu's veins he had not noticed how dizzy he himself was, the only thought going through his mind was how he needed to get Zihao out of there.

After firmly grabbing him by the arms he dragged him out, bumping against multiple furniture articles and dodging ever-growing flames. But Zihao was extra weight and Hanyu already weakened, he felt as if he had to let go of him soon when he suddenly felt the other boy get lighter. You had grabbed his legs and were helping him drag to the best of your abilities. "Don't you pass out now," you tried encouraging him which he nodded to.

With the help you provided, you two managed to leave the house in one piece. You were met with Xin Long screaming at you, especially Hanyu. "You can't just run into a burning house! Are you crazy?!" He seemed close to punching Hanyu out of worry, but the boy had already stopped listening. His legs gave out and he fell back on his knees. You also felt a stinging pain in your head, but you could still stand.

"What...what are we going to do now?" Mingrui muttered. He was the only calm person out of the seven of you. "We're going to get Zihao and Hanyu help, asap," You finally spoke up. "Please, where the hell are we going to take them? The hospitals here are overrun with shape-shifters and I doubt there's a spell which we could do that'd magically make co2 poisoning disappear,"

"Obviously we're going to bring them into my world," you snapped back and already helped Hanyu, back on his feet. "Now come on, you don't want your friend to die, do you?" This silenced Mingrui and with the help of Xin Long, you carried them through the door. The many people that had surrounded the burning home looked after you with sympathy. Those poor boys had just lost their home.

"Back already?" Your mother asked in a happy, go-lucky tone. "Yeah...and we could use some help," The small woman quickly stepped into the living room and her eyes widened at the sight of you. "Oh my god, what happened?" You shook your head. "No time to explain," you quickly grabbed the home phone and called the ambulance.

"Aren't they going to ask who we are?" Hanyu asked weakly. "That doesn't matter, please don't worry, right now, we'll handle this," you whispered back and gently cupped his face. Soon, two vehicles arrived and took them away, your mother driving closely after them. You were quiet the entire ride, a gross feeling of dread spreading through your body.
How could this happen? Who was responsible for this fire? And why now, when everything was going so well.

The next two hours were spent with you and the rest of the boys helplessly watching, as doctors and nurses rushed around, doing their best to wake Zihao up. Luckily, Hanyu was pretty much stable, but the other's situation was still dire. Naturally, he had breathed in way more smoke than the others did. The doctors decided to take the five of you in, as well, just to make sure that you were going to be fine. After all, you did spend quite some time in and around the burning building, as well.

All the stress surrounding you had already made you cry multiple times. It stirred up intense anxiety in your chest, something you had never felt before. You felt as if you were going to lose your life, even though you were in no physical danger, but what were you supposed to feel anyway? Everything had happened so quickly you had trouble keeping up.

A nurse walked out of the room Hanyu and Zihao were kept in and smiled softly. "He's stable," an audible huff of relief came from the boys. "Can we see them?" The nurse nodded gently. "But only two at a time. Don't be too loud, they need to rest," She asked and made way for one of you to walk in. You looked at the boys pleadingly, they looked at each other sceptically, but then proceeded to nod carefully, as you wouldn't be fully alone with them anyway.

« 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻: 𝙴𝚗𝚍 »
--❥ 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟷𝟶𝟿𝟷

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