Setting the table

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Keith's POV

Lance fucking McClain is my mate. How did I get so lucky for him to be all mine??? I feel my face and neck heat up and I burry my face into lances chest to hide my blush from him. We've been cuddling for what feels like hours, but I don't care this is the most amazing feeling ever, other than kissing him.
"Keith whats wrong?" He chuckles and runs his long fingers through my hair.
"Nothings wrong I'm just trying to comprehend how I was so lucky to get you as my mate..." he let out his beautiful laugh and I smiled stupidly. What they hell happened to me after realizing he's my mate? My brain's gone all soft.
"I'm the one who's lucky. What did I do to get you all to myself?" I laughed as he squeezed me and nuzzled his head into my hair.
"Mmm maybe we're both lucky."
"Yea..." just talking to him was pure bliss. If I died right now I would be happy, cuddling with my mate

"¡Lance baja las escaleras es hora de cenar!" Rosa, Lances mom called upstairs. Lance groaned and rolled over so he was on top of me.
"I don't want to get out of bed. It's so nice just cuddling here with you babe." Babe? Not that I didn't like the pet name but it was so unexpected I feel like I'm about to explode from happiness and and embarrassment.
"I don't want to get up either but you're crushing me." I managed to wheeze out from under the muscled up alpha.
"Keith you wound me, I'm not that heavy." As he said that he lifted himself so he was propped up on his elbows his weight resting lightly on my body. Ok so this position was way worse. I could feel everything like all my nerves were hyper aware of the alpha on top of me.
"Uhhh Lance....."
"Mmmh, what's up babe." He smirked down at me knowing exactly what he was doing. I glared at him not enjoying being teased. All he did was laugh and lean down to connect our lips in a soft kiss.

When he disconned our lips I sighed not liking the space between us.
"I like you so much Lance Mclain." Not it was his turn to blush, although it was kind of hard to see under his tanned skin tone.
"I like you a lot too Keith..." he placed a kiss on my forehead and then rolled off of me and got up. "But if we don't go down for dinner soon my mom will come up here and drag us down." I looked at him not knowing if he was kidding or not. I decided not to take the chance and rolled out of Lance's bed. He grabbed my hand and lead us down stairs to the kitchen.

"Lance, empezar a poner la Mesa." Rosa told her son not noticing me next to him. "Keith! You must stay with us for dinner!" Rosa grabbed my hand and lead me to sit down a the big table, dragging Lance behind me. I looked to Lance for conformation that it was ok for me to stay a little longer. He rolled his eyes at me as into say "of course you can stay longer idiot" and smiled at me.

"Thank you Rosa I'd be happy to stay a little longer." I grinned at the older woman and she patted my shoulder softly. She turned on her son shooing him away to get plates and silverware I think. She followed him into the kitchen leaving me alone in the dining room, feeling a little out of place. Being in such a warm and love filled home was new for me and I couldn't help feeling like I was an outsider intruding on their life. I figured with my fingers waiting for Lance to come back, I just wanted to be near him. He makes me feel so calm every time I'm around him.

*in the kitchen*
Lance's POV

I can't believe I'm actually going to have a family dinner with Keith. With my mate. This is amazing, the best day of my life. I need to hurry up and get these dishes Keith is probably really anxious right now.
"Mamá voy a poner la mesa con Keith." I called to my mom as I shut the kitchen cabinets. She rounded on me so quickly I almost missed the movement. She may have been about a foot shorter than me, but my mom was super scary when she wanted to be.
"Detente ahí mijo." I stopped not wanting her to grab her chancla.
"Yes mamá?"
"Ese chico de ahí afuera, es tu novio?" She gazed at me waiting for an answer. I almost dropped the plates I was holding from the shock of her sudden question. At least she doesn't look angry, I think. I really hope she doesn't get angry once i tell her....
"Sí, es mi novio." I felt myself blush and smile at the word, boyfriend (novio). I probably looked like a love sick fool to my mom. She stared at me wides eyed.
"KEITH!" She shouted into the dinning room.
"Mamá what are you doing?! You're going to scare him!" All she did was shush me. Oh god, oh god, please don't kick him out, I pleaded in my head.

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