You're Undead to Me

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^Evangeline's Outfit^

Dear Diary......

What do I even say in this. Damon and Stefan both probably know I know and might be out to kill me. Or maybe, they are fleeing town like I said. I put my diary down and got up from bed. I walk into my bathroom and there is Vicki Donovan brushing her teeth. Okay... guess my brother got the girl.

"Sorry, I'm almost done," She says.

"Take your time!" I say with a smile on my face. I read somewhere you can trick your brain to think your happy and in a good mood if you smile, like a lot. I throw on some outfit and head downstairs.

"Um, are you guys aware whats going upstairs?" I say as I enter the kitchen.

"Yep." Jenna says. Elena giggles. "Oh and I wont be home for dinner, I gotta date with Logan Fell."

"Ooo. Fill me in on the details when you get home. Oh and Elena, did you hear from Stefan?" I ask.

"Not since 3 days ago when he left a message saying 'Hi. Um, I um.. have something I have to do. I'll explain in a few days.' and I'm not going to call him back." Elena tells us. So... he took my offer under consideration? 'Explain in a few days', meaning he'll come back. Unless he has another issue to worry about. I said flee town, not ignore everyone... something else is happening. As Elena blabbers on how she her world is not going to stop spinning because of some guy, I think of all the explanations Stefan isn't leaving. 1. Elena. Maybe he has such a love for her for some reason he can't leave. 2. Damon. 2a, He is teaching Damon a lesson of some sort. 2b, Damon is forcing Stefan to stay. 3. He thinks I'm some stupid girl who won't do anything and is only distancing for a little bit, but like what is that gonna do? I do feel like this is Damon related though... whatever I honestly 1000% percent do not care about Damon at all like get out of my life already and make sure you take your brother with you. Ugh.. but that gorgeous face though.. nope, no he fed on Caroline, and killed Mr. Tanner. No.

--Stefan POV--

"He's locked up in the basement now. He's been there for 3 days. He will start to desiccate, become a living corpse. Damon wont be able to hurt anyone now." I tell Zach. "For some reason he keeps saying 'Evan knows'. I don't know what that means."

"Where are you going?" Zach asks me.

"School. I can't keep hiding from Elena." I tell him.

"Why haven't you called her?"

"I couldn't lie to her, again, but she'll find out if I don't. So I have to. And.."I look down at my watch, "I have to go to school now." I head out the door.

--Bonnie POV--

"I remember the party. Damon was kissing my neck, biting my neck. I passed out. There is like holes in my mem..." As Caroline kept talking, I starred down at a candle. Maybe Evangeline is right, I am a witch. No... I refuse to believe that. "What are you doing with that candle?"

"Um... Nothing." I said as putting on the table beside Caroline's bed. I pick up a crystal necklace on the table. "What's this."

"Damon gave it to me, or he was going to give it to me." said Caroline as she took it out of my hands. She puts it on to a coat hanger by her window.

We arrive to school and Caroline talks to some girls about the Sexy Suds Car Wash tomorrow. I go up to Elena's locker and talk to her.

"Unbelievable." Elena says as Caroline passes us. "It's like nothing happened."

"She's in denial." I reply. Stefan comes up to Elena and I leave. I might put on a good face but he honestly scares me now even though Damon is the bad brother.

Evangeline Gilbert~ The Vampire Diaries- season oneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora