♔𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼: 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗♔

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« 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚞 »

"We'll come back tomorrow!"
That was the last thing the boys said before leaving the room completely. Hanyu was curious, as to how your mother had handled the paperwork. Were hospitals interdimensional, as well? And if they were how would she have informed the hospital about their identities anyway?

The questions were giving him a headache just like everything else around him. He couldn't say he regretted running back in there since he managed to pull Zihao out of the house even if it was a close call, but the repercussions from breathing in all that smoke were getting to him.

"Zihao?" Hanyu decided to start a conversation. "Hm?" The other turned over on his bed to face his roommate. "Why didn't you leave your room?" He had meant to ask this earlier but didn't want to put Zihao under pressure between the others. "I didn't notice," He simply answered, his gaze traveling around the room now.

"You...you didn't? I don't know, man, we were screaming like crazy," Hanyu was obviously not convinced. Zihao went quiet for a bit and let out a sigh. "Who do you think started the fire?" Hanyu's eyes widened. He couldn't seriously be implying that he would do such a thing! "What do you mean?" He asked in a flat tone.

"Geez, no it was not me, calm down!" Zihao quickly defended himself making Hanyu exhale in relief. "But what were you trying to say then?" Zihao sighed again and started rummaging through his pockets, to pull out a completely black key, decorated with tiny blood-red flowers that were growing out of the small object. Hanyu was fascinated by the aura it gave off and stared at it with big eyes.

"I met them a few days ago, just like you did with (Y/N). It's just that, my 'soulmate' turned out to be fucking crazy," the unlucky boy set down his key on a little bedside table and finally looked into Hanyu's eyes. "She started forcing herself onto me after only having spent ten minutes around me and when I told her to take it slowly she took offense to that," He shook his head with an irritated expression.

"She actually started arguing with me and it kind of escalated into her swearing that she'll take away everything I love just so I'd have nowhere to run away to," Hanyu furrowed his eyebrows. What in the world was wrong with this girl? "Apparently in her twisted mind that would grant her more control and make me love her...I, at first, thought she was just bluffing, but I'm almost certain that she's responsible for this," Zihao finished his little monologue and seemed to expect an answer.

"That...that is terrible. Why didn't you tell us?" Hanyu's way of talking was almost hesitant by now. "As I said, I thought she was just lying," Zihao shrugged and an oppressive silence filled the room.
Hanyu decided to break the silence after a few minutes of staring. "Do...do you think she's a-" "Most definitely," Zihao answered before he could finish, predicting that he meant to ask whether she was a shapeshifter or not.

Of course, she was. She was quite sane considering what they had dealt with in the past. No one really knew why these once peaceful people had descended into insanity like this, but there were barely any trustworthy ones left. "Okay...but what does that have to do with you leaving the house?" Hanyu took up the subject again. "If I die, she'll leave you alone," He scarcely answered.

"Pardon? Don't you ever think bullshit like that! The problem here is not you, that bitch'll probably kill us just because she wants to anyway," It was rare for Hanyu to curse, but he really couldn't hold himself back. Zihao chuckled bitterly. "What else are we going to do? She doesn't seem like she'll leave us alone anytime soon," Hanyu didn't have an answer for that.

"I...I think we should discuss this with the others," He decided only getting a hum as a response. Surely, someone had to have some kind of solution to this. If this girl was ready to burn down their home with the person she so longed for in it she probably wouldn't be afraid to take this further. After that, the boys decided to call it a day and turn off their lights. Tomorrow would be a better day.

« 𝚈/𝙽 »

You were laying awake in your bed, as the sun was shining into your room. "Is it morning already?" You mumbled defeatedly not having been able to get any sleep because of all the feelings that were still raging in your mind. 'Might as well get up,' you thought to yourself and weakly pushed yourself onto your feet. Should you wake your mother or any of the boys? No, the hospital wasn't that far away. Honestly, your mom was probably going to kill you for this, but you decided to get dressed and make your way to the front door.

Apparently, the boys had the same idea. You had walked downstairs and were met with the four of them gathered around a phone trying to figure out where the hospital was. "Do you need any help?" You asked not being able to help but smile. They flinched and slowly looked at you. "Yes, please," Shuyang whispered rapidly causing you to giggle. There was something lovable about this bunch.

"Okay, then, follow me...but no going outside without jackets," Zeyu whined slightly. "God, you even sound like Hanyu," you shrugged nonchalantly and waited for them to get dressed in the anoraks your mother had provided them with. It looked ridiculous on them as most of them were from your mother herself. Let's just say your mother is not a particularly big woman.

"Beautiful, as always," you teased and opened the door. The members were kind of impressed that your mother was sleeping through all the noise they were making, but they weren't going to complain. "When do you think will they be released from the hospital?" Mingrui asked gaining your attention. That was a good question, you had completely forgotten to ask before leaving. "No idea," you muttered and soon you found yourselves before the hospital entrance.

« 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼: 𝙴𝚗𝚍 »
--❥ 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟷𝟶𝟻𝟸

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