Its somebody I know?

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Lance's POV
I walked away from the raven haired boy, a smile on my face. I know I should be pissed off that he talked to my girlfriend that way, but honestly it was kinda hot... And plus it's not like Allura and I are that serious, I mean we've only been dating for like a month or something. I don't know what it is about that little omega, any other dude I would have socked in the jaw for talking to Allura like that, but with Keith all I wanted to do was laugh and hug him.

I walked into the locker room, a stupid grin still on my face, and my mind filled with Keith.
"Damn! Whose got you lookin' so fucking whipped Lover boy?" Rolo came up from behind me, a huge smirk on his face.
"What? Nobody! I'm not whipped?!" I shoved him off walking to my locker to change. I could feel my face heating up a bit. I had been thinking of Keith and Rolo thought I looked whipped.... it should be that way with my girlfriend, not some dude that I tutored, and maybe that I think is a little bit hot.
"Come one dude, you've got a dopey ass grin on your face, something's up." He waggled his eyebrows at me while I ignored him. "Alright so, is it Allura or some other sexy lookin' omega?"

"Shut up Rolo."
"ITS NOT FUCKING ALLURA IS IT? YOU FUCKING PLAYER!" He shouted and a few other of my team mates looked over, probably trying eavesdrop on the tea. "Come in which omega finally caught your attention? I knew it was only a matter of time, Allura is a beta after all." I scowled at the boy.
"What does her being a beta have to do with anything." Rolo looked at me like I had completely lost my mind.

"Dude, you're an Alpha. Think about how it looks when you're dating a beta that's not your mate, I mean nothing against it or anything but you could do so much better." What kind of fucking bullshit is this guy spouting, I thought to myself. " Omega's are prettier, more feminine, and most importantly the sex is so much better."

"Is that what it comes down to for you, how good the fucking sex is?" Slamming my locker I turned and growled at the other boy. He looked at me raising his eyebrows.
"Uh yeah, isn't for you?"
"I don't care that Allua is a beta I'm dating her because... I like her."
"And I don't really give a shit about the whole omegas being better and prettier and all that. I don't like Keith because he's super fucking hot, or that his hair is super soft, or that his lips are so plump and kissable. I like him because he's funny and creative, and an amazing artist." I was panting by the time I was finished with my rant. Rolo looked at me shocked.

Oh dios lo que dije! (Oh god what did I say) ah shit, shit, shit, shit.
'I don't like Keith because he's super fucking hot, or that his hair is super soft, or that his lips are so plump and kissable. I like him because he's funny and creative, and an amazing artist.'
Damn it, I did not just shout that to the whole entire locker room. But of course I had.
It took him a moment to compose himself but Rolo finally managed to find his stupid looking, shit eating grin.

"So Keith Kogane huh? Well I didn't think you were really into emo people, or guys for that matter but whatever I guess."
"Uh no I'm not into him like that." My whole face burned, I hoped my tanned skin helped to hide a little bit of the embarrassment.
"Sure you're not. I guess I can see it, he does have a pretty nice ass..."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I grabbed him by his collar and slammed him into the P.E lockers. " Don't you EVER fucking talk about him like that."
"Jeez McClain, possessive much? He's not even your mate, AND you're dating Allura. So technically he's free game." A low growl escaped from my throat.
"Don't you dare Rolo or I will make sure you regret it." He actually laughed in my face.

"Alright you do that, but I'm gonna get a good fuck out of it, so it'll probably be worth it."
And then I punched him in the nose.
Unfortunately for me that's when coach walked in. Rolo on the flier with a bloody nose and me looking like a pissed of Alpha ready to kill Rolo.

"Lance attacked me!" Rolo wailed from the floor, I shot him a dirty look and he shut up.
"Sir he was talking shit friend." Coach just looked at me, obviously not that interested in what I was saying.
"Rolo get up, Lance you are the quarterback, so get yourself together and get your ass on the field."
"Yes sir."
~~ Time skip ~~

"Mamá, estoy en casa!" I walked into the house the screams of my niece and nephew ringing in my ears.
"LANCE!" They ran right for me tackling me to the ground.
"Ah you've got me" *cue dramatic sigh* "how will I ever give all of you a hug when I'm on the floor?" They all laughed letting me get up.
"Mijo go wash up, we are waiting for you so we can eat, andale!"

I live with basically my whole family, all my siblings, Rachel, Veronica, Marco, and Luis. Along with Luis and Lisa's kids, Nadia and Sylvio. And of course mamá. 

I walked into my room changing out of my nasty sweaty clothes and into some sweatpants and a comfy t-shirt. By the time I had gotten down stair they had already started without me! Those heathens can they not wait five minutes for me to change into some comfy clothes??

"Mamá! You said you were waiting!" I sat down next to Nadia and Rachel.
"Slow pokes don't get dinner." Rachel stuck out her tongue so I kicked her in the shins under the table. She sent me an evil look as I pulled my plate.
"You two act more like kids than Nadia and Sylvio do." Marco shook his head while the kids grinned no doubt thinking they were better than me at something.

"And you've got a bit of a stick up your ass." I shot my brother a grin.
"No diga palabrotas, Lance, o le lavaré la boca con jabón!" My mom shouted at me trying to hit me from across the table with her Woden spoon.
"Sorry mamá!"

"Soooo..." the conversation, normally thunderous, was in a lul. Luis has spoken up. He was usually more relaxed and quite compare to the rest of us so it was a bit surprising to hear him speak up. "I had a kinda difficult patient come in today."
"Oh no, did some one try to stab you will your stethoscope again?" Lisa looked worriedly over at her husband.

"Haha no. This kid came in today and he was bruised all over and had some bruised ribs." Rachel, Veronica, Lisa, and my mom all gasped.
"Oh poor boy what happened to him?" Mamá looked so worried as if the guy was one of her children not some random patient Luis had today.
"Well his story is that he fell down the stairs or something, but I don't think that's what it is. He had bruised in the shape of hand prints on his neck, and just the way he was bruised was not like he fell down the stairs..."

"Wait so you think somebody did that to him?" I felt sick, nobody deserves that. Luis nodded at me. "What was this dude's name?" I don't know why I was curious I just had this funny feeling like I had to know.
"Well I can't tell you his name or anything like that, but I think it's somebody you know, or somebody that goes to your school. He knew I was your brother."
"It's somebody I know?"

Hey everybody, please don't kill me I know it's been a while I've had a major writing block and all that but I'm here now with a pretty long chapter to celebrate 🎉 Anyways don't come after me for the Spanish I'm using google translate. Also I know patient confidentiality is a thing but this is a fan fiction, so I'm gonna do whatever the heck I want so don't kill me for that please. As always I'm writing this in my phone so sorry for any mistakes feel free to tell me and I'll fix them! Love y'all
-author 💜

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