Not my mate

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Ok I'm going to warn y'all now this is a very heavy chapter. TW rape. I'll indicate where that starts with * * *

Keith's POV
I had to take a deep breath to steady my nerves before walking into the dark house. I could only hope that I was right and that my parents really were asleep so I didn't have to explain where I had been the whole day. I knew Lotor would have told them that I wasn't with him if they asked....
The house was quiet as I walked in, I shut the door slowly and as quietly as possible just in case. Unfortunately luck was not on my side tonight. It all started with that one creaky floorboard that I always forgot...

As I stepped onto the creaky board at the end beginning of the stairs, the light flicked in in the kitchen. Shit... I stopped dead in my tracks trying to make myself disappear.
"Keith." The voice was low and monotone, my father. He wasn't yelling which terrified me even more than I already was. If he wasn't yelling that meant he was really angry and I was as good as dead.
"Yes?" I called from the bottom of the stairs, no running away now I guess.
"Kitchen now." I sighed and turned around to go to the kitchen. As u in stepped into the blinding light of the kitchen u could now truly see how livid my father was. He has a vein pausing on the side of his head and his face was so red I could have mistaken it for a very angry tomato. "Where. Have. You. Been?" This was a trap. He obviously knew I wasn't with Lotor. If I was he wouldn't be so angry.
"Uh I was at my...uh...tutor's house. He was helping me with an art project..." the excuse, although not technically a lie, fell flat.
"why is your chemistry tutor helping you with art?" My fathers voice was steely and it sent shivers up my spine in the worst way possible.

"WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO GO TO ANOTHER ALPHAS HOUSE OMEGA?" His screaming seemed to shake the house. He was real sing so many angry alpha pheromones that it was becoming incredibly difficulty stand up.
"I'm almost 18 I didn't think I need anyone's permission to go to a friends house." Calling Lance just my friend felt wrong. I wanted to tell everyone how amazing he is and how he is my mate and how much I lo- like him. I was so caught up in thinking about Lance I almost didn't price my father stalking towards me.
"YOU FUCKING OMEGA SLUT! WHERE YOU FUCKING THAT OTHER ALPHA? THAT ALL YOUR GOOD FOR ISN'T IT? WHY ELSE WOULD HE WANT YOU AROUND?" He grabbed the collar of my shirt and shook me roughly. I could feel the spit from his yelling splattering on my face.
"I WAS NOT FUCKING LANCE!" I felt a hard slap to  my right cheek. That'll leave a bruise...
"WHO DO UOU THINK YOU ARE YELLING AT ME, AN ALPHA? YOH ARE AN OMEGA, KNOW YOUR FUCKING PLACE!" With that he shoved me so hard I feel to the ground. He put a restraining foot on my chest making sure I wouldn't be able to get up. "You will learn your place tonight you filthy omega whore. You have a promised Alpha, there is no reason you should be at another alpha's house." He voice had gone back to being quiet and fucking terrifying. I could see where this was going and I started to thrash under my fathers boot.

"No, no, no, NO, NO! LOTOR IS NOT MY ALPHA I DON'T LOVE HIM AND HE DOESN'T LOVE ME! HE'S NOT MY MATE! I DON'T CARE IF YOU WANG ME TO ACCEPT HIM I NEVER WILL!" I screamed so loud my throat felt raw afterwards. My father smiled down at me with a sadistic smile.
"I don't honestly care how you feel omega. As long as you two produce powerful heirs I could care less about trivial things such as love and your emotions. As for your mate, a stupid omega whore like you probably doesn't even have one. And if by some miracle you do, once they find out about you and how much of a slut you are they will reject you." Each word he said pierced my heart like a knife. Because what if he was right? What if Lance did reject me once he found out how fucked if I am and how much fucking emotion baggage I have. And what will he do once he finds out I'm not a virgin, not by choice of course? Shouldn't good omegas be virgins for their mates, isn't that what society says? I stopped my thrashing letting what my father said sink in.

