"Hi everyone!" Linh greeted. Just as I predicted, Dex replied with a hi first. I sat down and we started talking about the history test we were all taking. Apparently, since this test was a mid-year exam, it was supposed to be taken by all the students in the school. 

"I'm super nervous about it. I'm not the best as history," I said. 

"Me neither," Tam agreed. But I knew he was just trying to make me feel better since he always came out first in his class for history. But I didn't mind because it really did make me feel better that he cared. 

"Well, at least if we all fail, we'll get to spend another year together!" Keefe exclaimed. 

"I'm pretty sure that won't happen..." Fitz assured. "Unless... Wait, Keefe, you studied for this, right?" 

"Uhh," Was Keefe's non-reassuring answer. 

"Keefe! You do realize this test is like 30% of our history grade?" I asked. 

"I... Do now?" Keefe answered hesitantly. Tam sighed. 

"You are so failing..." Tam told him. 

"Tam! What did we talk about?" Linh scolded. Tam rolled his eyes. 

"Being nice and stuff." 

"No! Not nice and stuff! Just nice," Linh corrected. 

"What if you wanted to be nice AND helpful?" Tam asked. 

"Um... Let me think about that..." 

"Well, I'm never gonna do that so no need to think about it," Tam said while shrugging. Linh crossed her arms. 


"Okay, why don't we go back to the real issue here. And that is that Keefe is going to totally fail this test!" I exclaimed. 

"Eh. Don't worry! I have a photographic memory so I pretty much remember all the boring stuff my teacher told me about," Keefe tells us. Fitz raised his eyebrows. 

"What about all the stuff he went over while you were DITCHING?" 

"Uh... I'll just wing that part then. I'm sure I'll get a passing grade!" 

"Well... You don't just get a passing grade without studying..." Marella said. 

"Marella is right. But considering that you've made it this far without any studying and lots of ditching, I guess you have an okay chance of passing," Dex added. 

"See! Listen to Dex! I have an OKAY chance of passing!" Keefe exclaimed. 

"Is anyone else worried about how enthusiastic Keefe seems about having an OKAY chance of passing?" Sophie asked. 

"Yeah, but we stopped caring a long time ago. I mean when it comes to school, he just kinda does his own thing..." Tam replied. 

"You just mean you stopped caring about my grades, right bangs boy?" Keefe asked. 

"Um... Sure. Let's go with that..." Tam responded, just before the bell rang. Keefe still looked really confused as we all headed off to our first classes. Mine was history with Linh and I was not looking forward to it. My stomach did flips as we walked out of the cafeteria, down the hall, and into the classroom. 

"Good morning Miss Linh and Miss Biana," Mr. Ryan, our teacher, addresses. I nodded in response and took my seat. A few minutes later, the classroom was filled with students and Mr. Ryan began class. 

"As you all know, today is the day of our History Unit Exam. Once I pass out the test, there will be no talking or getting up from your seats. You may have two pencils and an eraser, anything more than that is strictly prohibited." I gulped as Mr. Ryan started handing out tests. Since this was a mid-year exam, the whole school would be having an extended history class first until our break, then our English exam next until lunch. After lunch, we had a math exam until the end of school.  

I stared at my test paper and quickly glanced at the clock. It was 8:15 am. That gave me roughly about 2 hours to finish the test. I took in a deep breath and read the first question. 

The rest of the class time passed fairly quickly, as I swiftly shaded in the correct letter, answering the answer after answer after answer. Nearly 2 hours later, I finished just in the nick of time as Mr. Ryan called time and dismissed us. My heart was still racing as I walked out the door with Linh. 

"That was hard," Linh told me. 

"Definitely," I agreed. "I almost didn't finish in time!" 

"Don't worry, I'm sure you did great! And if you took the whole class time to finish it, it just means that you were extra careful with making sure you chose the correct answer!" Linh's positive energy calmed me down a lot as I began to relax. I honestly didn't how Linh was so energetic, optimistic, and happy all the time. 


"No problem!" Linh answered. "After all, that's what friends are for." 

A/N Yes! Another chapter is done! Thank you so much for reading, and I just want to say, I appreciate every single one of the nice comments you guys leave me! I love reading them! Also, we're almost at 500 reads! I can't believe it, I never thought this story would even get that many reads after it was finished! So thank you to all my readers and please vote or comment down below if you liked this chapter. Thanks again to everyone reading this, and see you in the next chapter!

Love at First Sight: A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now