♔𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾: 𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚠♔

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« 𝚈/𝙽 »

You stared at your best friend with furrowed eyebrows. What in the world was the meaning of this? They couldn't possibly be trying to discourage you, that wasn't their style. "Dangerous? What do you mean?" (Y/BFF/N) shot you a pleading gaze. "You'd literally have to travel to the bottom of the sea and talk to some kind of ancient guardian to then maybe reach your destination or get eaten alive!"

They were flailing their arms around like crazy trying to convince you of the danger you would be facing. "But...but, I don't want to give up,"

"I know you don't...it's just not worth it." Your best friend sounded glad that you were listening however their temporary relief broke when they saw a small tear slip over your cheek. "Is this really going to be it then? Am I never going to see him again?" Your lip quivered in dread the little anger you felt washing away. As much as you hated to feel so dependent on somebody you had grown quite attached to Hanyu.

It was never really noticeable how much you cared for each other since the both of you took it for granted. The affection you shared never was or had to be overbearing, since you knew it was there, you knew he would be there whenever you'd need him. It was almost as if you had been together your entire life.
Now that he was gone you really noticed the significance of his presence and the longing you held for him.

You quickly wiped away your tears. This must-have looked incredibly stupid to any outsiders, right now. You shouldn't be crying over a boy you knew for such a short period of time. Maybe the fact that he was your soulmate separated him from all the past crushes you've had or that he had actually kissed you, but shouldn't you still be able to let go? Why were you feeling so much more devastated than you had felt about any other boy?

"Hey...stop crying, please," your friend whispered awkwardly averting their gaze. Their usually bright eyes were clouded by guilt and hesitation. A muffled sob escaped you before you gently reached out for a hug. They happily complied and soothingly stroked your back. "(Y/BFF/N)?" They hummed.

"What are you hiding?" You asked quietly and felt them tense up in your arms. Naturally, you still trusted their words, they were your best friend after all and wouldn't lie to you about something so serious, at least that's what you thought. Asking wouldn't hurt, right?

"It's..." they were holding their breath. "A long story." You felt as though their facade was crashing down before you. So they did lie? Were you wrong about them? A knot formed in your throat and you almost pushed them off, but they continued talking.

"First of all, what I said is the truth." They carefully let go of you to stare into your eyes. "If you were to try and find them on your own you'd fail. Miserably." The little bit of hope this had brought you came crumbling down, you however forced yourself to listen although you wanted to start crying again. "But...there is another way," they raised their voice a little and stepped over to their bag they had carelessly thrown onto your desk chair.

After rummaging through the rucksack for a bit they pulled out a shiny necklace. "Using this we can travel to them." You sniffled before getting up to observe the glowing accessory. "Is that some kind of teleportation thingy? How come you have it?"

Your best friend clutched the necklace as if they had been dreading that question. "Now...you see I'm..." their gaze fidgeted into all kinds of directions, making you hold your breath. "I'm their child, (Y/N)." A quiet gasp escaped you. "What?" Was all you could utter. "Does that mean you're like a magician, too?" Much to your dismay, they shook their head.

"They're both men...so I'm not biological. I can't be one even if I wanted to," they chuckled softly. "Okay, then. Why'd you hide it from me?" You asked. Rightfully so. This was nothing to be ashamed of. If anything it'd make your life easier. "Ah, it's a family secret, you know." They had turned away from you and were scratching their neck shyly. This was a completely different side to them. The (Y/BFF/N) you were used to was energetic and rarely serious. It'd be an understatement to say that their behavior surprised you.

"When can we go, then? Can we go now?" You asked rapidly, deciding to drop the subject. After all, there'd be enough time for questions later. "No, not now. My dads will kill me if they find out I'm skipping school. Come on get ready," they shooed you to the bathroom leaving you alone with your thoughts.

Processing what you had just heard didn't come easy. What kind of coincidence was this? The person you trusted most next to your mom and Hanyu? The friend who had been with you ever since you could count to ten? Was the kid of the people you desperately needed to see? You weren't going to complain, but somehow you couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't over yet. Something was still coming towards you, and it honestly terrified you.

After a gentle smile to the mirror, you made your way into your room again and got dressed. (Y/BFF/N) also looked a lot more relaxed, as socially competent as they were, they were terrible at hiding secrets. Especially from you. "Can we go?" You asked garnering their attention. "Yep," they smiled and followed you out the door. You couldn't help, but smile as well, this time genuinely and not your forced mirror smile.

It was looking up and you could only pray that it wouldn't come crashing down again.

« 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾: 𝙴𝚗𝚍 »
--❥ 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟿𝟿𝟺

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