You ok?

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Keith's POV

I walked into my house and literally fell to the floor, my knees giving out and my heart racing from Lance being that close to me. I sighed, probably sounding like a love sick school girl. Not that it was that far from the truth. On top of it all I could feel my face spreading into an uncontrollable giddy grin. Lance Mclain was going to be the death of me.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" I called out into the dark and empty house as I stood up on weak legs. There was no response but a light flicked on in the kitchen, I followed the light wanting to tell my parents good night before I went to bed. I peaked around the wall into the kitchen and saw my dad, his back facing me, a beer bottle in his hand.
"Dad...?" I questioned, a little wary now. It was never good for me when either of my parents drank. I barely had enough time to duck as the beer bottle my father was holding sailed towards my face. I wasn't fast enough and it nicked my temple before smashing loudly into the wall behind me.

I looked up at my father's face. His eyes were bloodshot and his facing was turning from red to purple in pure rage.
What did I do? I thought as I frantically tried to get away from my father's approaching figure. He grabbed my arm so hard that I was sure there were going to be bruises in the morning. His nails dug into my upper arm as he pulled me closer.

"You little whore." he whispered in my ear. My face went pale, this voice scared me way more than shouting. It reminded me of lotor, and I began to send out distress pheromones hoping somebody could get my father off of me.
"What do you mean?" I whispered my voice shaking on the way out.
"You dumb bitch!" he slapped me across the face. "Lotor called after school today to tell us he was worried about you."
Yeah right. Jealous more like...
"He said you had gone off with some alpha boy to do who knows what, who knows where."
"He was helping me study!" I sounded scared and desperate even to my own ears. Where was shiro? I screamed in my head.

"Studying?" my father scoffed. "I bet you tried to get with that alpha because you're a disgusting omega whore who just needs a dick to feel satisfied." he whispers in my ear, his voice nearing a growl.
"No." My voice is firm and I growl at him. "Omega's aren't sex toys! We are people! Your lack of respect for me is disgusting. Some father you are." I spit at him and rip my arm out of his grasp. I run upstairs to my room slamming the door behind myself. I feel the tears from my fear and angry start to slide down my cheeks as I slide onto the floor letting my head fall on my knees. I sat there crying for what felt like hours before I finally pulled myself into my bed, letting myself be consumed by the heaviness of sleep.

I felt awful the next morning. My head hurt where the beer bottle had clipped me, and there were in fact bruises from my father's hand on my arm. Shiro had probably slept over at Adam's last night, I thought as I rolled out of bed to get ready for school. I walked down the hall to my bathroom to assess the damage from last night and to check on my older bruises, basically checking what I needed to cover up for school. It was too much of a hassle for me to have to explain where all my bruises and cuts came from, make up wouldn't solve everything.

The bruises on my neck were better than they were yesterday, more red than purple, a turtle neck would do the trick for covering them. The bruises on my shoulder and rib cage still looked awful. I poked at them cautiously and hissed in pain, there was something wrong with my ribs for sure. I would have to get pidge to bring me to the doctor after school today. I pulled out my black turtleneck, a brown sweater, and some black skinny jeans. The outfit looked nice and the jeans accentuated my curves, my lips tilted up in an almost-smile as I looked at myself in the mirror.

By the time I had gotten downstairs my parents had already left, and shiro was at Adam's so that meant I was on my own getting to school. Not that I minded of course, it gave me a chance to ride my motorcycle again. I loved my motorcycle more than I liked most people. Shiro had gotten it for me when I turned 16 and showed me how to drive it instead of a car. My parents and Lotor hated it when I rode it, 'riding a motorcycle is not something an omega should be doing' I rolled my eyes everytime they said that, it was my life and I was going to do whatever I wanted with my motorcycle.

The ride to school took less time than it did with Shiro because he drove like a grandpa. I didn't have a student parking spot so I parked the motorcycle on a side street where most of the overflow student parking was. I tried in vain to pat my hair down as I walked into school, but the dark mess of waves wouldn't bend to my will. I groaned, I probably looked like I had stuck my head in a dryer this morning instead of using a hairdryer.

I walked into my first period, art, and sat down waiting for Mr. Coran to start class. He smiled at me politely and motioned for me to come over to his desk.
"Yes sir...?" I wasn't sure what he wanted to talk to me about, had I done something wrong?
"Keith, I wanted to talk to you about the last assignment I had you do..." he trailed off looking at me kindly. I raised my eyebrows at him.
"What about it?"
"Are you ok my boy? That painting seemed very emotional and personal and I just wanted to check in with you." a grimace flashed across my face but I hid it quickly not really wanting to discuss this with my teacher.
"I'm fine sir." I gave him a fake smile. "It was just for the project. You said paint something emotional, so I did." my tone sounded harsher than I meant it to, but Mr. Coran didn't seem to notice. He nodded at me and I sat down as more and more people filled the art classroom.

~~ time skip ~~

It was finally lunch and I was walking to the cafeteria with Pidge, she was chattering on about her computer science class, I nodded along but it just sounded like another language to me.
"Keith is everything ok?" I looked over at Pidge and smiled a bit ruefully. She was observant.
"Not really Pidge, just family and Lotor stuff." She growled. Pidge was the only one I've told about the whole Lotor and my dad thing, the beating I mean.
"I'll kill them!" her tiny frame was shaking in anger. I shook my head at her.
"I don't have enough money to bail you out of jail." I shrugged at her and she laughed. We walked in silence for a little bit.
"Can you take me to the hospital after school today? I think there's something wrong with my ribs." She gasped and then glared at me and lifted my sweater and turtleneck up so she could see the bruising.
"What the hell keith?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?? Actually let's go to the nurse right now!" she pulled on my arm which made me wince. She had pulled on the one with the bruised shoulder. "Another one?" I nodded looking down
"But I don't want to go right now, so can you please just take me after school and not tell anyone please? I don't want anyone to worry, I'm fine." I reassured her as we walked into the cafeteria. She shot me a sad look as we sat down at our table but nodded as the rest of our friends headed over.

Matt, Adam, and Shiro sat down right after us talking about the senior prank and what they should do. Matt suggested that they put the principle car on the roof, but Shiro and Adam disagreed saying it was basic. Matt pouted the rest of the lunch period, I tried my best to comfort him but just ended up laughing. The only people missing now were Hunk and Shay.
"Where do you think Hunk and Shay are?" I asked Pidge. She waggled her eyebrows.
"Probably making out in some janitors closet." I punched her lightly.

Not long after that Hunk and Shay showed up looking, much to my dismay and Pidge's enjoyment, like they had been making out in some closet. Both of their clothes were creseasd and rumpled and their hair looked absolutely disheveled.
"Everybody," Hunk called out to our table, "This is my mate, Shay!" Shay blushed and hid her face in Hunk's chest.
"So you guys were making out!" Pidge screamed running over to hug the happy couple. I giggled remembering that a person could only know somebody was their mate after they kissed for the first time. That's how I had known Lotor was not mine.

"I'm so happy for you both." I said as they sat down next to me. The chatter of the table resumed seemed rejuvenated with the happy news.

Hey everybody! Sorry it's been a while since my last update, I've had a bad case of writers block but I really wanted to write today so here's an extra long chapter :) I hope everybody is staying safe and don't forget to comment and vote!

- author 💜

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