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Wins P.O.V

I'm sitting here in my room just scrolling through my feed. Today is the first day in a couple months that I've had the day off. I usually work all the time just to keep myself busy for whenever I'm not with my friends or family, but today is different. I'm off and I have nothing to do. My only two friends since high school New and Off are both out of the country with family, and my own family went on a retreat without me. Thinking I'd be working, they didnt invite me. So, here I am sitting on my bed in my sweat pants with a bag off cheetos next to me just scrolling through my insta.

I've never realized how lonely I actually am, I mean I spend most my days working then with my friends or family and at the gym if I have time. Maybe I should find someone to help feel this void, I've been feeling kind of empty lately like I'm missing something and thinking of that makes me feel a little depressed.

So what do I do when I feel like that? Head to the gym. If I'm being honest I haven't been in a while, I've been working hard these past couple weeks, so the gym has been the last thing on my mind. so since I have nothing better to do I might as well pay a visit to the place.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom for a quick shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. I head to the kitchen to make a sandwich and protein shake, I grab my gym bag and the rest of my stuff, put my shoes on and head to the door. The drive was quite relaxing it made me feel a little better, the weather outside was nice and the sky was filled with beautiful white fluffy clouds and there was little traffic I kind of felt at peace.

I get to the gym and make my way inside, this gym specifically is my favorite it's kind of exclusive you can only be inside to work out if you are a member and the price for the place is a little high but they have the best equipment and trainers so it's really worth it. Right now there are only 20 something members then the 3 trainers, so the place is legit.

I get inside and greet the lady at the front desk and make my way to the locker room as I'm putting my gym bag up I notice locker 27 has been reserved that means a new member or trainer has joined, I put my stuff away and head out to where the equipment is, getting in I see my gym buddy mike hes been here longer than me and is usually always here working out I met him on my first day when I couldn't make a certain machine work, after that we became friends and started having meals together after we get done at the gym.
" hey mike" I say as I approach him and get on the treadmil.
"Oh, win I haven't seen you in a while did you finally find a girlfriend" he teased
" No" I say with a fake frown on my face "my lover has yet to come"
" well maybe it's not a women but a dude " he says with a big grin on his face
If I'm being honest I never thought of if my lover would be a boy or a girl. I've never been in a relationship but I've found many girls attractive so I just assume I'm straight but it doesnt matter I don't think I'm good enough to be with a man. A man has needs and I am a very bad workaholic.

"Maybe for you that works but I dont know for me"
Then as mike is about to say something someone comes out of the office with the owner of the gym laughing like there is no tomorrow. I honestly thought it was kinda cute, I guess it's the new member of the club I wonder what hes gonna be like. Then I snapped out of my gaze when I felt my treadmil speed up and almost knocking me off my ass.
"MIKE" I screamed
He started laughing "hahahaha....sorry man...was...just trying to snap you back into reality...did you find your dream man?" He asked
"What?" I asked confused
"You were staring hard for a while" he said with a huge grin on his face and just as I was about to yell at him Tay the owner of the gym starts talking.
"Hi guys if I may have your attention please, I'd like to introduce a new trainer to our gym now he may be new but he is experienced so if any questions dont hesitate to come to him" then tay turns to the new member to give him a signal to speak.

"Hi everyone my name is Bright Vachirawit like tay said if you have any questions please feel free to ask me thank you." Then he smiled and look around the room, then when he turned his head me and him caught eyes for a split second and for that second I felt my heart pound as if it was going to jump out and run to him. I started to feel hot and a little nervous so I started running on my treadmil to take my mind off of it, as a few hours past me and mike where rounding up and bright was making his rounds introducing himself to everyone I stared a couple times but only when I thought he was getting close to me and Mike.

I saw 2 girls I knew from the gym were whispering and giggling, I guess they thought he was cute my thoughts were slowly interrupted when bright came towards me and mike with a wide smile on his face.
" hi guys I'm trying to make my rounds to learn everyone's name so..."
"Hiii I'm mike and this is my very nice friend win" he says with a goofy smile.
Bright chuckles and holds out his to shake Mike's then he turns to me and I slowly take my hand out to shake his. It felt kind of magical, his hands felt soft and warm and like they first perfectly in my hand. I looked at our hands and he looks at me and mike.
"Its nice to meet you too"
Um...nice to meet you to what brings you here to the gym" I asked trying not to be awkward and just stare at him.
"Well I just moved here from Chiang Mai and met up with Tay me and him actually go way back and he offered me a job since i was a professional trainer already, and well here I am." He laughed
"Well I hope that you have a great time here and you're able to experience the full Bangkok experience." Then I chuckled and bid him a good say and try walking away when out of nowhere I hear mike talking to bright.

"Hey bright me and win always get some food after working out together would you mind joining us?" And at that moment I felt the urge to kick him in the knee, why would ask bright to join us all of a sudden, I look terrible and I'm covered in sweat I dont want him to see my like this. WAIT why do I care about the way I look I usually dont when I go with mike and why am i nervous to hang out with him could I like him? NO! I'm just nervous because girls will probably be looking at me.
"Yeah I could use some more friends anyway I mean tays great but he cant be the only one" he chuckles "I'll let you guys freshen up and I'll be out front waiting" and he walks away. Mike grabs me and rushes me to the locker room and I stop to look at him.
"Why'd you invite him out with us do you like him?"
"No, but I know you do" he said with a wide grin
"What? How I just met him?" I said confused
"Dude you were litterly staring at him sense he first introduced himself, you were blushing everytime he smiled and you may not have realized is but you looked upset when those girls were laughing with him" he said
"I was not upset or staring at him he just happened to be everywhere whenever I turned my head." I honestly didnt think I was staring much but he just kept popping back up in my head and his smile was just so mesmerizing I couldn't help but feel something, I guess you could say I'm attracted to him but like him? No it's too soon and I dont even know the guy.

" come on win" he winned "I'm trying to help you find your lover"
" listen I may be attracted to him but I just met him i cant like him, so stop playing jokes and let's just be adults here" I said with a stern voice
"You know....being an adult means doing adult things too"
And then the urge to kick him came again and this time I did it.
"OW!!...Whatd you do that for?" He cried out
" for being and idiot now come on we need to hurry I'm hungry" I said
"You sure you dont want to hurry so you can see your husband?"
"MIKEEE" I screamed and I chased him.

Hi guys, this is my first story so if you like it please let me know. I'll try to upload daily but I also have school and stuff but I hope you like it, I honestly dont expect this to blow up much but I'd just thought why not do this while I have to the time. Anyways hope you enjoy 💕. Thank you.

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