Chapter 22

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Meredith rummaged through her closet, she was looking for her maternity scrubs. She didn't remember needing them as fast with her other pregnancies but this baby was getting so big, especially for just getting out of her first trimester. She groaned loudly as she couldn't find the bag of maternity clothes anywhere.

"We are going to be late Mer," Derek said as he peaked his head in the closet.

"I know! My clothes don't fit, my boobs have grown two whole sizes and I am only fourteen weeks," she huffed from the ground.

"We can get some later, you are just going to have to wear what you have. The kids are going to be late," he said before disappearing. She huffed, grabbing a shirt and jeans. She had to use a hair tie to button her jeans. She had to sit down, she was quickly out of breath now. This pregnancy was kicking her ass. She stood up, looking in the mirror. Her belly shining prominently through her clothes. She couldn't hide the bump anymore, this baby wanted to be shown. She threw her hair up and quickly hurried downstairs.

"Wow," Derek said, looking at her. It was like she grew overnight, he hadn't noticed how big she had gotten.

"Hush. Now let's go," she grabbed a coat, throwing it around her shoulders. It helped cover the bump from the side but you could still definitely see she was pregnant.

"Mom, you are huge!" Scarlett said. Meredith quickly threw a glare at her daughter.

"Scarlett, you never tell a woman she's fat," Derek said something before Meredith could.

"I'm fat now!" Meredith irked.

"Not what I meant," he was quick to reply.

"No mom, your belly is big. Is the baby going to come out soon?" Scarlett asked.

"Not until July," Meredith sighed, not sure if she could make it that long. She felt like a whale already, she could feel herself start to waddle.

"Today is Lexie's release day," Derek said, changing the subject.

"I know. She is going insane in the hospital room. She's ready, I know it's killing her not to walk but at least she's alive," Meredith sighed. They rounded the kids up into the car, they were ready for summer time.

"Any interesting surgeries today?" Derek asked, hoping to make Meredith feel better.

"The usual. When I chose general I did it because it was easy, like a second nature. I hate to admit but it's became boring," she stated honestly. It was the easiest specialty for her to raise her kids with, she was settling.

"Have you thought about any kind of research?" He asked, knowing how passionate about medicine she was.

"I mean, I was reading this diabetes treatment my mother was working on before she got sick. I thought about continuing research but it was kind of confusing the method she was using. I know medicine has changed a lot since she first started that so I might take a look at it again," Meredith contemplated. She wanted something different in her work, it was something she had thought about before Charles died but after he did, it was like she had to shift her whole life.

"You should," he smiled over at her.

"I just don't know. With the kids and the baby on the way, I don't want to put everything on you," she said honestly to him. Scarlet and CJ were her kids, they weren't his responsibility.

"Meredith, it will be fine. I can handle it. We are a partnership and I want you to follow your dreams and be happy," he grabbed her hand and squeezed confidently. She looked at him, tears coming to her eyes. She couldn't believe how supportive he was of her career. She could remember the words of her mother.

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