Founders Day

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^Evangeline's Outfit^ (LOOK AND THAT STUNNING DRESS LIKE LIKE IHSNEedebjdbeid)
I'm going to take a little bit of a break after this season. Maybe a month then I'll begin the 2nd season (Big twist). The second book will be season 3 and 4. That is when I'm ending this story. Ik, kinda sad but I don't want to be working on this for 8 months. First two parts of my other book I'm working on will come out today.

"Evangeline, stop slouching when you walk, it makes you look awkward in that dress," Elena ordered me as we walked to the school.

"In that dress, you'll give Stefan and Damon a thrill. You look exactly like Katherine," I told her, looking at her, up and down. He hair was in a bounce curl style and her dress fit her figure perfectly. She looked gorgeous and I looked 'awkward'.

"Damon is in love with you, not me," she said bumping into my shoulder.

"Speaking about the Salvatore's, I see them right there... staring at us," I waved to them with a obvious fake smile and Elena curtsied. Elena ran over to Stefan with a smile and shortly after, it faded. I walked up to them. "What are you guys talking about?" I ask.

Elena began "John Gilbert is my father."

--Jeremy POV--

"Anna, what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked into my room.

"I'm leaving town. The only reason I came here was for my mother and she is now dead... because of your Uncle John," I look at her, confused. "You can come with me. You wanted to be a vampire right? Well here is a container of my blood." Before I could even blink she was gone.


"Jeremia!" I ran over to Jeremy who was coming to the school with Aunt Jenna. 

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that a few months ago," he told me.

"You did but that does not matter. Supposedly I'm still one of the runners up for Miss Mystic Falls so I have to go one one of the Founder's day floats. I need a date."

"I can't be your date because I'm one of the floats too. The battle of willow creek heist the outfit. Ask Tyler," he told me.

"Fine," I marched off and headed to Tyler. He willingly agreed to be my date and we headed onto the float. At the top of the float was Caroline and Matt. Next to them was Elena and Stefan. I can't even believe Elena is my cousin. Tyler held his hand around my waist and it made me feel a little awkward. I tried to tugg his big hands off gently and he didn't get the clue. The float set off and I saw Bonnie in the audience. I waved to her with  big smile on my face. Next thing I know it, Damon steps in front of her with a big smirk on his face. He waved to me. I dropped my hands, letting Tyler's hands rest on my waist. Damon's smirk died from that and a smirk grew on my face. Damon turns to Bonnie a started to talk to her.

--John POV--

"So how does this device work?" Mayor Lockwood asks me. 

"It sends a screeching sound only vampires can hear for exactly 5 minutes. Whoever reacts when the fireworks start is a vampire. We will lock them into the old Gilbert's office and burn it down."


I walk into the Grill after the parade, in sweats. I attempt to head over to Jeremy but I bump into Damon. "Excuse you," I say trying to get passed him but just bump straight into him again. 

"Evangeline, we need to talk," he told me.

"About the fact that you loved Katherine, my sister and now me? No," I bump into his shoulder, purposely when I walk away. I head to Jeremy but somehow Damon grabs me hand. I turn to him. "What!?" 

"I never actually loved your sister, I was just fantasized by her looks... and how much different she was from Katherine." We stare at each other for a hot minute but I came back to my senses. 

"Just... leave me alone," I march away and finally sat next to Jeremy. 


During the fireworks, I stood in the Grill with Caroline, Tyler and Matt. Mayor Lockwood came up to Tyler and said "You guys have to leave now. I have no time to explain." He marched off. Everyone exchanges confused looks.

"You heard the man!" Caroline said.

"I.. I have to go find Elena," I rushed out of the Grill to see Stefan on the ground, holding his head. "Stefan!" I yelled as I headed there. Elena was panicking. 

"Th-the device. It's been activated," Elena stuttered.

I gave off a nervous laugh. "Impossible. Bonnie did the whole spell thing," Elena shrugged her shoulders.

"I got this one," Alaric rushed over to us. He dragged Stefan to the alley behind us. 

"Where's Damon?" I asked nervously. Elena and Alaric just stared at me as Stefan lied on the ground, in pain. "Hello?!" I shake my head in disbelief. Alaric's head turns to Uncle John who is standing in front of the old Gilbert office thingy. I bit my lip and rushed over to him. "Hey dick face, where is he?" I glare at him.

"Rotting," He pointed to the building which smoke was coming out of.

"What would your daughter say to burning her boyfriend's brother?" He looked at me, shocked. I took that as a disadvantage and headed into the building. I heard screams of pain coming from the basement. I opened the steaming door to see a bunch of bodies burning. That included Anna... and Mayor Lockwood?! He couldn't be a vampire, that isn't possible. 

I stared at the Mayor until I heard "Vangi?" I see Damon in a far corner. I rushed over to him and grabbed his arms. 

"C'mon! C'mon!" I yelled as I struggled to the door with him. I coughed from the smoke. We finally arrived outside of the fire to see Elena, Bonnie and Stefan waiting. I plopped Damon onto the ground and hugged Elena and Bonnie. 

"Bonnie kinda... helped in return for not helping," Elena told me. I gave her a confused look. "Long story."


"Thank you for driving Elena and I home," I said to Damon. We came from the hospital because Tyler, Matt and Caroline somehow got into a car crash. Supposedly something weird happened to Tyler. "It means a lot." 

"Well um... you saved me tonight. That means a lot too. I just... I just want to say thank you," he told me. 

"Your welcome," I grinned and was about to walk inside with Elena until Damon grabbed my arm. He kissed me softly on the cheek. He looked back up to me with his crystal blues. I couldn't handle myself anymore. I took a hold of his face and leaned in down to my lips. I kissed him. I wasn't anything serious, just a peck but butterflies grew in my stomach. I let go of his face and smiled. "Goodnight Damon," I say.



And that's a wrap. I hoped you enjoyed! I'll keep you updated for season 2! 

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