Sequel and thanks :]

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Okay so basically, this is me telling you about the sequel and thanking people, I know there will be people who will just be like 'who fucking cares' and skip it, but there is something very important and extremely rare at the end so it would mean the world to me if you read it.

Firstly I want to thank some people. Most importantly is my absolute best friend and literal life saver @thewayoftheloser if you ask me I've put her through so much shit she doesn't deserve in what like three weeks, but she stuck by me, because she is so brilliant. I wouldn't have been able to do this without her, she gave me a few ideas and she literally saved my life simply by talking to me. I literally can not thank her enough, my special dildo faggins, you are the best friend I've ever had whether I've met you in person or not, thank you.

Obviously I couldn't possibly end this book without thanking my wattpad wifey @1st-steps-2-rebeling I don't think I need to say more because I say it a lot, but I will anyway. For a person who I know isn't the happiest of people, you do a wonderful job of making me happier and it means the world to me. Your dedication to this book, to helping me and to the ideas in this is unbelievable I can't thank you enough, but I will try thank you for being here and being strong and making it, and for commenting because it makes my day.

Now this person I tell them 24/7 that I love their comments, their referencing, everything, but I shall tell you and them again, @Awkward_Soul thank you, your comments they really do make my day, everyday without fail. Your referencing is unbelievable, I don't know how you do it, but you do and it's amazing, so thank you thank you!!

I also want to mention @ISeaechForSolace she talks to me a lot and thanks me for this, well no thank you! And thank everyone who reads this, if you didn't read it I wouldn't write it would I?! Also go read her book! It's a Frerard teacher student, called No One Can Know so go read it and tell her it's really good because she won't believe me.

I can't thank everyone because there are so so so many of you, but I will say thank you to the following people who are so amazing and they read every chapter with comments which make me smile and make me so happy. Thank you every SINGLE person who reads this book or comments or votes but here's a special mention to a few.








But remember  I thank every single one of you so much!!

Now this is usually the bit where I would tell you the alternate ending I had planned and other ideas that I didn't manage to get in, but I won't do that because there is a huge possibility they will end up in the sequel. Also there is no alternate ending because...well it's not the end yet.

Anyway talking about the sequel, its it confirmed that I shall be calling it.....drum roll.....My Way Home Is Through You. Now because I'm so nice to you, I have actually got the prologue virtually done, so if I get the cover sorted then you might just get the proluge by the weekend. But definitely by Monday :) So yeah I will try to get that out as soon as I possibly can and knowing how indecisive I am just to make what I just said pointless, knowing me it will be out by tomorrow opps.

Please, please stay a few more minutes because there is something really really important I have to say. This is going to bore your beautiful minds to death and nobody even cares, because you want to read frerard not about my petty little life, but I'm going to tell you something very personal in the hopes that it helps any of you going through the same things. Don't feel liek you have to read, you don't it's stupid and you won't even care but I can't express how much I love you and I just want to help you and make you happy, so if you would let me help, let me help you feel better I would appreciate that so much, so yeah here it goes, this is the first time I've opened up this much somewhere so public but I will to help you beautiful people.

I have severe clinical depression, it effects every single thing I do, all my relationships all my trust, even my personality. A friend told me they cut themselves and it helped them, so I suppose you can guess where this is going but I tried it in the hopes it would help, for about two minutes it did and then I just got addicted and honestly it has ruined my life FOREVER, I refuse to ever show my arms stomach or legs. When my best friend killed herself a year ago, it got so much worse and I have been suicidal ever since, I still haven't stopped for good and I'm still suicidal, but I talk to my favourite person on this planet and my best friend @thewayoftheloser and she has helped me so much.

Why am I telling you this? Why am I ruining your good day with such a depressing story? Because I know that at least two people who read this (you know who you are) cut too, and I NEED every single person to know how much I love you all, how it honestly does not help, everyone says it, I know  but it's because it's true; it really is like a drug, it ruins you forever but you just can't stop but with help you can and you will. I have the best person I could ask for to help me as much as I try to help her (though I don't do anywhere near as well) and I want you to know that any of you feeling suicidal, depressed or self harming, please try not to let someone help, let me help I will I will drop everything to help you guys and I'm sure you will help each other you are such fabulous people and I know each one of you can do it.

The song I tagged - please don't cut - MikelWJ the singing isn't great, it would be much better if Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Brendon...and so on or @thewayoftheloser sang it, but the point isn't the singing it's the lyrics, the lyrics are what I want every single one of you to go and read and listen to right now because they are true. You know they are because no matter what you tell yourself I tell you all, all the time that I love you and that's because I do and others do to I swear on my life, so please believe me, I'm here for you and you should be there for each other please talk to someone. NEVER EVER let suicide be the answer, I've been there, I've attempted that, I'll be honest I did only two days ago but y'know what happened, @thewayoftheloser happened, she made me realize that people really honestly do care and that they really do love me like I love them.

So hear me out this may well sound like another stupid cliche suicide story, but it's not over, I know that, I'm still cutting sure, but I can help you just like I'm being helped and I want to help you so please listen to the song and believe it, because I never want you to feel like I feel. I want you all to feel like you have someone as wonderful as I have and I will be that person to help you give you advice (as best I can) but I want you happy.

Now that was the longest most boring shit ever and I bet you there are only like two people who have read that, but that's fine I don't care you two people are those people who care enough and are trying enough to want help and I want to be that help if I can be. I love you.

Sequel is My Way Home Is Through You. I love you thank you for reading. :]

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