4. Pyrophobia

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Yoongi landed on a soft mat and knew he was in for it when he saw the light and felt the heat. He screamed and covered his eyes, too scared to even look at the hell he knew he would be forced to face, literally.

He uncovered his eyes and looked into the fire. It was way bigger than he thought it would be. He looked around the room for an easily accessible fire extinguisher. Of course there wasnt.

There's probably a door on the other side of the fire...Yoongi thought.

Yoongi looked around some more. He couldn't just run through fire. He would have to find a way to get to a fire extinguisher or water somewhere in the room.

The room was full of smoke and he knew he would have to do this quickly. He stood up from the mat and started to look around for anything he could use to put out the fire.

The lights spark and flicker with monsters much bigger than I can control now...

The fire was huge. Yoongi didn't know if just water would put it out. It was too uncontrollable for that. He had to find a fire extinguisher.

After looking on his side of the room he concluded he would have to go through the fire to find what he was looking for.

He was terrified, but would rather leave than die because of a fire.

He found an opening path and moved quickly, trying as hard as he could to avoid the walls of the flames.

As he got deeper the heat became more intense. He struggled to breathe and his vision blurred but he kept going.

Eventually, his hand dragged along an open wall and hit something hard. He looked and saw the red can. He grabbed it quickly and remembered what he learned from school.


Pull the pin

Aim at the base of the flames

Squeeze the trigger

Sweep side to side

The fire was put out in a matter of seconds.

"I guess I did learn something in high school.." Yoongi muttered.

He quickly found the door and left before the fumes of the extinguisher got to him.

The door lead to a steaming hot room. It looked like a sauna but felt way to hot to be one. He felt like he was in an oven.

"Hello, Yoongi. Welcome to your own personal panic room."

"What the fuck is this!?!" Yoongi yelled

"You will spend 10 minutes in this overheated sauna. If you're not burnt alive by the end, you will see your friends again."

"WHAT!? NO! LET ME OUT!" Yoongi screamed

He tried opening the door but he was shocked in the process. He pulled his hand away and rubbed it in pain.

Yoongi knew he was going to have to deal with the heat if he wanted to get out of there.

After about 5 minutes Yoongi couldn't take the heat. He pulled off his shirt and threw it across the room. He put his hands on his head and tried to control his breathing.

His vision was blurring and it was really hard to breathe. He felt dizzy and wanted to sleep.  He forced himself to keep himself awake though. He only had a few minutes left.

I can do this...I'm gonna get out of here...

Yoongi's thoughts were fuzzy and he was starting to lose it. He heard a click but was so out of it he couldn't acknowledge that it was the door.

"Yoongi hyung!?" He heard a voice say.

That's all he heard until he passed out. 

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