Chapter 21

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"You didn't actually just forgive him and get straight into his bed did you?" Vic asked sounding rather disgusted in Gerard, he was proving hardest to seek forgiveness from.

"I forgave him yes." He said simply as if telling Vic to fuck himself and stop being such a douche.

"I'm sorry Frank, let's just forget it shall we?" Kellin suggested, "I want us to be great friends again anyway." Kellin smiled standing up and shaking me hand before bro-hugging me.

"Thanks man that's great." I smiled patting his shoulder.

"Don't you think Vic." Kellin hinted at Vic raising his eyebrows telling him to agree. Vic grunted and nodded not looking particularly convincing.

"So you a thing now?" Hannah asked nudging my arm suggestively a smirk on my face.

"Yeah dating a divorce man with a kid that's just how I do." Gerard joked freezing and smiling apologetically when everyone glared coldly at me in utter confusion.

"Say what now?" Kellin spat his mouthful of coffee out across the room staring at me.

"Nice one Gee." I grunted rolling my eyes into the back of my skull. "I tried to forget everything so I dated some girl, who I may or may not have gotten pregnant." I shrugged acting like it wasn't one of the stupidest decisions of my life.

"Wait so you left us all and quite literally went and lived a whole other life?" Vic asked looking rather a lot more pissed off at this point, also very upset and offended.

I didn't reply to that just let Gerard answer the rest of the questions, until they all knew everything about Kyle and Katie. It's a terrible feeling being sat with people who were once your best friends and now they are all probably judging you and definitely disappointed in you. I couldn't tell you quite how awful I felt, I was just so embarrassed, I thought when I ran into Gerard that was embarrassing, I thought that would be the hardest part. Turns out I was very, very wrong, the hardest part was everyone else, the hardest part was trying not to think about how much of an idiot you were and how much your friends are shocked and probably disgusted by you.

Sighing and trying not to cry, I looked down at my lap, still holding the frozen peas to my crotch - which was still rather...tender. Gerard seemed to notice my embarrassment and general unwillingness to participate in anything resembling being sociable, and rubbed my thigh reassuring me, it was as if he was trying to tell me he was still here, he still cared and he loved me all the same. It made me happy to think he felt like doing that. Smiling at him with gratitude, I placed my hand over his, happily joining our hands when he linked his fingers with mine, I don't really think I deserve to be treated the way this beautiful man treats me, but I can assure you I will spend the rest of my life trying to treat him the same way, or better (if that's possible.)

"Kyle's getting a cousin." Hannah smiled sitting down next to me while Gerard and the other guys were having some confusing conversation about technology.

"If you mean you're pregnant, then you mean second cousin." I chuckled smiling at her meeting the beam on her face, except as soon as I had finished talking her face weakened a little.

"Well, yeah I-I am bu-"

"Oh my god, that's awesome, I'm so happy for you." I exclaimed, that would be why she looked somewhat fatter than I remember. My face lit up with excitement, that's one of the few things that surprised me about myself when it came to it, I seemed to love babies, not something I would expect from myself, probably my most female trait, loving baby's. "Can I host the baby shower, oh and I wanna be the godmother." I joked, "And I mean godmother." I laughed, stopping abruptly when I noticed her laughing wasn't met with a happy face, actually a seemingly worried one.

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