"I don't know if you want to play this way, but I played this once at a Hufflepuff party and there was a spell that they used to make people have to tell the truth or the person would have to do the dare or their body would start aching. I don't know the spell myself, but I could probably figure it out if I remember hard enough." Conner said.

"It's fine baby we can play without it." Fred said placing his hand on Conner's. Conner then nodded and looked up at everyone.

"Well I'm down. Who else?" Draco said. Everyone nodded.

"Yeah sure, who's starting?" Charlie asked. Everyone looked at each other before Blaise spoke up.

"I can start if that's all right". Everyone nodded and he looked at Conner.

"Conner truth or dare". Conner looked up and looked like he was deciding which one.

"Truth". He answered. Blaise started thinking before talking again.

"Why were you up at 3 am when Fred and George came to visit you?" Blaise asked.

"Oh that's easy. I have Insomnia. I could explain more if you like?" Conner said. Fred and George tensed up and they both looked at Conner.

"Are you sure you want to tell them all?" George said. Conner leaned over and kissed George on the cheek then Fred.

"Of course. I trust them all. Plus if I do sleep and he comes I want them to know." Conner replied making everyone confused.

"Now I'm confused please do explain." I said nicely. Conner nodded.

"Sorry for confusing you guys. I have trouble sleeping because ever since I was... 6... I think, a demon started appearing in my dreams. Then as I got older and moved to Hogwarts I started having to deal with sleep paralysis. It use to be him just looking at me from various spots in the Hufflepuff boys' dormitory, but eventually he kept getting closer to the point where he started touching me. I stopped wanting to sleep. I drank caffeine 24/7, I took pills to stay awake, I even use to pour water over my head just so I wasn't comfortable. He hasn't showed up in awhile though, maybe 2 weeks? So I've been getting pretty good sleep". Conner then finished talking and looked around. Everyone's eyes were wide open.

"We're so sorry this is happening to you. Is their anything anyone can do?" Blaise asked from beside me. Conner shook his head no.

"I've seen many witches and wizards, they can't get rid of him." he said with a sad smile. George started rubbing his back while Fred cuddled up to his arm. He smiled warmly at them and shrugged.

"I'm used to him by now. It's still a little frightening, but he hasn't hurt me yet". I cringed as he said the word "yet".

"Anyway it's my turn now!" Conner started. He looked around and pointed at Harry.

"Truth or dare Harry." Conner said while taking a drink of his glass.

"Dare." Harry smiled while also taking a sip.

"Hmm... why don't you let Leon take control for a little". Harry perked up and nodded. He stood up and backed away from the circle a little. After a few seconds wings sprouted out of his back.

"Hello everyone. I am Leon".

Everyone smiled. We all said our quick "hellos" before Leon started flapping his wings. We all watched as he flew around the room making small satisfaction chirps. He was probably glad to be stretching his wings.

Out of nowhere Blaise stood up and his wings soon came out. I'm assuming he let his Veela take control as well. Ryker then made a chirping noise making Leon look at him.

After Harry started helping Blaise with his wing Leon and Ryker became best friends. 

Leon swooped down and him and Ryker started chirping and cooing back and forth. A few minutes later Ryker and Leon faces us.

"Hello, I'm Ryker, Blaise's Veela. It's nice to meet you. Us Veela's have the power to override our human if necessary. I just did that so if Blaise doesn't remember what happened or is angry that is why. Hopefully we can talk later." Ryker said before his wings disappeared leaving a very dazed Blaise. He sat down confused before looking around.

"What happened?" He asked looking at me. At this point Harry took control back from Leon and sat down.

"Ryker wanted to talk to Leon so he took control for a bit." I said while Blaise nodded. Harry took this as a cue to keep the game going.

"My turn! Let's see... Bill! Truth or dare." Harry asked while staring at Bill. Bill chuckled and answered.

"Truth. I'd be crazy if I ever let you dare me to do something". He said making everyone chuckle. Harry thought before looking down.

"You don't have to answer this, but... what's going on with you and Fleur? Why isn't she here?" Harry asked. Bill froze. Harry started to panic and apologize like crazy but then Bill started talking.

"No it's fine. Well Fleur said she didn't want to hangout with my family because they were "crazy"." He said rolling his eyes. Charlie scoffed and I rolled my eyes as well. Bill then continued.

"Also I'm pretty sure she's... cheating on me. We haven't done the "thing" in like 5 months and she's 2 months pregnant. She said I forgot we did it, but she's never home anyways." he said while looking down. We all heard sniffles and looked to see Harry crying. He quickly wiped his tears and jumped over to Bill. He hugged him tight.

"I'm so sorry I asked!" Harry said while he kept crying. Bill hugged him back and let a few tears stream down before saying that he was ok and telling Harry that he could go back to his seat.

Harry crawled back to his seat but ended up cuddling into Draco instead while he ran his fingers through Harry's hair. He kissed his head before Bill kept the game going.

"I kinda have a... question for everyone. Is that ok?" Bill asked.

"Well this game was basically to just get to know each other so I don't see why not." Conner said.

"Ok well what's everyone's sexuality? I'm bisexual." Bill said with a smile. We all nodded before I started.

"I'm gay." I said while squeezing Blaise's hand he smiled up at me.

"Demisexual. " Blaise said next.

"I'm gay as well." Harry chuckled.

"Pansexual." Draco piped in.

"Asexual." Charlie said when it was his turn.

"I'm bisexual." Conner said.

"We are-" Fred started

"Gay." George finished. We all laughed at their antics. Then I turned to face everyone.

"I guess no ones fully straight here, huh?" I said. We all laughed before I spoke up again.

"And there is nothing wrong with that." Bill laughed his eyes sparkling.  I was glad he looked so much happier then he did when he first got here.

"Is it alright if I resume the game?" I asked. Bill gave me a thumbs up as the rest either nodded their heads or said "yeah"

~My Mate~ ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu