The Turning Point

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^Evangeline's Outfit^

Yo, it's episode 10! My plan is to be done with the first part by November 10th or so. (That would mean it would take me around a month to complete a part.) My plan is to have 2 parts in this book. I'll be done around Winter break and then I would write my second book, done by spring. I'll probably take a month break then and start the book I've been thinking to do. Luv you guys, and I hope you enjoy this episode!

--Damon POV--

"So where are you thinking you will go?" I ask Stefan.

"I don't know, London maybe. You?" I take a sip of my bourbon. Where would I go? Someone rings at the doorbell before I answer. Stefan rushes to answer it. I can tell he hopes it's Elena but instead it's Sheriff Forbes. "Hello, Sheriff." he puts on a smile but a ounce of sadness shows through him by the way he stood.

"Hi, can I talk to Damon?" she asks. I push past Stefan and put on a grin.

"Sheriff, what a surprise." I say, taking both my hands out gesturing that I'm surprised. (I know, a little repetitive but I couldn't think of any other words.) 

"Sorry to be a bother, but we need to talk, more uh... animal attacks."


"Jeremy had his draw pad out. That compulsion Damon did on him is  really turning him back into the old self." Elena told me as carrying he book bag down.

"That's... good," I say. Jenna walks into the kitchen. 

"Logan fell is back in town," Jenna sighs. I thought Damon and Stefan killed him. I guess not... or they did. There was another animal attack in the news this morning, obviously Logan wasn't the reporter. Nah... he can't be a vampire. Whatever.

Elena, Bonnie, and I head to school. "How far am I out of the loop?" I say looking at Caroline and Matt being all friendly and flirty to each other.

"They have been hanging out. She needs someone nice like him," Bonnie told us. "So how are things with Stefan?" Bonnie head turned a little more towards Elena.

"He left. What am I supposed to do?" Elena aggressively shoved her back bag in her locker.

"I mean, maybe it's a good thing. What future would you of had with him? He's vampire, your human." I told her. She looked slightly offended because it wouldn't work out. The sign for career night fell down. It said 'Promise Our future.' I chuckled.

"Bonnie did you just do that?" Elena asked.

"No, I swear I didn't." The bell rang and we headed to class.

--Stefan POV--

"Thank you for stopping by!" When Damon closed the door, I rushed over to him. "I didn't kill that person, Stefan. I wouldn't make it so obvious. There is another vampire in town. I don't think we can leave just yet."

"How are we supposed to find him?" I asked.

"Let the adults handle this." He patted my shoulder and walked out of the room.


I walked up to Matt and Tyler after school as Elena talked to Stefan. "Hey guys!" I say. Tyler throws me the basketball.

"Let's see if you still have those skills from middle school," Matt grinned. I dribbled the basket ball and I threw it in. It spun around the hoop once or twice and landed in.

"Nice shot." Tyler took the basketball as it fell. "So what's up with you and Forbes?" His head turned to Matt.

"Nothing's up," Matt's grin turned into a goofy smile.

Evangeline Gilbert~ The Vampire Diaries- season oneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora