Family Ties

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^Evangeline's Outfit^

I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of crickets and the air conditioning. I jump out of bed and go outside to the hall. Downstairs, I see a shadow fly across the hall.

"Elena? Jeremy? Jenna?" I ask. No reply. I walk downstairs to hear the television.

"I'm Logan Fell, here to report another animal attack. This animal came to claim another student, Evangeline Gilbert." This is a hallucination. I'm alive, no vampire has killed me. I'm asleep. That must be it.

I wake up in my bed perfectly fine.

—Stefan POV—

I wake up from a horrifying dream and see Damon sitting on my desk

"Bad dream?" He asks "You know how easy it was to get into your head just now, you really need to feed on human blood." I supernaturally speed over to my table and throw a knife into Damon's chest.

"Okay, I might of deserved that." He say pulling the knife out of his stomach like nothing just happened. "Did you see the news this morning, they caught the mountain lion that was a attacking everyone. 'Deadly beast caught!'"

"Why would you cover your tracks?" I asked him.

"I decided to stay awhile, and well I'm just having way to much fun with you and the Gilberts." He answers.

"Well you can't touch Elena now," I tell him.

"Maybe not Elena. Maybe Evangeline is my target. Even if you do give her vervain, some girls can't resist my good looks, my style, and my charm, my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift" Damon takes the knife and shoves it in my stomach. As I'm in pain he says looking at his shirt with a stab hole in it "this is John Varvatos, dude. Dick move!"

I pull the knife out of my stomach and it heals instantly.


"The animal terrorizing mystic falls (fells church- book reference) has been caught." The news reporter says.

"Scum fall, scum bucket." Jenna says.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask.

"Him, the news guy also known as Logan 'scum' Fell. Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from mystic falls?" Jenna asks Elena and I.

"Oh no way. You and him? He's cute." Elena says. As Elena and Jenna talk about Logan Fell, I think. I think about the fact I know about vampires. I told Bonnie and she believed all of that but not the fact that she is a witch. Whatever. The worlds a crazy place and my sister is dating a vampire. Maybe I can get Stefan to 'move away' so that Elena won't be stuck in all of this. I want her to be fine and I also want Jeremy to be fine too. That one is a work in progress. Elena pulls out a box of old family heirlooms. She has to loan some of the stuff to Mrs. Lockwood for their heritage display.

Jeremy walks into the kitchen and asks "How much do you think this stuff is worth on eBay?"

"You're not going to find out," Jenna says to Jeremy.

"That stuff is mom and dads. You can't just give it away," Jeremy tell them.

"They aren't giving it away, it's called a loan for a reason." I tell Jeremy. Today I'm not in the best mood, kinda explanatory. The door bell rings, and it's obviously Stefan. Why else would Elena rush to open it? My heart skips a beat. He literally can kill me in a split second. They rush upstairs to make out. Sweet Jesus, I allowing myself sister to date a supposed-to-be-corpse.

—Caroline POV—

I put on a yellow dress and turn around to show Damon.

"No yellow. Jaundice. Go for the blue." He tells me.

Evangeline Gilbert~ The Vampire Diaries- season oneWhere stories live. Discover now