Chapter 31

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I decided to leave both Gerard and Kyle sleeping happily where they were for the night, if either woke they could come to bed, but otherwise they were happy and comfortable, I saw no reason to disturb them. However I didn't sleep very well, I just couldn't get comfortable, I was either too hot, too cold, or just couldn't get physically comfortable. It fucking sucked, but I couldn't do anything about it.

Eventually giving up on trying to sleep, I made myself a second cup of coffee before finding something productive to do. Just as any normal person would do in the middle of the night, I picked up my guitar and began to write a song, because that's normal people do at midnight on a Monday or you could say Tuesday. It all came pretty easily, they all flowed, fitted and made sense, but only when I had finished did I realize what I had been writing about.The first verse really pissed me off, I worked out that Mikey was trying to break us apart.

Sleep deprivation does things to people, makes you less aware, you don't think about what you're doing, just as I didn't. In a fit of annoyance, I picked up my phone, texting Mikey angrily, I was pissed off that he would really do that, I struggled to believe it but that's what annoyed me more. I thought Mikey was a good person, although he very clearly hated me, I respected him and yet he turned around and told Gerard not to be with me. Everything I thought I knew was a lie.

Of course this could just be me, I could have just been a gullible idiotic little shit, or he was the shit. I preferred to think it was him, he was a lying asshole pretending he was someone he wasn't. I hated to believe that he really was that person he appeared to be then who did Alicia think he was? The same person I thought or the person Gerard made him seem? Because whichever it was Alicia deserved better, unless of course she wasn't who she seemed either.

Maybe nobody was who they seemed, maybe everything was just lies, maybe everything means nothing, all lies. Nope that's ridiculous, start thinking like that and I would be back to square one, back to trusting no-one. However I didn't feel I could trust Mikey and I certainly didn't like the idea that he was hoping to break Gerard and me up.

Me - I don't quite no why you hate me so much but I don't see why you have to make him cry

I didn't want to approach to rudely, but I wanted to make sure he knew exactly what I was on about, but I wasn't really expecting an answer, not at this time anyway.

Mikey - Frank?

Me - Yes. Did you really do that, he was in tears.

Mikey - What do you mean? When?

Me - Don't even bother pulling that on me.

I put my phone on my lap throwing my head back, not only was the son of a bitch going to try to ruin what kept both Gerard and I happy, but he was going to deny making his brother cry. There was no way he could've not heard it, they were shouting, I could hear the crying from outside. What sort of sick bastard does that?

I froze when my phone started ringing, I was surprised to see Mikey's name and number appear on my screen, but I picked up anyway knowing he would have good reason for ringing me.

"I just don't get it Mikey," I whisper yelled down the phone, I slipped out of bed going into the en suite so I could talk normally without worrying as much about waking Kyle and Gerard. "Why the h-" I started, before he yelled for me to shut up.

"Frank, I seriously have no clue what you mean." He exclaimed, I sighed deeply trying not to get annoyed, because I couldn't believe he was actually going to try this on me. "Look, listen to me, I don't hate you, sure I am still unbelievably pissed off at you for what you did to Gerard but I don't hate you."

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