Children of the Damned

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^Evangeline's Outfit^

Her hair is dyed because I wanted to give her more pizzazz  so yeah.

"Damon!" I heard Elena scream.

"If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it," I heard Damon reply. I was downstairs the old Salvatore boarding house. Elena said I should come over for breakfast even though she was still in bed with Stefan. Damon comes down a little later.

"Why are you here? Whatever, I don't care but um your on journal duty with Elena." I give him a confused look. "Remember? Stefan, Elena, and you are going to help me get Katherine back so that I leave Mystic Falls. Egro, I need you to get the GILBERT journal, Evangeline GILBERT. It shouldn't be that hard."

"Wow, you really go through a lot to ge a woman back that was playing you. Didn't she like Stefan more? I mean she brought him to the founders party, not you. When she knows Stefan helped you with this, she'll most likely praise him, not you. You're actually doing for nothing." I inform him. 

"Do you honestly think that's how it will play out? Okay, sure she'll go for Stefan but then she'll realize he is with Elena now and she will go back to me," His voice got higher.

"As a last resort. To me, Katherine sounded like a maniac so she might even kill Elena by the time she circles back to you," Damon got tense.

"Ang!" I saw Elena walk down the stairs. She grabbed my arm, and pulled me outside. "What the hell are you doing?! We want him out of town, not to stay. We are just acting if we are helping him until he leaves."

"Well, why did no one tell me about this? Oh I know why, your world has been too busy with Stefan in it that you forget that your sister is in it too. Wake up Elena, our lives aren't what they used to be. They are in danger now, and you don't even want to tell Caroline or Jeremy or Jenna! Honestly, you wouldn't tell me either if I didn't already know and the fact that you didn't tell me about this, gives me evidence." I quietly scream at her.

"I don't want to complicate anyone's life!"

"So you rather want them dead than angry because you brought them into this?"

"I rather give them a choice of knowing and not but I can't ask them 'Hey do you want to know about vampires and witches?' Evangeline, just get over yourself. This is for the better." She walks away, bumping my shoulder. Bitch.

--FLASHBACK- 1864--

--Emily POV--

Bitch. Katherine was such a bitch, carrying both Salvatore's with her like dogs. "Hello, Katherine. I came to inform you that Pearl came to visit. She is waiting downstairs." I told her. Beneath her, on the bed, was Damon. Last night, it was Stefan.

"Thank you, tell her I'll be down in a moment," Katherine said getting up. Waiting downstairs was Pearl with her daughter Anna. They came to tell Katherine they found vervain in a scent Honoria Fell was selling. They were catching on to the fact that there is vampires in this town. Pearl wouldn't let anyone know her secret that was shared also among Katherine. 

--Present Day--

--Anna POV--

"Is that the Gilbert journal?" Ben asked coming back from the bathroom. I looked down at the grimoire.

"Does it look like the Gilbert journal to you?" I dialed on my phone Jeremy's number. It was sent to voicemail. "Hey..  I was just wondering maybe we can hang sometime soon. Call me." I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Ben asked.

"Jeremy Gilbert." I flipped through the pages of the grimoire.

"You don't have a thing for him do you?"

Evangeline Gilbert~ The Vampire Diaries- season oneWhere stories live. Discover now