"Good, so you understand?" I said nothing, just laid there waiting for my father to release me. "SPEAK!"
"Yes." No Lance isn't like that, right?
"Good. You still need to learn your place though, omega, so something like this doesn't happen again and stain our reputation." Learn my place? Is he going to beat me again or something? "LOTOR!" My father shout up the stairs and I finally understand.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"NOOOOO. NO, NO, NO!" I'm screaming in earnest now.
"SHUT UP!" My father pushes harder into my chest making screaming harder but I push on. I don't want to be raped by Lotor. It's so fucking different now with Lance being my mate. Our bond is so new I don't think he will feel it but it's like cheating! And the day we found out we are mates. I'm going to throw up.

"NO PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! HE'S NOT MY MATE. NO PLEASE NO!" I'm sobbing now as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and getting closer. I can smell the heavy, nauseating scent that Lotor is putting out. I think it's meant to make me submit to him. I gag. Tear streaming down my face and snot running out of my nose I can only hope I look so disgusting Lotor will leave me alone.
"Keith." Lotor croons and I fight the urge to vomit. He walks closer and squats down to look me in the eyes. "What a mess you are. No matter you'll look even more disheveled when I'm down with you." He goes to caress my cheek but I snap my teeth at him. My omegan instincts coming out to protect me from this alpha who is NOT my mate. Lotor growls and grabs my hair roughly.
"You dumb bitch!" My father let's go of me and I try in vain to run out of the kitchen but Lotor grabs me before I can make a run for it. "You are coming with me and I'll teach you your place omega." He hoists me up and throws me over his should as he walks towards my bedroom. I kick in scream hoping someone, anyone will hear me. But I know they won't, the house is sound proof for this very reason, me screaming.

"LET ME FUCKING GO LOTOR!" I growl, my tears are gone leaving only my terror fueled anger.
"No." We reach my bedrooms and he kicks the door open and throws me in the bed. Thankfully he keeps the lights off, not that he needs them with his heightened alpha vision. "Strip." He says it as if he actually expects me to do it. I still in the bed still as a statue. He growls band stacks over to me pushed me down hard and ripping off my clothes, literally. I spit curses at him and he punches my side causing me to lose my breath. "Good nice and quiet like an omega should be." I hiss at him.
"Fuck you." I can hear him taking off his belt and hear his pants hit the floor. In one last desperate attempt I try to run as he is distracted getting undressed. But before I can make it to the door he has grabbed me and shoved me back into the bed on my stomach. "I DON'T WANT THIS! LET ME GO!"
"I don't care what you want omega you are only here to give me pleasure." And with that he pushed into me. I screamed, it hurt so bad I thought I was going to die. He was tearing me apart, I could feel the blood trailing down my legs. The tears came back full force and all I could do was struggled and cry as he used me. He pushed in and out roughly grinned as I gaged. My heart felt like it was breaking. I felt so dirty and disgusting, a failed omega. If Lance knew I was so used he'd never want to see me again.

Lotor's assault on me probably only lasted about 5 minutes but it felt like hours. When he was done he zipped up his pants, patted my cheek and said, "I hope you learned your place." With the remaining energy I had I spit in his face. His face grew angry and he kicked me in the ribs. The pain was intense but I didn't regret spitting at him for a second. He left my room leaving me to clean up. I tried to stand up to go clean my self but the pain in my backside was too much to bear. A few stray tears slipped out and I decided to just curl up in the floor and sleep. I couldn't bear the thought of sleeping in that retched bed. With that I fell into a restless sleep filled with nightmares of white hair and blood.

Hey y'all I'm back it's been a minute. Thank you so much for all your support. I know this fanfic doesn't have regular updates, I am a student, but I thank everyone for sticking with me and my story. This chapter was really hard to write ngl I cried a bit, but I needed the build up to add conflict to the story and to klance. As always let me know about spelling or grammar errors and I will do my best to fix them! I appreciate all of your comments and votes they really do mean the world to me, thank you everyone!💕💕
- author 💜

An omega's plan (hiatus) (don't know when I'll be back) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon