Chapter 19

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As quietly as I could, I unlocked the front door hearing some music from the living room, slipping my shoes off and lining them neatly up with the door, I also removed my jacket hanging it on the coat pegs. Following the music, I headed towards the living room soon identifying the music as Smashing Pumpkins, interesting. There was no other sound of any sort coming from the living room except the occasional deep exhale, actually sounding rather like a snore.

On the couch, were two adorable sleeping figures, Gerard and Kyle. Although Gerard was about three times bigger than Kyle, they both looked the same age sleeping peacefully, looking beautiful in the process, both of them.

I didn't dare disturb them, so I walked over the the turntable lifting the needle and turning the whol thing off, I slipped the record back into the sleeve and put it back on the shelf. Somewhat baffled as to why they had chosen to listen to it on a record, I laid my phone and keys down on the table making my way into the kitchen. Flicking the switch on the coffee machine, I listened to the sound it made roaring into life as I retrieved a mug from the cupboard.

When I think about it, this; being stood alone in silence, never really happened, I have never lived on my own. Well not exactly, I did live alone for two months but even then I wasn't alone I was sharing a flat with an ex-employee above the strip club. I moved in with Katie after only being in New York two moths, knocked her up, nine months later she's shitting an alien, a.k.a giving birth. The whole of my teenage years was spent with me dreaming about how I was going to move out as soon as I possibly could, I would have a nice apartment alone, do whatever I wanted, work in a record or coffee shop and eventually meet someone, surprisingly I even hoped to have qualifications. How did that one work out Frank? Oh that's right, it didn't you ended up as a Dad at nineteen, dick move, in a matter of speech and literally because it wouldn't have happened had my dick not been moving.

"Sorry, we fell asleep, apparently." Gerard laughed from behind me, he scared the living shit out of me, and I jumped spinning round not expecting it.

"No, no I was kidding anyway you don't have to make me coffee, I'm just glad you got some sleep." I smiled as he walked over to me, I turned back to the counter pouring my coffee and one for him. I rested my head on his chest as he stood behind me and slightly to my right, leaving the coffees where they were to cool down a little. "Where's Kyle?" I asked suddenly realizing he was with Gerard one minute and now he wasn't.

"Oh, I put him to bed, he's still asleep, i-is that ok-"

"Yes dumbass, of course it's okay." I rolled my eyes turning into him, he snaked his arms around my waist smiling down at me. "We love you very much Gee."

"We?" He raised his eyes looking at me as if he thought I had said the wrong thing.

"Yes, we, Kyle and me, you heard him last night he said he loved you, he said he wanted you to be his Mommy," I laughed thinking about Gerard as a Mother, cooking in a dress and apron, is it weird that I picture that being hot? "I can tell you that he doesn't just sleep on anyone like that, in fact he only slept on Katie when he had little choice, or was ill." I smiled widely, Kyle said he loved Gerard, and I know my son, he does, not as much as I do, but that's understandable and a different type of love, never the less he loved Gerard and I could see it.

"Yeah?" I nodded mumbling a yes as I stood on my tip-toes to kiss him, linking my arms around his neck. Lifting me up onto the counter, he deepened the kiss keeping his arms wound tightly around my waist. "You love me?"

"Yes stupid." I laughed playing with the ends of his beautifully red hair.

"I'm just so important you'd do anything for me?" He questioned. I wasn't quite sure whether he was trying to seduce me, or ask me a serious question, but he needed to make it clear because I was getting mixed messages.

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