Step Out

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The boys entered a wide room, but instead of a concrete floor, it was a grass field.

"Welcome to the minefield."

Jin felt a pair of hands grab his shoulders and wrap a blindfold over his eyes.

When the rest looked over, however, the figure was gone.

"You must help Jin cross the minefield. Whenever he gets close to one, a red light will go off. Tell him how to get through. This will repeat for the rest of you."

"I'm sorry, did he say minefield??" Jungkook asked

"Oh, jeez, that's gonna hurt..." Hoseok mumbled.

"Ok, can we just get this over with??" Jin asked

"Ok, ok just...start walking forward," Namjoon said.

Jin started walking and the four saw a light start to blink.

"Stop stop stop!!" Yoongi yelled.

Jin quickly stopped and the light stopped blinking.

"Turn right."


Hoseok screamed and jumped and Jungkook covered his eyes.

Jungkook was the last one going over and he had seen his members get hurt.

The four of them had so many cuts and burns on them from the explosions. Jungkook was shaking just hearing them.

When Hoseok finally got to the other side, Jungkook was pulled back and a blindfold was placed on him.

"You ready, Kook?" He heard Jin call from the other side.

Jungkook stood there, silently. He refused to move or answer.

He wasn't ready. He was terrified.

"Come on, Jungkookie! You can do it! Do it for Jimin and Tae!" Hoseok encouraged.

Jungkook was still frozen in his spot. His hands started to shake and he couldn't think clearly.

Come on, Jungkook. You have to do this.

Jungkook forced his legs to move and start walking across the grass.

"Good job! You're good for now, Kook!" Namjoon said.

Jungkook continued walking. He walked slowly and carefully.

"Alright stop!"

Jungkook stopped where he was. He was still shaking and his friend's voices seemed distant.

He heard one of them say something to him, but it sounded muffled.

"W-what??" Jungkook asked

"Go left." He heard a bit more clearly.

He followed those directions and stepped to the left a bit.

"Alright, you can go forward."

He started walking again and after two steps felt himself step on something.

"Jungkoo-" someone tried to yell but they were cut off by the explosion that came.

Jungkook screamed and jumped back. He felt his leg was bleeding.

"You're ok, Kookie! Get up!" He heard Yoongi yell.

He didn't even realize he had crouched down until Yoongi told him to get up.

He tried to stand but he couldn't move. He didn't want to move.

"You're almost there, Jungkook, you can do this!" He heard Hoseok say.

He took a deep breath and stood up. He waited for further instructions from his friends.

"Ok, go straight."


By the time Jungkook was out of the minefield, he had about 3 burns and cuts on his body. It wasn't bad and he was grateful for that. He couldn't stop shaking, however. He knew it was over, but he was still in shock from it all. He just wanted to get out of this place.

"It's ok, Jungkook, it's over now." Jin comforted.

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