10. Trust Issues

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"Congrats. You made it through your first group...or most group...challenge. You're next one will be much harder."

Suddenly, they dropped and Namjoon was pulled into the side room.

The room wasn't all that exciting. It was tiny and there was a door right across from where they were standing.

"Behind that door is a maze. Your friend Namjoon has been taken to a room that has the map of the maze. Before he was dropped, Jin was given an ear piece and a blindfold. If Namjoon speaks, Jin and Jin only will be able to hear him. Jin must repeat back the directions given to him to exit the maze and the rest of you must follow those directions. There must be trust here. Jin must trust Namjoon is giving him the correct information, the members must trust that Jin is giving you all the right information, and Jin, you must trust the members are following your directions correctly. This requires teamwork, and if you fail, you 6 are stuck here. Namjoon on the other hand, has the option to leave whenever he wants. All he must do is leave you six here to navigate your own way out and walk out the door there is in his room. You six better pray he doesnt."

And with that the voice was gone.

"Is Namjoon hyung there?" Jin heard Jungkook ask

"I dont know. Namjoonie, you ok?" He asked

"Yeah I'm alright. The others cant hear me, can they?"

"No. Namjoon please dont tell me you're thinking of leaving us."

There was silence on the other end for a little while and Jin felt his heart speeding up. He felt a hand grab his. He didnt know who it was, as he couldnt see, but he tightened his grip on them.

"No. I'll be with you guys until the end. I promise."

Jin let out a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Lead the way, then."


"Joon?? Are you there?"

There was silence on the other line. They had been walking for a good amount of time and it seemed like they were making progress but Namjoon just stopped talking.

"Namjoon, please." Jin pleaded.

"Is he there??" He heard Taehyung asked

Jin shook his head. "Where are we?"

"We're at the middle of it. There are four ways to go." Yoongi answered

"Namjoon?? Can you hear me??" Jin asked again.

There was silence for a bit.

Then a scream.

"Joonie!? What's going on!?!"

"I'm so sorry. I didn't leave you I'm here. They changed the map."

"What do you mean?" Jin asked

"What's happening?" Jimin asked sounding startled.

"The map is different. Where are you guys?"

"Yoongi said we're in the middle. There are four ways to go."

"I think I see you guys...wait a minute."

There was silence for a bit and then Namjoon's voice came back.

"I see you. Jungkook is crying."

"Jungkook-ah, what's wrong? Dont worry, you'll be ok."

"How did you know-?"

"Namjoon can see us."

"HES THERE!!" Jungkook yelled happily.

"Ok, I found a route."

"What was that scream earlier? Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I think this voice thing is messing with my head. I was trying to call to you but I found the earpiece was shut off and the map had changed. I thought I lost you guys."

"Let's hope it doesnt happen again, then."


"Alright, Do you guys see a door?"

"Do you see a door?" Jin repeated

"Yeah. To the left of us." Hoseok answered.

"Yes. To the left of us." Jin repeated back.

"Ok, don't go to that door."

"Dont go to that door." Jin repeated.

"Why?" Jungkook asked.


"It leads back to the room we were in and our goal is to...you know, leave."

Jin repeated it back to the others.

"So where do we go?" He heard Taehyung asked

"I dont know. I think I have to wait for the maze to change again. Its changed 3 times in the last half hour. It might be changing to open up routes. Have you guys seen it change?"

"Has the maze been changing?" Jin asked

"No." They all said in unison.

"Well, maybe only I can see it then. The last time it changed was about 8 minutes ago. I have a clock on the screen. I think it's changing every 10 minutes."

"Is that why you kept going silent every few minutes?" Jin asked

"Yeah, every time it changes my mic shuts off."

"Ok. So in about a minute Im gonna expect you to go silent."

"Alright. Il-" Namjoon was cut off.

"What's happening?" Jimin asked

"Namjoon's mic shut off. Every 10 minutes the maze changes and opens up a new route."

"But the maze isnt changing."

"I think only he can see it change."

After a few minutes Namjoon's voice was heard again.

"Jin hyung?"

"You're back!"

"Yeah, the maze did change again. There's a new route open now. Is there a way to go right?"

"Can we go right?"

"Yeah." Yoongi answered

"Go that way."


"Namjoon, we're out...Namjoon?"

The 6 had made it out of the maze and were now standing in a small empty room as Hoseok had described. Namjoon was no longer answering, however.

Jin felt a pair of hands wrap around his waist and hug him tightly. He jumped slightly as he had no idea who it was, but then heard a familiar voice.

"You're ok." Jin said

"So are you." Namjoon said.

Jin let go of Namjoon and brought his hands up to the blindfold to take them off. He was able to see Namjoon in front of him and the boys running to hug him.

It was nice for a bit, but of course all good things had to come to an end.

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